Posted Under Tarot

A Guide to Intuitive, Psychic, and Traditional Approaches to Tarot

Tarot Cards and Tea Light

I often notice people using "intuitive" and "psychic" as if they're the same, but to me, they're completely distinct concepts. When someone talks about my "intuitive tarot" book, I usually explain, "It's actually a little more involved than that." I explain that, while my book starts with intuitive tarot, the main focus builds up to psychic tarot readings. This difference might seem subtle, but trust me, it's like the difference between feeling a hunch and actually seeing or hearing things from beyond. Understanding the distinct approaches to tarot readings begins with grasping the three-soul model, which I explore in depth in my book Psychic Witch and delve deeper into in my follow-up, Mastering Magick. The easiest way to understand the three souls is through the common motif of "mind, body, and spirit," relating to the "Middle Self, Lower Self, and Higher Self," respectively. While the three souls encompass more than just these aspects of self, they provide a foundational framework for understanding the differences between intuition, psychic ability, and traditional interpretation of the cards.

Unlocking your psychic potential with tarot involves understanding these distinct approaches that can transform your readings. As someone who has read tarot for thousands of clients—working at one of Salem's most iconic and busiest witch shops and within my own private practice—I slowly began developing techniques that greatly improved my tarot readings to be so incredibly specific, helpful, and accurate that I was consistently booked with clients non-stop. I originally safeguarded these techniques and practices that I used in my readings as personal trade-secrets. But now that I've devoted myself to teaching and writing and no longer read for the public, I thought it was time to share these practices with the world. In my book, The Psychic Art of Tarot, that's exactly what I do. I explore how uniting traditional tarot techniques with meditative, intuitive, psychic, and mediumistic practices can enhance your readings, offering unparalleled accuracy and insight.

Here's a look at the differences between traditional, intuitive, and psychic tarot readings, as I define them and as I approach them in my book.

Traditional Tarot
Traditional tarot readings are based on the reader's study and interpretation of the cards using traditional symbolism, numerology, astrology, and/or Qabalistic associations. This approach relies on the reader's Middle Self, utilizing established meanings, keywords, and correspondences for each card. The reader applies a mental database of knowledge to interpret the cards that appear in a spread. Grounded in the rich history and symbolism of tarot, traditional readings draw on centuries of accumulated wisdom and interpretation. The reader functions as a knowledgeable guide, offering structured and historically rooted interpretations based on long-standing tarot systems and archetypes. This method ensures the reading feels like a well-researched analysis, providing depth and historical context that the querent may appreciate. Traditional tarot forms the foundational basis for developing intuitive and psychic reading abilities. Understanding the classical meanings and symbols of the cards is crucial for building confidence and insight needed for more intuitive approaches. The focus remains on adhering to the classical meanings and interpretations of the cards, studying traditional texts, and practicing traditional spreads to provide a thorough interpretation of the querent's situation.

Intuitive Tarot
Intuitive tarot readings draw from the reader's Lower Self, tapping into gut feelings and empathic hits from the cards and the querent. This approach engages the reader's subconscious, relayed through emotions and physical sensations. Intuition means you know something without knowing why, as it comes from the primal part of yourself—your Lower Self's emotional and physical responses. Intuitive tarot focuses on interpreting the symbols, imagery, and feelings evoked by the cards and the person for whom you're reading. The reader's interpretations are shaped by their own subconscious landscape and the current context, allowing for a unique perspective. The process involves sensory information and emotional impressions, providing insights grounded in the present moment and relevant to the querent's situation.

Psychic Tarot
Psychic tarot readings engage our clair senses—clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairgustance (clear tasting), clairalience (clear smelling), and clairtangency (clear touching). The reader connects with spirit guides, the Higher Self, or other external sources, including mediumship to communicate with spirits of the querent's beloved dead. In this approach, the reader acts as a bridge for spiritual messages, accessing wisdom and insights from beyond the physical environment. Psychic tarot receives direct communication or visions from higher sources, often triggered by the tarot cards. This can include specific information such as names, dates, and descriptions, providing both evidential validation and more concise guidance for the querent.

What This Can Look Like: An Example Reading Incorporating All Styles
In my book, The Psychic Art of Tarot, I use many examples to show what techniques look like in action through real stories and examples of reading cards. I thought it might be helpful to do the same here. A close friend recently reached out asking if I'd do a reading for their friend who wanted a tarot reading. I agreed to do the reading for free if I could record the reading and use it in this article. They agreed as long as I didn't use her name or any identifying factors. So, here's how the reading went and how I incorporated traditional, intuitive, and psychic aspects of the reading and how those layers of information came to me in this specific reading. All these techniques I teach in my book, aside from the traditional card associations, which you can learn in countless other great books on tarot.

Querent's Question: "What can I do to move past a recent breakup?"
Spread Used: Past, Present, Future, Advice
Cards Drawn: Three of Swords, Four of Cups, The Star, The High Priestess

Traditional Tarot Interpretation
Three of Swords: I talked about how it traditionally represents heartbreak and emotional pain. I pointed out its links to Saturn in Libra and the element of Air, which focus on lessons in relationships and communication. The number three, in numerology, means growth and expansion, suggesting that the person asking can grow from this painful experience.

Four of Cups: I explained how this card represents contemplation, introspection, and feeling stuck. I pointed out its links to Moon in Cancer and the element of Water, focusing on emotional introspection and sensitivity. The number four symbolizes stability and structure, indicating that the person asking needs to build emotional stability.

The Star: I highlighted its symbolism of hope, healing, and future optimism. I connected it to Aquarius and the element of Air, emphasizing vision and clarity. The numerology of seventeen becomes eight (1+7=8), which stands for strength and success, stressing the power of hope and inspiration in her healing journey.

The High Priestess: I described how the High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, secrets, and hidden knowledge. I explained its associations with the Moon and the element Water, highlighting the importance of inner wisdom and spiritual insight. The number two symbolizes balance and duality, emphasizing the need for the person to balance their conscious and subconscious mind.

Intuitive Tarot Interpretation:
Three of Swords: I sensed an intuitive feeling of betrayal from a close friend, deepening the traditional meaning of heartbreak. I felt a heaviness in my chest, reflecting the emotional weight of the situation. The stormy clouds in the background of the card art intensified the turmoil and confusion. My eyes kept being drawn to the three swords piercing the heart in the artwork, feeling there was significance here for this reading.

Four of Cups: I felt a strong emotional pull towards the cup being offered in the card, suggesting that the querent might be overlooking a new opportunity for emotional fulfillment. The crossed arms of the figure highlighted their resistance to change and introspection. Interestingly, the querent was crossing their arms during the reading as well. When I tuned in to them, I sensed they were shielding themselves from others now because of this betrayal, to the point of being a bit closed off to people they shouldn't be.

The Star: While looking at The Star card, I couldn't help but focus on the water pouring from the two jugs. It emphasized the importance of balance and flow in the querent's life. The water suggested that they need to let their emotions flow freely and nourish both their spiritual and physical selves. I felt a warmth or lightness in my body, signaling hope and healing.

The High Priestess: I felt that the querent needed to explore hidden aspects of their emotions and trust their inner voice. The scroll with "TORA" kept catching my eye, reminding me of the importance of hidden knowledge and spiritual guidance. It seemed to hold secrets that could provide clarity and direction. Trusting their inner voice would help them better understand their current situation and navigate their emotions.

Psychic Tarot Interpretation:
Three of Swords: As I focused on the Three of Swords, a song about being cheated on started playing in my head. I shared this with the querent, who revealed that she had indeed been cheated on by someone she thought was a friend, which caused the breakup. Additionally, the first name of the singer of the song was the same as the friend's name who betrayed her (by being the one her now ex-boyfriend was secretly involved with prior to the breakup). This also helped me make sense of why I was drawn to the three swords in the image, as there were three people involved.

Four of Cups: I began to scry into the Four of Cups and saw the image transform into a vibrant garden with blooming flowers and a fountain. This vision suggested that the querent's emotional stagnation could be overcome by embracing new opportunities and allowing themselves to grow and flourish. The transformation indicated that by accepting the offered cup, the querent could find renewed joy and fulfillment, making their life richer and more "in bloom."

The Star: My tarot spirit guide told me to focus on the nakedness of the figure in the card, emphasizing vulnerability and authenticity. The spirit guide highlighted how this openness and willingness to be seen as one's true self were crucial for the querent's healing journey, especially after the betrayal and heartbreak of being cheated on. This raw exposure and acceptance contrasted sharply with the closed-off and introspective nature of the Four of Cups, where the figure is withdrawn and resistant to new experiences. Embracing the qualities represented by the naked figure in The Star would help the querent find renewal, providing a sense of peace and inspiration as they navigate their emotional challenges and rebuild their trust in themselves and others.

The High Priestess:
I sensed the presence of the querent's deceased aunt in their aura, who had gone through a similar heartbreak. In my mind's eye, she showed me a vision of trading in her wedding ring for a tarot deck, smiling as she did. The way I interpreted this was that she used tarot to help her get through tough times after her divorce. The querent confirmed that her aunt used tarot and would often give her tarot readings. Since her aunt's passing a few years back, she hadn't gotten a tarot reading until now. The querent also noted that her aunt had a husband she never met because they divorced before she was born. I tuned back into the aunt who was wrapping the cards in a bow like it was a gift. It felt like the aunt was saying, "You can read your own cards now," as if she was passing a tradition on to her niece to pick up and carry on. This really drove home the connections with the High Priestess and her intuitive and spiritual associations. I relayed this to the querent, who said she always wanted to learn tarot but never made the time to do it. I suggested some books to her that would be helpful and asked if there was anything else she wanted to know about this situation. She said there wasn't and thanked me.

Unlock Your Psychic Potential
As you can see, using traditional, intuitive, and psychic approaches in tarot readings creates a richer, more complete experience. In The Psychic Art of Tarot, I offer 78 energy exercises, meditations, and spreads accessible to practitioners of all levels, providing step-by-step instructions for mastering skills like energy work, mediumship, seeing auras, scrying the cards, tuning into the inner planes, engaging your clair-senses during a reading, and connecting with spirit guides. You'll learn to blend traditional tarot knowledge with intuitive gut feelings and psychic messages, creating holistic readings that uncover hidden layers of meaning and deliver incredible insights. By embracing this comprehensive approach, you'll unlock the full potential of your tarot reading practice. The Psychic Art of Tarot was written to be your gateway to deeper insights, unparalleled accuracy, and personal transformation. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to elevate your skills, it is my deepest hope that this book will revolutionize your readings and empower you to become a truly exceptional tarot reader who brings clarity, guidance, and healing to yourself and others.

About Mat Auryn

Mat Auryn is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the multi-award-winning author of the international bestselling book Psychic Witch and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He ...

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