While spring's energy pushes us forward, this Posy Potion gives us a few minutes to sit and mindfully cultivate our mental and emotional gardens. Choose a tea blend that includes either hibiscus (relaxation, love, dream magic) or jasmine (prosperity, love, dreams). Let the tea steep so you have a strong, flavorful infusion. Sit with your mug of tea in place where you won't be disturbed for twenty minutes. As you drink your tea, imagine a cottage-style garden, with a profusion of plants and flowers. In the center of each flower is an image of something you want to grow/achieve/experience in the coming cycle. The garden is growing and flowering; the energy is that of accomplishment. Fill yourself with the sensation of satisfaction, as though it's already achieved. Let it fill your senses, so you will remember it. Finish your tea, wash out your cup, and carry the sense of fulfilment with you as you take action to grow your desires tangibly. |
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