
An Interview with Gini Graham Scott PhD

1. You have published over fifty books, and your new book, Turn Your Dreams Into Reality, focuses on exactly what the title states. What inspired you to write your new book?

I was inspired to write Turn Your Dreams Into Reality because an editor at Llewellyn asked me to write about how others can apply the techniques I have worked with all my life in their personal life, as well as in their work life. Previously, I have written about using these techniques to gain success in work and business (Mind Power: Picture Your Way to Success in Business; The Empowered Mind: How to Harness the Creative Force Within You; Want It, See It, Get It!: Visualize Your Way to Success; and The Innovative Edge). I have also written about using these techniques in a specific context—to enjoy one's travel more (The Creative Traveler). But, I have never written a more general book on this topic, which I have used myself for many different purposes. Besides helping me write many books, I have used what I call GWYW (Get What You Want) techniques to find where to live, to decide who to trust or not, to make choices about relationships, to design games, to write songs, to put together teams to make films, to turn negative experiences into positive ones, and more. This book is designed to help others similarly get what they want in life.

2. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality focuses a lot on the "Get What You Want," or "GWYW," approach to life. How exactly do you define this approach?

This GWYW approach involves using your intuition or powers of visualization to see clearly what you want in the first place—though some people might still use this approach if they are more likely to get insights through words or thoughts (auditory), through feelings, or through just knowing. Also, one can develop their power of visualization to use along with these other senses. In any case, the first step is to visualize or imagine what you want very clearly and assess whether it is realistic, since some dreams can be simply wishes, where you simply want something, but don't hope to realistically achieve it. The next step is to clearly visualize or imagine what you have to do to get what you want, which can mean coming up with various alternatives. Then, the third step is to put what you have to do to get what you want into action, and be ready to modify that action as needed, so you keep moving towards your goal. Finally, when you achieve what you want, reward yourself to acknowledge that you have obtained your goal and praise yourself for doing so.

3. Is it really possible to turn our dreams into reality? All of them?

Obviously, all dreams are not meant to be turned into reality, since some dreams are just wishes and hopes. Also, any dreams need to be assessed in light of present reality and prioritized, so that we seek to turn the most important and most desired dreams into reality. Then, once you have a dream that can be realized and a plan to get there, that can help to make that dream happen. Consider the creation of a dream like developing a blueprint to make a house or any kind of building: the blueprint by itself is only a starting point; you still need to bring together the team, money, and building materials to make that envisioned project happen. Regard a dream in the same way, as a starting point. Then, if the dream is important enough to you and can be realized in light of current conditions, work on what you need to do to make that happen, while being ready to modify that dream as you get further input on current conditions.

4. The book is filled with exercises and techniques designed to help us Get What You Want. How do these exercises help us in turning our dreams into reality?

These exercises are designed to help you better visualize what you want, assess whether it is realistic, and imagine the steps to take to get there. Once you become skilled at using this approach, you may not need to use specific techniques. You may just visualize what you want, assess how realistic each dream is, prioritize your dreams, and imagine the steps to get there as a kind of holistic vision of what you want and what you have to do to get there. But these exercises will help you build your powers of visualization and imagination, so you can begin to make these abilities a part of your everyday life.

5. What do you hope your readers take away from Turn Your Dreams Into Reality?

I hope readers will realize that anyone can learn to use these techniques to better know what they want, recognize what is possible, and go after the realistic dreams that they really want to achieve, so they can get what they want. In this way, I hope readers will achieve more joy and satisfaction in their everyday life, both in their personal life and in their work or business.

About Gini Graham Scott PhD

Gini Graham Scott, PhD, is a nationally known writer, consultant, speaker, and workshop leader, specializing in business and work relationships and professional and personal development. She is the founder of Changemakers ...

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