An Interview with Amy Leigh Mercree

1. Your new book is The Compassion Revolution. How exactly would you define the "compassion revolution?"

The compassion revolution is a movement spawned from humanity's inner urge to become more conscious and empathic. In the Western world, many people are concerned about living in a culture that prizes competition over compassion. These ideas and feelings are what inspired me to write The Compassion Revolution and create a movement around it.

2. What inspired you to write The Compassion Revolution?

As a medical intuitive, my clients talk to me about myriad problems and issues in their lives. I find myself counseling people to be more kind and compassionate themselves on an almost daily basis. That notion began the idea of writing a book on self compassion. At the same time, unrest and discord were accelerating in our world, and I found myself wishing for a more compassionate government and societal structure. So, "the compassion revolution" puts forward simple and easy to enact actions and ideas that anyone can participate in to create a more compassionate world.

3. Your previous book is Joyful Living. Why is living with such positivity, joy, and compassion so important that you feel called to write about it?

I believe that our actions can shape our lives. And so if we make conscious choices about what we choose to experience and how we choose to live we can positively affect our existence. Joy is the highest vibration in the known universe and so by applying its power to our lives we raise the vibration and consciousness of our life as a living entity. This drastically increases our quality of life if practiced diligently.

4. The book is designed as a 30-day program of compassion. Do readers need to follow it in order? Or can they skip around?
Readers can skip around as much as they want! Every chapter offers something easy and actionable that we can do to put compassion and action in our lives. At the same time, if you read it from start to finish, you will take a journey with me around my personal experience with compassion.

Because when we want to create a movement, the best place to start nowadays is online! I want to open the door for people who want a more compassionate world, just like I do, to find community and connect and find easy ways to live a compassionate life now. Check those hashtags! #thecompassionrevolution

6. What do you hope readers take away from The Compassion Revolution?

I hope readers find hope in the pages of my book. In spite of the fact that we live in a less than twenty-four-hour news cycle that bombards us with negative images on a regular basis, the world is actually becoming a kinder, more evolved place. Statistics show that violent crime is down all around the world. And this has been in steady decline for many decades. The world is evolving and we all have the power to accelerate that evolution of consciousness by choosing compassion.

About Amy Leigh Mercree

Amy Leigh Mercree (Florida) is an author, media personality, medical intuitive, and dating, relationship, and wellness coach. She has been featured in Women’s Health, Soul and Spirit, Elevated Existence, and Glamour UK ...

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