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Past Life Story #2 - A Driving Desire for Whiskey

Albert James experienced past life regression and remembered an episode that dramatically changed his whole life.

Albert was an alcoholic. He had been through various programs with a degree of success. He could keep himself from drinking most of the time, but the desire to drink was constantly with him. The effort required to stay sober kept him functioning at the outer limits of his emotional and mental resources. There was little time in his life for his family or job??"he barely held on to both??"because almost every waking thought was engaged in the battle not to drink.

After many frustrating years, one of Albert’s friends suggested that he try past life regression therapy as a possible means of help. Albert was willing to try anything, even though he wasn’t quite sure what past life regression was.

After being helped by suggestion to relax, Albert was directed to mentally return to the point in time where his drinking problem had originated. He remembered his most recent past lifetime when he had worked in construction, helping to build railroads across the American wilderness.

One day as a cut for a railroad bed was being blasted through a rocky ridge, one of the dynamite charges misfired, and Albert was caught in a rockslide. Albert was directed to remember this experience without feeling any pain or distress of any nature. He detached himself emotionally from the experience as he remembered receiving massive crushing injuries from the waist down.

The country was hot and dry. The men were always a little short of water as it had to be hauled to the work site. Not only did Albert suffer from terrible pain, but also from heat and thirst. It took almost three days for Albert to die. The only comfort and freedom from pain he had during that time was when one of the men found enough whiskey to knock him out.

Albert died with a raging thirst, and a driving desire for more whiskey.

This past life regression gave Albert a great deal of insight into himself. He remembered that even as a child in this present lifetime he had always felt thirsty and had consumed enormous quantities of liquids. The family doctor had found him to be in good health, so his mother and father had ceased to be concerned about his inordinate thirst. At the age of 19, Albert was in a motorcycle accident. One leg was severely injured and broken. Albert suddenly began to crave alcohol, and that craving had ruled his life ever since.

At the end of the regression experience, Albert was given the suggestion that because he now understood the reason for his desire for alcohol, he no longer needed to react to it. He was instructed, "You will bring with you the beneficial knowledge of why you have had the strong desire to drink alcoholic beverages. You will leave behind, on all levels of mind, the detrimental need and desire to drink alcoholic beverages. You will be in full control of your desires and responses."

After this past life regression experience, situations that triggered a desire to drink became increasingly rare. Albert found that he needed only to take a few seconds to mentally negate and release the desire. Within a few weeks, Albert lost all desire for alcohol and has not experienced a recurrence of that desire in 15 years.
See also:  Past Life Regression
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