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Belief in Reincarnation

It is not necessary for you to believe in reincarnation to experience the benefits of past life regression. Whatever decision you make concerning the validity of reincarnation is immaterial as far as the benefits of the experience are concerned. ‘Reliving’ what seem to be past life experiences helps to provide answers to problems and great insight into yourself. It helps you to stand back and take a more objective look at your strengths and weaknesses, and your life goals. It gives aid in understanding and freeing yourself from fears and detrimental habits.

The past life regression experience generates a more tolerant outlook on life, and helps to put things in their proper perspective. It is difficult to maintain prejudice and bigotry when you can remember being members of other races. Death loses its mystery and threat. Past life regression is not a magic cure-all, but it is a valuable tool for enhancing the quality of your present life.

What is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation is the theory that man’s soul, or awareness, survives death, and returns at varying intervals to be born into another physical body for the purpose of growing in knowledge, wisdom and self-awareness.

Part of the belief is that we each experience life as male and female, as members of the various races and social and economic classes. It doesn’t matter one little bit if you remember lifetimes as royalty or as a slave, or a lifetime as a corporation president or a janitor. We have all been there or will be. Status, wealth and social position all disappear at death. Lessons learned and growth gained from the various experiences are what remain, and we are the sum of all
of our past experiences.

Great and mighty deeds don’t count for any more than faithful attention to the routines of ordinary life, unless the motivations match the deeds. The motivations behind our actions and whether we learned and grew from the experiences are the important aspects.

Talents Rediscovered
You can see the reflections of your past life experiences and knowledge in your daily life. Perhaps you have a particular talent in art, music, language, or science. Chances are that you have been involved with those things in recent past lives, and are enjoying some of the benefits of past efforts. This is particularly true in the cases of child prodigies.

A young woman was interested in learning to fly. At her first lesson, the instructor was astonished as the young woman automatically took the controls of the plane and flew it with great expertise. He could not, in fact would not, believe that she had never before flown. The young woman had no explanation, other than that she just knew what to do. At a later time, a past life regression revealed that she had been a pilot during the early days of aviation.

Anxiety Explained
You may experience fears for which no explanation can be found in your present lifetime. Perhaps there are unexplained frictions in certain relationships. Perhaps there are certain places or things that make you unhappy or cause distress for no reason that you can understand.

There was a man and a woman who were friends. The man seldom took a drink except on certain rare social occasions. On these occasions the woman would experience an intense anxiety attack, even though she was not physically present. Knowing that he was going to attend such a function, or his telling about it afterward, was enough to precipitate an attack.

When quizzed about her feelings, she said that the idea of him taking a drink made her feel extremely threatened and very much afraid. She always had the compulsion to beg him to promise not to take a drink. Many times she would cry and shake, and she always felt like a complete fool because of her reaction.

A subsequent past life regression revealed a recent lifetime in which the man and woman had been business partners, and extraordinarily close friends. The man had been an alcoholic, and his drinking had caused an automobile accident that had killed both of them. Once the basis for the anxiety was understood, the attacks ceased.
See also:  Past Life Regression
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