Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

What is the Aquarian Age?

The Aquarian Age is the zodiacal age of approximately 2,150 years length subsequent to the Piscean Age. The "spirit" of these Ages is characterized by the symbolism and general astrological characteristics of the zodiacal sign. The Piscean Age, symbolized by fishes swimming in opposite directions, is identified with Christianity (and its authoritarian offshoots) and Islam. The Aquarian Age is the Age of Man, of Intellect rather than Emotion, and of self-responsibility rather than the "shepherd’s crook" and the harsh commands of a human authority operating in the name of God. It is associated with the New Age which Carl Jung believed to have begun in 1940. 

While the ending of one age and the beginning of another is determined by the astronomical position of the Sun at the Spring Equinox, the exact timing is on such a cosmic scale is hard to determine. As a practical matter, like “morning” or “evening,” the transition between zodiacal ages is indefinite and the Age of Aquarius is believed to occur sometime between 2012 and 2374. 

The Aquarian Age demands that Knowledge be applied to both practical and spiritual needs, and that schools as “places of knowledge,” become the temples and not that the temples become schools!

There is no real secrecy in the Age of Aquarius—no inner secrets that only the initiate can know. What was esoteric knowledge hidden beneath the waters is coming out into the open so that everyone can "walk with the Gods." The World of the Mind and Spirit is the new frontier for exploration, the Inner Space through which we travel now. Our scientific and technological thrust must be directed to saving the planet and opening the inner doors of consciousness as well.

There are today opportunities for people to come together in learning occult knowledge, in research and sharing of discovery, in participation in the revival of a religion of Nature and Heart, and learning how it is that Man and Woman can liberate each other.

The demands of world crisis require that we make our spiritual knowledge a living and growing knowledge, not a static faith. That is why we make our celebrations renewals, conventions of discovery and learning as well as festivals. We can take joy in the responsibility that the Age thrusts upon us, for with it is the opportunity for a tremendous leap forward in planetary evolution. 

Humanity is balanced upon a precipice from which we can fall or ascend. The choice is ours to make. If we choose to fly and ascend to the Gods we must, like Icarus, make our own wings; if we are not to fall, we must find guidance in proven knowledge and technique.

See also:  Aquarian Age
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