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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

How to Take an Astral Walk

Introduction. While walking is usually considered simply a physical activity, it can be seen metaphorically as a social, psychological, and psychical phenomenon. In our interpersonal relationships, for instance, we adjust social distance by mentally walking toward, away from, or with people. Astral Walk is an OBE procedure that introduces out-of-body walking as a figurative phenomenon: Astrally, we walk away from the physical body and into the astral mode. At the end of the out-of-body experience, we walk back into the body.

Astral Walk is a structured, eight-step procedure designed to generate an empowered mental state and productive out-of-body interactions. The procedure identifies the three essential components of empowering OBEs as peace, balance, and harmony, and then assigns each component a color. Next, the three colors are blended to give substance to the astral body which is then readily visualized. The blending process is not required to follow the principles of color mixing, and can produce any shade of any color, as well as pure white. The colors black or gray, however, are not recommended as astral colors, because of the potentially disempowering frequencies of these colors when assigned to the astral body. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Inner Peace. Assume a relaxed position, and develop a slow, rhythmic breathing pattern. It may help to breathe deeply and slowly for a few moments while focusing only on your breathing. Mentally scan your physical body, pausing at points of tension and allowing relaxation to soak deep into the muscles and joints.

Once your body is fully relaxed, clear your mind by letting go of all active thoughts. Imagine your thoughts as having wings, taking off and disappearing into the distance until all that remains behind is peace of mind. Picture peace of mind as a soft pastel color, then affirm: I am at complete peace.

Step 2. Inner Balance. With your body relaxed and your mind at peace, picture the innermost core of your being actively radiating harmony and balancing you mentally, physically, and spiritually. As you sense that balanced vibration, assign it a vibrant color that infuses your total being.

Step 3. Cosmic Harmony. Picture the vast universe and let yourself become an integral part of it. Visualize the starry heavens and the distant reaches of space. Imagine other distant dimensions and planes far beyond the reach of our most powerful telescopes. As you reflect on the limitlessness of the universe, notice your sense of cosmic harmony, and assign it a color. Allow that color to surround you and totally permeate your being. Affirm: I am a part of all that exists.

Step 4. Cosmic Power. Visualize the three colors representing peace, balance, and cosmic harmony merging, coming together, to form a fourth color signifying cosmic power. Visualize your astral body soaking in the coloration of cosmic power.

Step 5. Astral Walk-out. This critical step introduces the out-of-body experience. As your biological body remains at rest, invoke the protection of higher astral planes and affirm: I am now ready to leave my body. My total being—mental, physical, and spiritual—will be protected and secure as I travel out-of-body.

Take in a few very deep breaths, and upon slowly exhaling, sense the pleasant disengagement and projection of your astral body, smoothly rising above your biological body and taking on the coloration of cosmic power as designated in Step 4 above. Notice your sense of freedom and release. You are now prepared to travel out-of-body into realities beyond your present environment.

Step 6: Astral Travel. To step into the astral travel mode, affirm: I am now empowered to travel wherever I wish to go. Intent alone is sufficient to take me to distant destinations and then bring me back to my physical body. As I travel, I will be enveloped in protective energy. My physical body at rest will be safe, secure, and fully infused with positive energy.

Visualize your astral destination and give yourself permission to travel to it. Focus on the destination until you sense its presence. Upon reaching your destination, you can initiate relevant out-of-body interactions at will.

Step 7. The Return. You can end out-of-body travel and reunite with your physical body at any point during the experience by simply affirming your intent to return and envisioning your physical body at rest in its familiar setting. The re-engagement process is usually smooth and effortless.

Step 8. Resolution. Upon reuniting with your physical body, again visualize the three colors representing peace, balance, and cosmic harmony coming together to form the color of cosmic power. Sense the quiet blending of colors and the ensuing infusion of power. Conclude the experience by affirming: I am now infused with abundant cosmic power. I am at complete peace and total harmony with the universe.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Astral Walk has been especially effective when used to resolve problems related to interpersonal relationships, possibly because the program views OBEs as metaphorically paralleling certain social behaviors. In couples counseling, Astral Walk when practiced by both partners, either together or individually, can open communication channels and rapidly improve the quality of relationships. While typically considered nonconventional, out-of-body therapy using Astral Walk is often far more effective than long-term couples therapy. 

See also:  Astral Walk
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