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Going Astral Surfing

Introduction. Astral Surfing is an advanced Out-of-Body program using highly flexible induction and management procedures. It emphasizes spontaneous out-of-body exploration of the cosmos in the absence of structured limits or specifically defined goals. The scope of surfing is expansive and comprises a sweeping survey of astral options. Surfing the cosmos can be compared to surfing the Lyceum Hall with its inspirational lectures, concerts, and entertainments. It is based on the premise that consciousness in the out-of-body state can scan the universe, surf among rich astral planes, and discover new realms of pleasure and power. Astral Surfing is a valued procedure for unleashing hidden intellectual and creative potentials. Not surprisingly, peak insights and optimal solutions often emanate from Astral Surfing.

Astral Surfing requires conditions similar to other OBE induction and management procedures—a firm resolve to experience the out-of-body state, appropriate safeguards, and empowering imagery and affirmations. This program differs, however, from other methods in that it provides a highly pliable framework for exploring the universe and surfing among astral planes. Astral Surfing suggests options rather than prescribing procedures. This flexible approach recognizes individual differences in the ability to independently direct the astral experience while in the out-of-body state. 

Astral Surfing is sufficiently flexible that it can easily be adapted for couples or group surfing. Here is the five-step procedure which can be readily adapted to meet individual preferences and needs:

Step 1. Preliminary Considerations. A period of at least one hour, during which brief, periodic re-engagements of the physical body can occur, is recommended for surfing. These transient re-entries provide brief intermissions during which the unfolding astral flights can be evaluated and reflected upon. Invocations that assure complete cosmic protection through affirmations and imagery of being encased in light are recommended at the beginning and periodically throughout the procedure.

Step 2. Induction. To induce the out-of-body state, settle back and let your physical body become progressively relaxed as your thoughts become increasingly passive. Envisioning an astral flight vehicle—such as a crystalline capsule or carpet of energy—bearing consciousness in astral body form, flowing upward and away from your physical body can facilitate induction of the out-of-body state. Imagery of the flight vehicle is likewise effective for periodic re-entries and re-initiation of surfing.

Step 3. Surfing. To initiate surfing, visualize a three-dimensional cosmic design of the universe with flight pathways among cosmic points, dimensions, and planes. Points in the cosmic design typically signify brilliant concentrations of cosmic energy, with the colors of a given point denoting its particular empowerment attribute. For example, green signifies health and rejuvenation, yellow signifies intellectual and social power, and blue signifies serenity and balance. Cosmic points can be aligned along an inviting surfing thoroughfare, or they can exist as isolated concentrations of bright energies receptive to our interaction.

In contrast to points, cosmic dimensions are large, glowing domains of energy in the cosmic realm. Dimensions vary in size, color, intensity, and shape. Some are so distant that they are barely visible to the astral eye, whereas others dominate the cosmic terrain. Certain expansive dimensions embody constellations of bright cosmic points and planes, whereas others emit only a soft, inviting cosmic glow.

Cosmic planes are represented by layers of radiant energy in the cosmic realm, with each layer differing in design and color. Certain planes appear rugged and irregular, whereas others are smooth and controlled. Some planes exist as components of a complex astral design, while others appear independent of other cosmic structures. Like certain cosmic dimensions, some planes seem almost impenetrable, while others challenge contact and interaction.

Surfing among points, dimensions, and planes can be either spontaneous or destination-oriented. Spontaneous surfing unfolds effortlessly and requires no astral itinerary or flight plan. You can travel freely in and out of planes and dimensions, stopping over at will and then moving away from them; or you can deliberately enter various dimensions and planes to access their empowering properties and focus them on specific goals. In contrast to spontaneous surfing, destination-oriented surfing requires deliberately choosing particular pathways as travel routes to designated dimensions, points, or planes.

Step 4. Astral Return. To end out-of-body travel, simply visualize your physical body in its familiar setting and give yourself permission to return to it. A sense of being present in the body accompanied by specific physical sensations signals a successful re-entry.

Step 5. Conclusion. Conclude Astral Surfing by briefly reviewing the experience and reflecting on its empowering effects.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Astral Surfing is an easily mastered program that has a variety of self-empowerment applications. It is especially effective for goals related to managing stress, solving problems, increasing creativity, and simply exploring the nature of the astral realm. It is sufficiently flexible that it can be practiced by individuals, couples, and groups. In situations involving companion or group travel, the program offers opportunities to share the travel experiences and plan subsequent excursions. Although more research and development are needed to refine companion and group Astral Surfing, preliminary studies suggest a wide range of rewarding benefits. Examples include more satisfying social interactions and greater career success. In the college setting, art students who used Astral Surfing reported a dramatic increase in creative ideas and marked improvements in their art works, including both painting and sculpture. Along a different line, couples who jointly used Astral Surfing reported profound enrichments in their relationships, including increased sexual satisfaction.

See also:  Astral Surfing
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