Posted Under Crafts

Craft: Bookshelf Organizers

Occasionally ideas for hand crafting produce items that are functional. Occasionally ideas conceive of items that are quite pleasing to the eye. Occasionally ideas emerge that create items of spiritual and magical merit. And, on occasion, ideas can create items that bear all of these attributes. On this occasion, the multi-faceted items for crafting are organizers that functionally protect, attractively organize and (with your focused intent) magically enhance the books, annuals, and other printed, transcribed or "What an epiphany... I have to write that down" type material that can be accumulated in this age of information and expansion. These three designs can be created in either the larger size or the smaller size organizer. The larger size is approximately 12 1/2 inches tall by 9 1/2 inches deep by 3 inches wide. Perfect for larger sized books, magazines, and standard size copy or notebook paper. The smaller size is approximately 8 1/2 inches tall by 6 inches deep by 3 inches wide. Perfect for those smaller books (including the almanacs and datebooks that include information that is valid far beyond the calendar dates) and notepads. To create any of the designs, gather together plastic canvas in a size 7 mesh, 4 ply worsted weight yarn in colors of your choice, embroidery floss for any stars that you wish to add to the design and a tapestry or other large eye needle.

Preparing the plastic canvas is as easy as counting the necessary lines that create the piece and carefully cutting the plastic to include the necessary line numbers. The graph shows the line numbers needed for the small organizer. The total line count should be 25 lines across and 57 lines from top to bottom on the front. The 2 sides should both have 57 lines from bottom to top and 41 inches across. The front lip of the sides is 21 lines across and the height of the back of the side is 37 lines tall from bottom to top. The separate back piece is 25 lines wide and 37 lines tall. The bottom piece is 25 lines wide and 41 lines across.


The front of the large organizer has a line count of 25 lines wide by 85 lines tall. Both of the sides should be 85 lines tall and 65 lines wide. The front lip of the side is 35 lines across and the height on the back of the sides are 41 lines tall. The back piece is 25 lines wide and 41 lines tall. The bottom piece is 25 lines wide and 65 lines across.The stitches that you utilize are the same stitches that you use in needlepoint. These stitches are the tent stitch (which is diagonally worked over a vertical "thread" and horizontal "thread" intersection) and a slanted gobelin stitch. (which is worked diagonally over 2 intersections.) Generally the stitching rows are worked from right to left on the first (and odd number) row then left to right with the second (and even number). Another generality states that the order of stitching begins with elements that are visually most distant, progresses to those items that are more visually close and completes with the stitching of the background.


Crafting, be it handcrafting or Witchcrafting, can be as unique, as diverse and as personal as the person working the pattern or the spell Each crafting individual brings their own sense of style, purpose and attitudes that will reveal themselves in each item that is produced. Whether you create organizers that are purely aesthetic or that have a strong magical intent, your choices in the appearance and the use of these organizers is as limitless as your imagination.To help fan the flames of the imagination, I have included some spell work. This spell work pertains only to three of the possible attributes that can be enhanced as you create these organizers. The three attributes are protection, clarity and gratitude.

When I began actively practicing witchcraft thirty four years ago, it was in our best interest to be extremely discreet with the printed material that we possessed. Now, most people enjoy a more open environment where their printed material doesn't need to be hidden. But, there are times,and there is material that is not intended for everyone's eyes. Whether this material is of your coven, your tradition, or of an extremely personal nature, focus on its protection. While you are creating the stitches, or while you are filling your organizer, state these or similar words, "Obscured from sight, interest and understanding be; [state contents] are concealed and protected within thee." We are quite fortunate to have so much magical information available for our open use. But the printed page is a magical introduction. Magic is alive. It dwells in the hearts, minds and bodies of every practitioner. There is absolutely no way that magic, can be, or should be contained by the limits of any printed page Allow the words that you read to be that profound magical overture of information and guidance. Allow the magic to dwell inside of you. Focus beyond the first impressions of the worded introduction and discover the intimate messages that the words have for you. Look beyond the magic of the printed page and discover that magic that thrives within you.

While stitching any of the organizers, allow your mind to relax and open to the Divine universe. State these or similar words, "Beyond the words, the magic (or deeper understanding) flows—through my heart and my soul, the magic (or deeper understanding) manifests and grows."

When you open to the Divine universe, her secrets are generously given to you. Either by inspiration or by a passage within a book, you are always shown the guidance of the Gods. Visualize your bridge of connection from divinity to mundane as you create these organizers. Focus on the messages; the revealed images in your mind that are as clear as the images revealed by your stitches. Through your words of devotion and through your acts of creation express your gratitude for the guidance that is given. This expression channels the cyclic flow of gift and gratitude. Know and expect that further guidance will be given as the need arises and as you become open to the information.

Each act of creation can elicit an act of guidance. Enjoy your creations as you unleash your limitless imagination, opening your mind (and your bookshelves) to the limitless guidance that is in print and in inspiration.

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