
Signs of Love

Relationships Heart in Hands

A few months ago, my wife and I attended a wedding reception for a former work colleague of my wife. In my part of the world it is unusual for a bride to give a speech at the wedding, but on this occasion she did. In her talk she thanked me for bringing her and her husband together. That reminded me of a conversation we'd had two years earlier. She had complained about the absence of love and romance in her life and I'd suggested a few symbols she could use. I had completely forgotten our conversation, but she'd taken my suggestions to heart and made good use of them. Maybe she would have found true love anyway, but she was convinced that the symbols she chose helped her find the right man. This is just one example of someone who made good use of magical symbols.

My interest in this subject began many years ago when I became fascinated with the subject of amulets and talismans. A whole branch of this subject is devoted to attracting or retaining love. I was skeptical initially, but became more and more interested when I discovered how well they worked. Over the years, I have introduced many people to these symbols of love and romance, and have been delighted with the results they achieved.

People have used symbols in this way for thousands of years. A four thousand-year-old clay tablet in the University of Pennsylvania Museum contains an incantation used by a priest to restore his client's lost love.

Once you start working with symbols you will find them everywhere. Your own personal interpretation of the symbol is what matters. Not long ago, my wife and I were at a dinner party. One of the guests wore a small silver rabbit on a chain. When I asked her about it she told me it brought her good luck. The person next to her said rabbits were a fertility symbol and she shouldn't wear it unless she wanted more children. We quickly discovered that everyone in the room had different ideas about what the rabbit represented. I told the woman to continue wearing it, as it brought her luck.

Several methods of working with symbols are discussed in Magical Symbols of Love and Romance. One of the easiest is to relax in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed. Take several slow, deep breaths and allow yourself to become as relaxed as possible. Once you are completely relaxed, you can use this state to work on any goal you wish. If you are using it to attract love and romance you can ask for a symbol that relates to this desire. You may be surprised at what comes into your mind.

You may feel the symbol appeared randomly, but in fact, you will have subconsciously chosen it because it relates to your present situation. Focus on the symbol. You can ask it questions if you wish, and see what comes into your mind. Doing this provides added insights into both the symbol and what is going on in your life. When you feel you have gained the information you need, thank the symbol and let it go.

Your previous experiences with love may not be happy ones. If that is the case, the symbol your subconscious mind chose might reflect that. You can ask this symbol to heal the hurt and pain. Once you have completed working on that, you can ask your subconscious mind for another symbol to help you attract love. Because your past experiences may not have been happy, it is important that you end the meditation on a positive note. Before opening your eyes, spend a minute or two thinking about something that makes you happy. Smile, and enjoy the pleasant thought for as long as you can. When you feel ready, open your eyes and carry on with your day. Repeat this exercise as often as possible, until you have attracted love and romance into your life.

You might find it helpful to find an ornament or other decoration that relates to the symbol that appeared during the meditation. Place this somewhere where you will see it often. Whenever you see it, you will immediately think of love and romance. This turns the ornament into a silent affirmation that will attract to you whatever it is you desire. You need not limit yourself to one ornament, either. As long as you find them attractive and appealing, use as many as you wish.

One of the universal laws is that we attract to ourselves whatever we think about. If you seek out symbols of love and romance, and think about them in a positive manner, you will attract all the love you desire. Like me, you will be amazed at the changes that will occur in your life as a result.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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