Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

White Spells on the Go

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Sadly, White Spells on the Go is the last of the White Spells series, but the one that has been the most fun to work on. I got together with my family before I started this project and we talked for a few hours about the remedies we have used over the years. We reminisced about the good spells and the not so good spells, and we decided that trial and error has always been our best teacher. Some spells were perfected, while others were tossed and never to be done or recommended again.

As many of my readers already know, my affiliation to Santeria is very strong and has taught me things I never thought possible. I have merged Santeria remedies into my Witchcraft, and this has allowed me to find quick and effective ways to bring love, money, health, and protection to our everyday life by combining natural energies in a simple spell form. Over the years (and through my family's know-how) I have been blending, mixing, and prescribing spells to those that seek my advice with positive results. That said, White Spells on the Go is just a little bit different.

Ritual has a special place in any type of magical working, and when conducted with precision the manifestation is mind-blowing. However, only those with years of experience can actually manifest with such accuracy, and time is of the essence in our society. This is when I'm asked things like, "I need to find a new job; what can you recommend?"

I immediately know that they are looking for a quick fix to manifest their special need. So, in the example of finding a job, I tell them to get a red jasper crystal, cleanse it in salt water, hold it in their hand and visualize a new job, and then to carry it with them at all times. A few weeks later, they will come back and say that they got a new job or have found something else they wanted and now love. This is what I call a quick fix, a spell on the go.

White Spells on the Go is full of little quick fixes for our busy lives. I know what it is to be busy: I have my own business and sometimes I just don't have the time to even make dinner, let alone perform a spell that involves a lengthy ritual. Listening to my customers discuss the need for simplicity in their magical workings (and likewise feeling the pressure of a lack of time in my own life) was a cue to me to create spells that are fast, simple, and that are proven to work using the power of positive visualization and a bit of natural energy (like that from herbs, crystals, candles, and color).

White Spells on the Go has a remedy for just about anything you can think of. Each section is divided into categories. If you prefer to work with crystals, simply refer to the section on crystals. The same goes for herbs, incense, candles, essential oils, and even correspondences for the planets and the days of the week.

I have included a section on the use of buckets for magical purposes, of which I am particularly fond. In the past when I was without a bathtub, I often brought a bucket with me into the shower to use to cleanse myself with the water element. The section focuses on quick-fix spells that use buckets for people who either do not have time for a bath or simply do not have a bathtub. Either way, this is an excellent way to utilize the water element (just remember not to rinse after you have poured the contents of the bucket over your head; if there is something left in your hair simply pull it out. Don't think of it as a mess, but rather an enhancer to your needs; it is fun and you will never forget doing it).

I have also included some of spells that have been in my family's book of spells for years. These have proven themselves repeatedly through the years, and I felt strongly about sharing these private spells in the hopes that they can help you as they have helped my family and me. Look ahead, never back, and enjoy a new way of using natural energies for a quick magical fix.

The one thing that stands out about White Spells on the Go is that it is not a threat to any belief system, so any one can use it to easily tap into universal forces. It is as simple as lighting a white candle for peace or placing a pink-colored band around your wrist to let the universe know that you are looking for a new love. These are the types of things I call reminders: they remind us to keep our focus on our intent, so that we may gain courage and strength, protection from those who wish us harm, safety for our loved ones, and prosperity of finances.

The great thing about White Spells on the Go is that you can experiment as many times as you wish, and then when you find your favorite you can repeat it as needed. Always remember, the key to magic is staying positive and believing in the imaginable. Trust that there is a force out there that listens to your needs. Once you inform the force of your intent, your Spell on the Go will work wonders.


About Ileana Abrev

Ileana Abrev (Queensland, Australia) has been a practicing witch for more than twenty years. With knowledge passed down to her by her father, an esteemed Santero, Ileana guides her clients on a daily basis to solve problems ...

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