Posted Under Astrology

Libra: Your Higher Destiny

Astrological Chart

Your higher destiny is to learn the secret of right human relations through finding the equilibrium point between the polarities of life. This midpoint is your key to the peace your soul craves: perfect balance through a tolerance for paradox. Learning to be decisive, ironically, is part of the journey toward achieving this tolerance.

Your esoteric ruler is Uranus—ruler of the higher mind. You have the ability to tune in to a more advanced level of intuition and to use this to make the right choice, the one aligned with the highest good. Your tendency to sit on the fence, because you see "both sides" and dislike the idea of choosing one over the other, will transform as you evolve with the power of spiritual insight. Trust this connection you have.

In perfect balance, nothing happens. We are here to do in this physical life, which means we have to decide to act. There is no such thing as a wrong decision, and therefore you need not be afraid of making the wrong one. Instead, trust in the knowledge that you are guided by a higher voice than your own, and the very act of making a decision will give you strength of character and stabilize your life's journey—in a way your equivocating would never do.

Understanding the secret of right relations is then a matter of putting aside self-interest and asking the universe the question: what decision needs to be made here? Go within, where the answers will always be. But first, quiet the voice of the ego—the voice that would have you believe you need to have it all, and to commit yourself to one direction would eliminate such possibility. Commit you must if you are to fulfill your higher destiny. Strength and certainty (paradoxically) will be yours when you do, because of your innate understanding of justice. You will gain in all ways when you trust your inner knowing. And in this way you will draw others to you for guidance and insight. You will be respected as the mediator and ambassador of the heart you then will be.

You are: charming, easygoing, diplomatic, indecisive, flirtatious, peaceable.

You can learn from your opposite sign: Aries can teach you to be more assertive, to seize the day and act. Your equivocation, your reluctance to choose, so often wastes your time and energy. Take a cue from Aries and be more conscious of acting on your own behalf. You will find that when you do, events miraculously unfold and things begin to move in your life—rather than exist in a state of immobilized homeostasis. Aries has courage, and this is a quality you can draw from your opposite sign. Against a backdrop of death, what is so terrifying? Fear not the judgments or opinions of others. Stand strong and firm in your thoughts and be decisive in your actions. Aries energy will bring much forward movement to your life.

Some of your symbols in the outer world are: the planet Venus, scales, diplomats, meditation, relationships, the kidneys, roses, blue flowers, raspberries, strawberries, apples, pears, jade, sapphires, reptiles, and the colors pink, blue, and pale green. Austria, Canada, Tibet, Japan, and Argentina are Libra countries; Copenhagen, Frankfurt, and Vienna are Libra cities.

Your body and spirit need you to: keep the air moving in your lungs with activity and exercise; make one positive, spontaneous choice every day; learn to say no; create an environment that is calming, harmonious, free from clutter, and make that your refuge; leave your work at work and create a home that is your sanctuary. You need inner tranquility and a balance between action and nonaction.

Your soul needs you to: create serenity and harmony both on an outer level and an inner one. As you open up to the possibility of making active choices and living with the consequences, you gain strength of character, which, almost ironically, leads to greater internal peace. Peace is your soul's greatest desire. The most successful people in a material sense make decisions quickly. Those who have inner peace also make decisions affirmatively. Life cannot be free from conflict and disharmony all the time, and you need to make more active choices to avoid the inner dissonance your indecisiveness creates. Life is not a popularity contest, and we are all urged to make choices— these choices become statements about who we are, what our values are, what we stand for, and what we do not. Remember: in perfect balance, nothing happens. Understanding the nature of relationships, that balance point between the polarities, means aligning yourself with your intuitive, higher self and finding where you stand, making judgment calls in order to know yourself. This is the ultimate reason you need to choose—choosing defines who you really are, for yourself and for others. This is your promise and your potential.

Excerpted from Sun Signs & Soul Mates: An Astrological Guide to Relationships, by Linda George

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