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Connecting with Archangel Uriel

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Archangel Uriel

  • Meaning of Name: Fire of God.
  • Patron Angel of: Judges, lawmakers, peacemakers, prophets, seekers of truth, upholders of justice, visionaries.
  • Additional Names/Avatars: Israfel, Jehoel, Jeremiel, Nuriel, Paruel, Phanuel, Prince of Lights, Regent of the Sun, Suriel, Urjan, Uryan, Vretil.
  • Heavenly assignment: Assigned to bring all sentient beings before the Throne of God on the Day of Reckoning.
  • Usually arrives in your life: In all my years of consulting, I can probably count on one hand the times I've seen Uriel with a client. Encounters with him are rare and deeply serious in nature, usually involving someone's path as a scholar or prophet.
  • Promotes/Evokes: Aggression, balance, bravery, dread, fairness, nobility, passion (for a cause), repentance, rectitude. (Note: Uriel is one of the most intense archangels I've ever encountered, so if you're not familiar with him he may seem aggressive and instill a slight sense of fear and unease. Keep in mind that since he is an archangel who reins in the unruly, severity comes with the territory.)
  • Diffuses: Arrogance, contempt, demoralization, envy, greed, hate, inadequacy, shame, subjugation, weakness.
  • Energy Signature (Temperature/Speed/Element): Hot/Rapid/Fire.
  • Ascended Masters with Similar Energy Signatures: Forseti, Idaten, Lilith, Maat, Thor, Thoth.
  • Wings: Crimson and gold.
  • Usual Attire: Uriel's casual attire is usually a crimson tunic with crimson leather breeches and matching boots. When in his formal attire, he prefers armor of the same color with elaborate gold detailing.
  • Icons: Bow and arrow, bullwhip made of flames, chariot, scales of justice.
  • Animals: Boar, lizard, phoenix, ram, rhinoceros, snow leopard.
  • Vegetation: Ash, basil, birch, black pepper, bloodroot, cactus, chili pepper, cinnamon, clove, cumin, curry, fig, garlic, hops, horseradish, juniper, leek, mistletoe, nettle, nutmeg, peppermint, radish, rosemary, sandalwood, shallot, snapdragon, Solomon's seal, thistle, Venus flytrap, wormwood (poison).
  • Objects: Bow and arrow, bullwhip, chariot, earthquakes, fire and brimstone, floods, molten lava, lightning, scales of justice, thunder, void, volcanoes.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Seasons: All seasons.
  • Basic Element: Fire.
  • Metals: Bronze, iron, gold.
  • Crystals and Gemstones: Agate, apache tears, crystal quartz, jet, obsidian, pumice.
  • Shapes: Sharp, spiky.
  • Chakras: Root, solar plexus, third eye.
  • Musical note: F.
  • Musical instruments: Marching feet, war drums.
  • Colors: Gold, orange, red, yellow.
  • Numerical vibration: 9.
  • Scents: Cinnamon, nutmeg, sandalwood.
  • Scent types: Fiery, pungent, spicy.
  • Clothing (Textile): Armor, leather.

Connecting with Uriel
If there is one word that describes Uriel, it's "intense."

This archangel of prophecy, justice, and retribution rarely interacts directly with humans. But if you're one of the chosen few who get to connect with him, you will have little difficulty doing so, no matter what method you select.

Uriel is a no-nonsense angel, so clairaudients shouldn't expect him to be much of a conversationalist. Communication with him is simple: he talks, you listen. Furthermore, you had better take notes, because Uriel does not make a habit of repeating himself. This may sound quite severe for an angel, but if you couldn't handle it, he wouldn't have been appointed to you.

Clairsentients may sometimes feel like they're being scrutinized when Uriel is near, but it's only because he demands discipline from those he connects with. He is the teacher of scholars and prophets and teaches by example, requiring them to approach their work and life's journey with all the seriousness and depth that he approaches his own. There is no room in Uriel's book for ego, and he keeps us in check by pinching at our conscience whenever we refuse to be honest with ourselves and others.

Clairvoyants will get an eyeful when dealing with this strong, towering, fiery, and fiercely beautiful angel. Visions or dreams of Uriel can be intimidating, but they can be incredibly empowering as well. To know that such a warrior is guiding our every step, cherishing us as he would his own brethren, can bolster our courage and reaffirm our identity as children of God.

Don't be surprised if Uriel frequently changes his appearance. It is merely his way of calibrating your vision so that it can pierce through his human form to see his natural, angelic form—radiant gold and white light. (At the core, all sentient beings look like formless bodies of light; the angels take on human form so as not to frighten those of us who don't have much experience with them.)

Uriel bestows keen vision, which enables clairvoyants to discern one heavenly host from another. Those fortified by his tutelage will be able to recognize an angel's true form without having to rely on icons. In other words, he endows clairvoyants with the ability to see the realm of spirit as it truly exists, without the frontage the angels erect to help make us feel more comfortable with the notion of divinity.

Excerpted from The Angel Code, by Chantel Lysette.

About Chantel Lysette

Chantel Lysette is an angel intuitive who has read for hundreds of clients and is the creator and host of “The Angel Gallery,” a lecture/reading series. She is also a double certified Master of Usui Reiki, a form ...

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