
How to Perform a Quick Divination with Geomancy

Chinese Compass

[Once] you know the basic meanings of the sixteen figures [of Geomancy], you can use them to answer questions. Be as specific as you can when asking your question. You need to create the figure while concentrating on your question.

Let's assume you ask, "Will I receive my promised pay raise next month?" While thinking of this question, you need to produce four rows of dots on a sheet of paper. Make a series of dots, using a pen or pencil, starting at the right-hand side of the sheet of paper and stopping sometime before reaching the left-hand side of the paper. Do this four times to generate four rows of dots. Once you have done this, add up the number of dots in each row. An odd number of dots indicate a single mark, and an even number of dots indicates two marks. If, for instance, your four rows of dots total 15, 16, 18, and 14, you will have generated the figure known as Laetitia, which is created by one single lines above three double lines.

The outcome will be positive if the figure you create is Laetitia, Fortuna Major, Fortuna Minor, or Acquisitio. However, it is probably unlikely that you’ll receive the raise if you create Amissio, Cauda Draconis, Tristitia, or Carcer.

The two figures that represent boy and girl are not quite as easy to interpret. If you create Puer, your raise could well occur if you demonstrate enthusiasm and initiative. Puella indicates short-term success and happiness. This tends to indicate that you’ll receive the raise, but may also receive additional responsibilities or tasks to perform.

Caput Draconis indicates financial advancement through a new beginning. This may well indicate that you take on a new role at the same time as you receive your pay raise.

Conjunctio is the figure of unions. Your raise may depend on how well you get along with other people at your workplace. As this is a figure of temperance, the raise might not be as large as you expected.

The presence of Rubeus is a strong indication that you need to keep your emotions in check to receive the pay raise. Any emotional outbursts would severely hinder your chances.

Albus is a favorable figure that indicates slow, steady progress. This means you’ll probably get your raise, but it might not be as large as you wish. It will probably be one of many small raises you’ll receive during the course of your career.

Here is another question: "What will my future husband look like?" To answer this, all you need do is generate a figure, and see what body type relates to it. If you created Caput Draconis, for instance, your future husband will be of medium height and have a slight build. He will also have a pleasant face.

Simple questions can be answered by creating a single figure. It's also a good way to practice and to learn the meanings of each figure.

From Geomancy for Beginners, by Richard Webster

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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