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Posted Under Astral Projection

The New Astral World

Power in Hands

Of course, the Astral World is not at all new. In reality, it is older than the Physical Universe, and far larger. The astral "world" (also called the astral plane, astral level, or astral dimension) is the term mainly used in occult and magical circles, whereas it is also more familiarly known as the "World of Spirit," as well as the Emotional Level, the Dream World and the Plane of Desire, the Domain of the Gods & Inner World of Natural Forces, the AfterWorld, the AfterDeath Plane, the World of the Fantasy and Imagination, the Creative Dimension, and the many other names descriptive of the focus we have towards its denizens and our purpose towards it.

The Astral World is older and larger than the entire physical universe because it is the birthplace of physical manifestation; it is also the world not only of pre-manifestation but of the co-existence of physical forms with their astral matrixes and replicas. For example, every building on the material plane has a replica in the astral world, but that astral replica often contains additional images of desire, fantasy, fears, plans for change and expansion; the various lusts and concerns of its occupants and visitors; of maintenance and security workers; and everything related to emotion and imagination.

Most of these are of little or no consequence and quickly fade away; others are more enduring and may lead to changes in the building’s use and structure. If located in a big city, it can take on an astral character reflecting its reputation, its image as seen by passers by, and even more as it may be seen through the eyes of television viewers and readers of newspapers when it becomes identified with such events as crime, plans for renewal, as the scene for novels and movies, and every time it is reproduced in Imagination.

Imagination is New.
Of course, the imagination is a part of the human psyche and is just as old as is humanity. But the active imagination was long the province of the few—:the story teller and creator of myths, the priest and shaman. These individuals employed imagined images to contact forces and spirits and sometimes to bring them into visible appearance before a crowd or other witnesses; in more modern times, the active imagination became the engine of novels and the entertainment of large audiences.

Today, the active imagination is the everyday tool of "creative people"—advertising artists and copywriters, entertainment actors and writers, business visionaries and entrepreneurs, military planners and political strategists, scientists and creators of technology creators—as well as of the audiences for all of these who likewise see it all in their imagination.

What is "new" is that the "barriers" between the material plane and the astral world are becoming thinner, and our mind increasingly comprehends both worlds. We see more, hear more, feel more, perceive more richly, and function at greater depth and breadth.

But, just seeing and believing so much more is Not the same as acting with the creative power that is now potential in your expanding consciousness.

It is not—normally—that we are consciously aware and focused on the astral level, but rather that our conscious mind is expanding to be more inclusive of the astral without loss of physical awareness. Nevertheless, we can utilize our knowledge of this mind expansion to purposefully focus on techniques to enhance creativity in particular ways.

Because of this, it is incumbent to understand more of the nature of the Astral World, which is many layered like the geological strata in the walls of the Grand Canyon. Particular activities and particular denizens occupy different levels, or "sub-planes," of the astral from the lower (near the physical/etheric plane) to the higher (nearer the mental and causal levels) according to their vibratory state.

Movement within the astral world and its sub-planes is possible both by its natural denizens and visitors and observers still embodied in the physical world. You don't have to die to visit, communicate, or see and function at these different levels, and your focus on each level opens you up to particular astral resources and "powers."

You Are "Here" Now!
You always have access to the astral level. It's as intrinsic as breathing, thinking, feeling, working, playing, and loving. You are a multi-dimensional being, always functioning with some degree of astral and mental consciousness as normally you do with your physical body's strength and etheric double's energies.

It's simple, really, though not just as simple as just pushing a button or flipping a switch. But, simply enough, it involves just three things: Knowledge, Practice, and Success. That's why Dr. Joe Slate and I wrote Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment to start you with knowledge and know-how about the astral body and plane needed to understand its nature and structure, and to know where you want to go and what you want to do; to provide you with the techniques and particular developmental exercises you need to practice to turn your innate psychic power into the skills you need; and to show you the actual benefits of your success in gaining and applying these skills.

You can say it takes work, but it's joyful work because you are growing through it and becoming more than you are. It's the true joy of learning and the ultimate joy of an empowered life. The astral is accessed through the psychic awareness that you gain with simple practice. It is the source of all magick and creativity; it's the home of spirits and natural forces, of gods and goddesses, and of great teachers—learn how to communicate with them and your own higher self. You are fulfilling your destiny by becoming more of the Whole Person that is your potential, but still unrealized, fate.

Psychic Empowerment is simply, but wonderfully, the empowering of your greater self, the expanding consciousness that has opened in this New Age. Astral Projection is simply the focus of consciousness in the astral level that is always there for you. It is simply a means of getting "there" without ever leaving "here," for the Greater World is opened to you with Knowledge and Practice.

Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment is more than just a book; it is the adventure of a fuller life, a life of expanded sensation and perception, a life of greater purpose and Self-Realization.

About Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (Minnesota) was the owner and chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide, the world's oldest and largest metaphysical publisher. He played a seminal role in the rise of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in the 1960s and ...

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