
Four Powerful Ways to Live a Joyful Life Today


There are better ways of making yourself happy than guzzling down a box of chocolates on your own while watching a chick flick and measuring your partner up against impossible standards. We are talking about the happiness that's permanent and the happiness that lasts! If you can make your soul happy, your body and mind will follow. And, the great thing is that happiness is available all around us! It's accessible through our own thoughts and surroundings. Happiness doesn't need to be bought, and we can't rely on others to make us happy; doing so will just lead to disappointment.

"The way to happiness is; keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Love simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by."—Buddha

Your route to joy and happiness lies within your own mind and own surroundings. No matter where you are in life, you can achieve joy and happiness. Below are are few easy suggestions to help you on your way. Let's begin immediately by saying to yourself, "I choose to be happy today." Happiness can be a choice.

  1. Nature Walks: A Wonderful Source of Peace and Calm.
    If Mother Nature were a doctor, she would prescribe nature walks as a necessity to happiness. Walking or exercising in nature (or your closest accessible green surroundings) promotes not only your physical health but your mental health, too. In fact, it's scientifically proven! A study was conducted that tested two groups' levels of cortisol (the body's stress hormone), with one group partaking in a city walk, one doing a nature walk. The findings1 demonstrated that the experience of walking through the forest reduced the participants' levels of cortisol to a greater extent than did the city walk—proof that nature makes us happy! Taking in the beautiful surroundings, green grass, and natural wonderment of the earth is uplifting for the heart, body, and soul. It is especially helpful if you have had a stressful day or are feeling a little lost spiritually; the overwhelming sense of happiness, peace, and tranquility you can experience from walking in nature is incredible. If you feel your crown or third eye chakra may be blocked, a nature walk is the perfect remedy for unblocking them and letting happiness flow through your energy body.

  2. Exercising Is for Happy People, and Happy People Exercise!
    Exercise releases endorphins, and, of course, endorphins make you happy! What are endorphins? They are peptides that activate the body's opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect that gives you a feeling of happiness. Exercise doesn't just make you happy on a physical level, but also on a spiritual one. Getting out into new environments to exercise can work wonders for your peace of mind and can release tension. Followed by a sea salt bath, you have the perfect remedy for peace, happiness, and all-around aura cleansing. Exercise is also superb for your heart chakra and enhances later meditations. Have you thought about exercising in the beautiful outdoors? A study found that those who exercised outdoors as opposed to inside on a treadmill reported a greater intent to repeat their routine.2 This means that if you exercise outdoors regularly you will reap the rewards of a healthier, fitter body as well as a healthier, happier mind!

  3. Treat Yourself.
    Sometimes you deserve a little pampering, and this route to happiness surely won't let you down. You don't need to buy happiness or search the world to find it; sometimes it lies in the form of a hot, relaxing, sea salt bath in your own home. Try this for an indulgent, sensual night in. Run a hot bath; using a non-toxic oil burner, burn some natural lavender oil as your bath runs.

    Lavender oil helps to eliminate nervous tension, and also helps to cleanse your aura, so this is a great way to allow happiness in! A delightful salt-water bath will cleanse your aura and rid your mind and body of negativity while the organic mix of salts will nourish your skin. Use unrefined, pink Himalayan sea salt. Additionally, salt baths provide your body with much-needed magnesium via your skin. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and decreases anxiety, and some studies show that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient.

  4. Care for Your Chakras.
    When your chakras are balanced and unblocked, your mind, body, and spirit will be happy. Putting a little effort into caring for your chakras will only benefit you. Invest in or source a chakra crystal, an easy way to enjoy some light chakra balancing. Blue kyanite is an excellent choice. All you need to do is keep this pretty little gem on your person and it will automatically align and balance your chakras. This precious stone will keep you balanced, help you meditate, and provide you with cleansing on the go. Make sure that you cleanse it daily in either sunlight, moonlight, sea salt in a bowl, or even water. Ask it what it would like for a bath. You will sense it may feel like sunbathing or want to be on the earth in your yard.

Unblock your chakras, treat your mind and body to a salt bath, or go out and enjoy a nature walk and inhale the fresh air and beautiful sights. Simply put, DO something positive and you'll feel positive again!


1 Park B, et al. (2009). Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine; 15:18–26. doi: 10.1007/s12 199-009-0086-9

2 Coon JT et al. "Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? A systematic review." Environmental Science and Technology. 2011. doi: 10.1021/es102947t

About Amy Leigh Mercree

Amy Leigh Mercree (Florida) is an author, media personality, medical intuitive, and dating, relationship, and wellness coach. She has been featured in Women’s Health, Soul and Spirit, Elevated Existence, and Glamour UK ...