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Moon Signs and Mood Swings

Woman and Astrological Charts

Moon signs. What do they actually mean? Like the Sun, the Moon—and the rest of the planets and other heavenly bodies—are in constant motion against the backdrop of the constellations, the signs. Each of these signs holds the potential for different traits and characteristics. The Sun takes a year to move through all of the signs, but the Moon only takes around twenty-nine days. Its impact is fleeting because of its speed, but the Moon is the closest heavenly body to your own physical body, and therefore its influence—though brief—is also powerful.

Astrologers read (or interpret) a natal birth chart by looking at the signs the planets were in on the date when someone was born and then comparing the angles—or aspects—they make to each other. When the aspects of the natal chart are compared to the aspects of the planets on any given day, these are called transits. Knowing the influence of the natal Moon is a start; knowing what the Moon is doing now, and how that will impact your moods, is the next step in living by the Moon.

It's easy to know the Moon's phases; you can look up and see it in the sky. However, you will need an ephemeris or aspectarian to know the signs the Moon is in at any given time. Because the Moon moves very quickly around the earth, it only stays in each sign for around two and a half days. Its aspect to your natal Moon will only last a few hours. Therefore, even though quite important, the transiting Moon's influence will only be a fleeting thing.

The Moon Phases
The New Moon is the start of a new lunar month. You won't be able to see it because it rises and sets with the Sun. This is the best time to begin new projects or embrace new ideas.

The waxing crescent Moon is the second phase in a lunar month. It hangs in the sky in a graceful thin curve, appearing in the western sky as sunset approaches. It adds discipline and focus to the energy of the New Moon and is a good time to look at things from a different angle.

The third Moon phase in a lunar month is the first quarter Moon. This is visible from late afternoon onward and hangs in the sky like a half circle or a capital letter D. This phase adds energy and enthusiasm to anything you are trying to accomplish.

The waxing gibbous Moon is the fourth phase in the lunar month and often looks full because of how brightly it is shining. This Moon rises late in the afternoon and is visible most of the night. It often brings a sense of urgency, but you must try to find patience, for it is during this time that important details could be overlooked.

It's easy to see the Full Moon, for it is round and bright. It is the apex of the Moon's journey through its phases, and it is the middle of the lunar month. It rises in the east as the sun sets and sets in the west as the sun rises. This is the time to blend inventiveness with practicality and look more deeply at long-term goals. It's often a good period for team meetings and socializing, for people are apt to be more open at this time.

The waning gibbous Moon—or disseminating Moon—starts the journey from full back to new. It is the sixth phase in the lunar month, with the Moon rising after sunset and setting after sunrise. Its energy brings a bit of reserve, but it's still a good time to share knowledge and what is being learned.

The penultimate phase in the lunar month is the last quarter Moon. This is the time to tie up loose ends, for the energies are slowing down and becoming more reserved. It is the opposite energy to the first quarter Moon, and the half disc hangs in the sky resembling a backwards letter D.

The last phase in the lunar month is the waning crescent Moon—also called the balsamic Moon. It is a time for resting, reflecting, and rethinking what has been accomplished over the last lunar month and contemplating what you want to achieve for the next one. It's not a particularly social time, for the overall energy is reserved and restrained. Like all Moon phases, this one will last about three days and then we move to the New Moon, where the cycle begins again.

Moon Signs
Understanding the Moon's phases is a good start; next, we'll take a brief look at the Moon through the signs. To understand this fully, it is important to consider both the phase and the sign of the transiting Moon. I'll get to that a bit later at the part about how to put it all together. It’s quite easy when you get the hang of it—promise!

Aries Moon
Aries is a cardinal fire sign. As the first sign of the zodiac, it rests on the cusp of the spring equinox. Fire signs are warm, passionate, and grandiose—but like a house fire, that energy has to be contained and adequately controlled or disciplined, or the consequences could be quite unpleasant. Here, the Moon takes on a fiery energy that is independent and impulsive. Stay busy and find a way to dispel frustrations before they arise.

Taurus Moon
Taurus is a fixed earth sign. The second sign of the zodiac, it is practical and pragmatic; it is stubborn and dependable. This is not the right time to rush ahead, for the energy is more reserved than animated. Think of the land, how the glaciers slowly formed the peaks and troughs and how the soil quietly supports and nurtures the life upon it—until it starts to shake, and then with a few tremors it can raze everything to the ground. That, in a nutshell, is the influence of a Taurus Moon.

Gemini Moon
Gemini is a mutable air sign. The third sign of the zodiac, it is communicative and full of ideas but has quite a short attention span. There's a restless energy with a Gemini Moon, and focus tends to flit from one thing to another. This is a good time for short-distance travel and for paying attention to all things dealing with communication.

Cancer Moon Cancer is a cardinal water sign. As the fourth sign of the zodiac, it is on the cusp of the summer solstice. In astrology, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, so it's very comfortable here. Pay extra attention to home and family during Cancer Moons.

Leo Moon
Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac, and is a fixed fire sign. It brings gregarious and passionate energy, but there's a bit of ego here. This is a time when luck and creativity are heightened, but make sure to take everything at face value and not jump to any conclusions.

Virgo Moon
Virgo is a mutable earth sign and the sixth sign in the zodiac. Its energy is one of precision, and there can be a lot of criticism and judgement going on in a Virgo Moon. This is the time to organize things and to pay attention to daily routines and health matters.

Libra Moon
Libra is a cardinal air sign and is on the cusp of the autumn equinox. As the seventh sign of the zodiac, it deals with partnerships of all kinds. Libra's energy is social and it likes company, making this a good time to mingle with others.

Scorpio Moon
Scorpio is a fixed water sign and the eighth sign of the zodiac. Passion and tempers may flare with a Scorpio Moon. It is a good time to pay attention to finances and intimate relationships and anything to do with intuition, mystery, or the arcane.

Sagittarius Moon
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. As the ninth sign of the zodiac, it brings a focus to philosophy and the higher mind. This is another excellent time for socializing with like-minded people and humanitarian pursuits, but stay flexible, for plans could change abruptly under a Sagittarius Moon.

Capricorn Moon
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, the tenth sign of the zodiac, and is on the cusp of the winter solstice. Its energy is practical and pragmatic and headstrong to the point of stubbornness. This is a good time to focus on motivation, ambition, and professional goals.

Aquarius Moon
Aquarius is a fixed air sign. It is the penultimate sign of the zodiac and its vibration is lofty and philosophical. It brings individuality and sometimes even eccentricity, for the energy here is spontaneous and unpredictable. This is a good time to seek out like-minded people and pull together for a common cause.

Pisces Moon
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and is a mutable water sign. It's dreamy and romantic, and this Moon is either your best friend or your nemesis depending on how its energies are faced. This is a period when sensitivity is likely to be heightened, and it is a good time to center on esoteric ideas or spiritual pursuits.

Lunar Transits
Knowing the Moon's signs and phases is a start, but this is a blanket influence overall, and not everyone is going to react the same. The reason for this goes back to astrology again; the Moon is going to tug at the Sun and the different planets in the skies as they are now as well as influencing the map of the heavens when you were born—your natal birth chart. This is what makes you an individual and why different people respond to the same situation in different ways.

Analyzing—or reading—a natal birth chart takes a long time. Applying the transits takes even longer! However, to understand the Moon's influence on you as an individual, the best place to start is with your natal Moon sign. You may even already know it, but if not, this information can be found on any reputable online free birth chart calculator.

Natal Moon in Aries
Transit Moon Aries Most favorable, familiar, energetic
Transit Moon Taurus Mildly favorable, grounding, possibly frustrating
Transit Moon Gemini Restless, mercurial
Transit Moon Cancer Challenging, counterproductive
Transit Moon Leo Very favorable, creative
Transit Moon Virgo Most challenging, disharmony
Transit Moon Libra Neutral, mirrors current emotions
Transit MoonScorpio Most challenging, distracting
Transit Moon Sagittarius Very favorable, spontaneous
Transit Moon Capricorn Challenging, impatient
Transit Moon Aquarius Favorable, philosophical
Transit Moon Pisces Mildly favorable, enigmatic


Natal Moon in Gemini
Transit Moon Aries Mildly favorable, energetic
Transit Moon Taurus Most favorable, familiar, practical
Transit Moon Gemini Mildly favorable, communicative
Transit Moon Cancer Favorable, comfortable
Transit Moon Leo Challenging, impatient
Transit Moon Virgo Very favorable, detail-oriented
Transit Moon Libra Neutral, harmony or superficiality
Transit Moon Scorpio Neutral, adds passion to current issues
Transit Moon Sagittarius Most challenging, unpredictable
Transit Moon Capricorn Very favorable, patient and pragmatic
Transit Moon Aquarius Challenging, impulsive
Transit Moon Pisces Favorable, humble


Natal Moon in Taurus
Transit Moon Aries Favorable, eager
Transit Moon Taurus Mildly favorable, either anchoring or restricting
Transit Moon Gemini Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Cancer Mildly favorable for family and home
Transit Moon Leo Favorable, inventive
Transit Moon Virgo Neutral, good for ideas, bad for patience
Transit Moon Libra Very favorable, good for socializing
Transit Moon Scorpio Most challenging, disharmony
Transit Moon Sagittarius Neutral, adds spontaneity
Transit Moon Capricorn Most challenging, impatient
Transit Moon Aquarius Very favorable, humanitarian
Transit Moon Pisces Challenging, conflicting energies


Natal Moon in Cancer
Transit Moon Aries Challenging, too busy
Transit Moon Taurus Favorable, soothing
Transit Moon Gemini Mildly favorable for new ideas
Transit Moon Cancer Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Leo Mildly favorable, creative
Transit Moon Virgo Favorable, industrious
Transit Moon Libra Challenging, needy
Transit Moon Scorpio Very favorable, perceptive
Transit Moon Sagittarius Most challenging, inhibiting
Transit Moon Capricorn Neutral, can be soothing or oppressive
Transit Moon Aquarius Most challenging, hectic
Transit Moon Pisces Very favorable, intuitive and insightful


Natal Moon in Leo
Transit Moon Aries Very favorable, energetic
Transit Moon Taurus Challenging, restricting
Transit Moon Gemini Favorable for new ideas
Transit Moon Cancer Mildly favorable for domestic activities
Transit Moon Leo Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Virgo Mildly favorable but possibly impatient
Transit Moon Libra Favorable for partnerships
Transit Moon Scorpio Challenging, too demanding
Transit Moon Sagittarius Very favorable, spontaneous
Transit Moon Capricorn Most challenging, impatient
Transit Moon Aquarius Neutral, group activities influenced
Transit Moon Pisces Most challenging, lack of focus


Natal Moon in Virgo
Transit Moon Aries Most challenging, disharmonious
Transit Moon Taurus Very favorable, good for focus
Transit Moon Gemini Challenging, but good for new ideas
Transit Moon Cancer Favorable, good for home matters
Transit Moon Leo Mildly favorable, prone to impatience
Transit Moon Virgo Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Libra Mildly favorable for socializing
Transit Moon Scorpio Favorable, but perhaps moody
Transit Moon Sagittarius Challenging, too impulsive
Transit Moon Capricorn Very favorable, good for detailed work
Transit Moon Aquarius Most challenging, aloof and distant
Transit Moon Pisces Neutral, good for introspection and spiritual pursuits


Natal Moon in Libra
Transit Moon Aries Neutral, good for socializing, but could be impatient
Transit Moon Taurus Mildly favorable, watch overindulgence
Transit Moon Gemini Very favorable, good for entertaining
Transit Moon Cancer Challenging, possible mood swings
Transit Moon Leo Favorable, good for creativity
Transit Moon Virgo Mildly favorable, don't overthink things
Transit Moon Libra Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Scorpio Mildly favorable, teamwork could become challenging
Transit Moon Sagittarius Favorable for all personal interactions
Transit Moon Capricorn Challenging, guard against boredom
Transit Moon Aquarius Very favorable, philosophical and social
Transit Moon Pisces Challenging, prone to delusions and fantasies


Natal Moon in Scorpio
Transit Moon Aries Most challenging, opposing energies
Transit Moon Taurus Neutral, grounding, possibly frustrating
Transit Moon Gemini Most challenging, too superficial
Transit Moon Cancer Very favorable for domestic activities
Transit Moon Leo Challenging, lack of harmony
Transit Moon Virgo Favorable, good for attention to details
Transit Moon Libra Mildly favorable, not a time for making decisions
Transit Moon Scorpio Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Sagittarius Mildly favorable, good for new ideas
Transit Moon Capricorn Favorable for investigations and research
Transit Moon Aquarius Challenging, possible disagreements and conflicts
Transit Moon Pisces Very favorable, relax and unwind


Natal Moon in Sagittarius
Transit Moon Aries Very favorable, harmonious energies
Transit Moon Taurus Most challenging, discord and potential delays
Transit Moon Gemini Neutral, ideas come easily but could leave just as quickly
Transit Moon Cancer Most challenging, relationships could be strained
Transit Moon Leo Very favorable, creative and industrious
Transit Moon Virgo Challenging, too many details
Transit Moon Libra Favorable for all socializing
Transit Moon Scorpio Mildly favorable, good for fact finding
Transit Moon Sagittarius Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Capricorn Mildy favorable, good for minutiae
Transit Moon Aquarius Favorable for philosophical endeavors
Transit Moon Pisces Challenging, could create unseen consequences


Natal Moon in Capricorn
Transit Moon Aries Challenging, watch for impulsiveness
Transit Moon Taurus Very favorable for reaching realistic goals
Transit Moon Gemini Most challenging, flighty and inconsistent
Transit Moon Cancer Neutral, handle relationships with practicality
Transit Moon Leo Most challenging, headstrong and impatient
Transit Moon Virgo Very favorable for detailed work
Transit Moon Libra Challenging, indecision may cause delays
Transit Moon Scorpio Favorable for fact-finding and accounting
Transit Moon Sagittarius Mildy favorable if you do not get distracted
Transit Moon Capricorn Most favorable, comfortable and familiar
Transit Moon Aquarius Mildy favorable for teamwork
Transit Moon Pisces Favorable for a bit of rest and relaxation


Natal Moon in Aquarius
Transit Moon Aries Favorable, good for launching new plans
Transit Moon Taurus Challenging, could be hard to get ahead
Transit Moon Gemini Very favorable, wonderful for brainstorming
Transit Moon Cancer Most challenging, emotional discord likely
Transit Moon Leo Neutral, can be either stimulating or frustrating
Transit Moon Virgo Most challenging, potential to be bogged down by minutiae
Transit Moon Libra Very favorable, socializing and teamwork highlighted
Transit Moon Scorpio Challenging, tempers may flare
Transit Moon Sagittarius Favorable, spontaneity could be rewarded
Transit Moon Capricorn Mildly favorable if you remain patient
Transit Moon Aquarius Most favorable, comfortable, familiar
Transit Moon Pisces Mildly favorable, great for daydreaming


Natal Moon in Pisces
Transit Moon Aries Mildy favorable, ideas take on new energy
Transit Moon Taurus Favorable for putting a foundation under your dreams
Transit Moon Gemini Challenging, confusion may arise
Transit Moon Cancer Very favorable for love and romance
Transit Moon Leo Most challenging, don't get overwhelmed
Transit Moon Virgo Neutral, could be an anchor or a tether
Transit Moon Libra Most challenging, watch for deception or dishonesty
Transit Moon Scorpio Very favorable, insightful
Transit Moon Sagittarius Challenging, uncomfortable
Transit Moon Capricorn Favorable for adding practicality to your plans
Transit Moon Aquarius Mildy favorable, good for networking
Transit Moon Pisces Most favorable, comfortable, familiar

The above tables are just a brief look at how the energies of the transiting Moon might be applied to daily life according to your natal Moon. To further enhance this, add the Moon phase to it; a general rule of thumb is if the Moon is waxing it is a time for growth, and if the Moon is waning it is a time for repose. For example, if the natal Moon is in Pisces, the transiting Moon is in Virgo, and the current Moon phase is first quarter, this is a perfect time to look at practical ways you can start to make your dreams and ideas become reality. If the natal Moon is in Leo, and the transiting Moon is in Cancer, and it is the waning crescent phase, then it is time to slow down, relax at home, and not take on any new plans or projects just yet.

When it's all put together, studying the lunar cycle has the potential to provide not just a glimpse at things to come but also a tool for calculating the most appropriate time for activities and projects. Keep a Moon journal and record your activities and feelings during each lunar phase and transit. This creates a blueprint of your own personal responses to the lunar cycles and a key to further self-understanding.

Excerpted from Llewellyn's 2022 Moon Sign Book.

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