Posted Under Astrology

Why Are We Here and What Is Our Purpose? Secrets of Our Rising Signs

Silhouette of a Woman and Astrological Glyphs

Why am I here and what is my purpose? Secrets of Your Rising Sign can answer these universal questions by revealing revolutionary new insights into your birth chart!

When we are young we just accept everything, don't we? But as we age we start to question things. We intrinsically feel there is "more," yet we don’t have a clue what that "more" is. A lifetime of work and struggle must be for some reason? Surely there is a purpose beyond the mundane?

Yes, there is. But why we do we have so much trouble discovering what this is?

There are two reasons for this. The first is that, as a species, spiritually, we are way down the cosmic ladder. Many people's interactions are tinged with aggression, selfishness, and greed. We are still at war with each other over religion, land, or natural resources.

But even if we are the opposite and are non-violent, non-judgmental, compassionate, and thoughtful, life takes so much of our physical energy as we struggle to survive—to get a career or a partner, to feed ourselves and our family, to maintain a roof over our heads—we hardly have time to think of anything else.

It doesn't help that commercialism underpins our whole world. It is the "god" of our current times, creating the desire for designer labels, the biggest and best car, the most luxurious apartment—all of which may seem alluring, but are actually meaningless to our life path and purpose.

The more recent internet world has given us another set of tasks to grapple with. Now, not only do we have to provide the necessities for ourselves and those we love, but we have to keep abreast of fashions and fads, celebrities, music and the myriad of electronic information at our fingertips; we are being swamped by information so cleverly marketed and disguised we may have to give some of our ever-decreasing and valuable time to them before distinguishing those that are really imparting useful information to those just desirous of parting us from our hard-earned cash. Not only is this exhausting, but are we any happier having all these things, the stuff we supposedly can't live without?

Only for a short while. We soon adapt to our better circumstances, yet we are still left with ourselves, and we still have that divine discontent that there is something more.

Our world teaches us how to strive for the tangible aspects of comfort, security, and love, but does not provide the answers to our personal reasons for being here in the first place and what our striving is all for.

The second reason we have so much trouble finding our true path and purpose is because we believe we are in control of our own destiny. But, are we?

We often yearn for what our birth charts says we are not supposed to have. It could be a certain person, a house, a job, or a lifestyle. It could be to have children, or freedom, or even the opposite, to have the love of a supportive partner or family; we all want what we haven't got. It doesn't help that our world encourages us to strive against the tide to achieve things "against the odds," which sends us down blind alleys and cul-de-sacs. We try and try and try to batter down doors that are not meant to open to us, wasting our time, energy, and resources.

The lesson we are being taught here is that if a door is not opening to us, it is because it is not on our planned path. We do have choices, but if they veer from our true life direction, we end up back at square one sooner or later, and by then we are often older, poorer, battered and emotionally bruised.

It would be immodest of anyone to claim they know all the answers to the universal and eternal truths. Even established religions cannot satisfactorily provide answers some of the questions we ask; we are told to have faith and trust. And there are a myriad of books claiming to have the answers but dwell on concepts and ideas, most of which are impossible to integrate into our lives in any meaningful way—they offer very little in the way of real, tangible, concrete help in finding our purpose.

Our birth chart has always shone a light on these universal questions. Centuries ago, without benefit of modern communication, it was the way people got their most pressing questions answered. They asked astrologers if they would marry, if they would have children, if they would have money, and when they would die.

Once we were more widely educated and lifestyles became more comfortable, we started looking for deeper answers, for psychological insights. Our birth chart was able to answer those, too. Now we are now asking if it can provide some of the answers to our spiritual purpose, and yes, it can! The answers are all in our birth charts—we just have to ask the right questions.

Secrets of your Rising Sign reveals your two most important past-life markers: the area of life you inhabited, and what your sun sign was in the last life.

Okay, you may be thinking, that's interesting to know. But how does this impact on me, today?

It actually has a crucial importance to your life in the here and now, because knowing these two aspects will answer a lot of your questions as to your purpose this time. Why? Because this life is the complete opposite, a balance to the previous one. It's saying that you've done all that and got the t-shirt, so now it's time to experience a whole new area. Your birth chart clearly shows you that area, and the type of person you should be aiming to be this time.

And all this information about your past and present life can be found in Secrets of your Rising Sign!

After you've read the book, you may be inspired to dig deeper into your chart, because this is just the tip of the iceberg. Your birth chart, interpreted in the right way by someone knowledgeable in spiritual astrology, can decipher all the hidden messages and secret clues the universe has given you to enable you to become the best you can be. And for that to happen you need to know your true path, and how to access it—how not to be sidetracked by tempting routes that lead nowhere.

Only then can you find fulfilment, contentment, and wisdom.

About Andrea Taylor

Andrea Taylor (Dorset, England) has been an astrological counselor for over forty years. Originally self-taught, she studied through the Huber School in the mid-1980s. She started teaching birth chart interpretation soon ...

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