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Astrology: Is Timing Really Everything?

Astrological Chart with Pen

When I first began to study astrology, I was mainly interested in charts for people. I wanted to know what makes them tick. I worked with charts of family members at first, then friends and later clients. My second great love in astrology was forecasting. I wanted to know what was coming in my life, and how to predict what might happen.

In order to learn how astrological prediction works, I had to prepare charts for the dates of events that had already happened. That way I could see how astrology matches up to events. It didn't take me very long to catch on to the fact that I could select times for different kinds of events—times when the astrological indicators were more auspicious.

Choosing times for events is very detailed. It is a reverse process from examining a birth chart with respect to a specific date. When you select a date and time for an event, you have to gather a lot of detailed information:

  1. The first order of business is identifying the event very carefully. What exactly is the event? This sounds simple, doesn't it? Often it is, but sometimes you have to really think it through. For example, if you are choosing a time for a wedding, do you use the time the processional music starts? The time the minister begins speaking? The time the vows are actually spoken? Most people use the time the vows are spoken. So how do you know what time that will occur? You have to know how complex the ceremony is, about how long it takes for each part and you have to be reasonably sure the ceremony will begin on time.

    Here are another couple of examples: when you are betting on a horse race, do you use the time the race begins, or the time when the winner crosses the finish line? Trust me, this small time difference actually matters! When you are buying a car or a computer, do you use the time you sign the contract? The check? Do you care when the car or computer rolled off the assembly line?

    For most events, I use the moment of the first step. For surgery or medical treatment, it is the moment of the first incision, first medication, or the time you first sit down with the therapist. Some people use the time for the first telephone contact between practitioner and patient, and that works well. For travel away from home, you can use the time when you lock the door of your house or apartment and get on your way.

  2. The second step is to identify the astrological factors that are involved in the event you are planning. For this step you need substantial astrological knowledge to figure out what to do. You need to know:
    • What area of the chart represents the individuals involved in the question
    • What each person is like, based on the planet associated with that part of the chart
    • How the planets relate to each other (there are two or three important kinds of relationships to consider)
    • The position of the Moon and how it affects the event, as well as future outcomes.

  3. The third step is selecting the date for the event. Sometimes you have all the time in the world, and you can wait for a time that coincides nearly perfectly with a nearly perfect chart. Generally, though, you have a specified period of time in which you must take action, or that you want to take action. Think for just a moment about the difference between "must do" and "want to." Sometimes we want something so much that it feels like "must," but often we can wait. I would never recommend putting off emergency medical treatment for astrological reasons. I would also not recommend changing the times prescription medications are administered. If you must appear in court, I would not suggest trying to change the court date. However I would, and have, recommended times for filing lawsuits and other important documents.

    The date is selected, based on what I call "broad strokes" of the astrological brush. I try to find a date when the planets are in general agreement with the charts of the individuals involved and the event being planned. Your vacation will be more fun if the planets are making "fun" aspects when you start out. Your business trip will be more successful if the business planets are making aspects to your chart.

  4. The fourth step is to choose the time of day for the event. You can choose any time of the day or night for your event. However, there are some limitations on what will actually work:
    • To file papers at the courthouse, the courthouse has to be open for business.
    • To have a successful wedding, you may want to choose a time when your guests can arrive conveniently and enjoy themselves, just as you would choose a location that accommodates any special needs your guests may have.
    • Generally, it is best to choose daylight hours for events that usually occur in daylight. There are exceptions to this rule, of course.
    • The time of day determines the position of the planets in the houses of the chart. The time of year determines where the planets are in the signs. Both of these considerations are paramount when planning events.

Who's on First?
The planets represent qualities, locations, and things in event charts. Here is a short list of what each planet means in electional astrology:

  • Sun: palaces, theaters, resorts; generally things of greater value that provide a source of pride. The Sun shows the nature of the event being planned.
  • Moon: places of residence, parking spaces, docks; contains a sheltering quality or a changing quality. The Moon shows the unfolding of action regarding the event.
  • Mercury: places of commerce, transportation, paper, tickets, communication and carrying cases of all kinds are included.
  • Venus: places designed for entertainment and comfort, restaurants, public gardens; items used to beautify the outside of anything apply.
  • Mars: places designed for action, sports venues, operating rooms, devastated areas, anger or urgency. Often trouble is involved wherever you find Mars.
  • Jupiter: places where dignity is enhanced, churches, courts, banks; large or embellished objects; people or items that have deeper meaning related to the event.
  • Saturn: places where work is done, lonely locations, underground areas.
  • Uranus: places where scientific activities occur, businesses involved in electronics or fissionable materials; broken objects or things that are broken into parts; the unusual or unexpected, or anything out of character.
  • Neptune: places of retirement or confinement; glamorous or mysterious qualities; deceptive qualities; or areas that involve some kind of restraint.
  • Pluto: places where death is involved, cemeteries, morgues, places where transformation occurs; coercive quality, group activity, underworld or illegal activities; regeneration; any alchemical process.

I always think of electional astrology as being one part astrology, one part common sense, and one part intuition. I have occasionally worked very hard to choose the best time for an event, only to be held up until a later time or propelled into action earlier. I also find that once I have done the homework with the charts, my intuition often guides me to an even more auspicious time to take action.

If you want to gain more control over your life, astrology, and especially electional astrology, may be just what you have been seeking. Don't let astrology rule your life, though. Save astrology for the most important decisions and events, and even then make the final decision yourself. Astrology is a great source of information. The rest of the time you can rely upon your own free will.

Houses in Electional Astrology
Because all of life is represented in the houses of a chart, this list is necessarily incomplete, but it will give you an idea of how the electional chart is used to read about different life events.

  • House 1: personal matters, health, personal appearance
  • House 2: possessions, earning capacity, valuables, the future
  • House 3: relatives, neighborhood, short trips
  • House 4: home, family matters, heredity, the end of the matter
  • House 5: speculation and chance, love affairs, recreation
  • House 6: routine work, workmen, illness, pets, small animals
  • House 7: marriage and other partnerships, unknown persons, lawsuits
  • House 8: insurance, pensions, surgery, legacies, death
  • House 9: distant travel, going to college, ceremonies, religious functions
  • House 10: career, employer, success and honors, reputation
  • House 11: group memberships, friendships, questions about intangible things
  • House 12: imprisonment, misfortune, solitary pursuits, secrets
About Stephanie Clement

A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. Her Ph.D. in Transpersonal ...

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