
Own the Power to Heal

Zen Stones on the Beach

Abundant energy and vibrant health; it's what we all crave. If we have the means, we'll go to great lengths and pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars searching for the "power-packed treatment" or "magic pill" that will change our lives. In our hopeful search, we often become disappointed when the expensive supplement or the latest healing treatment doesn't yield the results we desired. The reason is simple, yet obscure. We look outside of ourselves for a cure that originates from within, in our own inner power!

This shift of focus became apparent during my personal journey from chronic, debilitating, "incurable" illness into dynamic health and wholeness. In October of 1989, upon completion of the Detroit marathon, the onset of a chronic illness became the catalyst for changing my life. The severe bout of bronchitis I contracted turned out to be much more than bacteria irritating my lungs. I wasn't able to recover from that illness, and couldn't figure out why. Unbeknownst to me until over two years later, a silent invasion was happening deep within the nuclei of the cells of my body. Epstein-Barr and Cytomegalo viruses were busily altering the intricate functions of my cells, creating an imbalance that developed into a ten-year physical take-over of chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome, fibromyalgia, asthma, hypothyroidism, and hypoglycemia. Conventional medicine failed to relieve the debilitating symptoms and increasing long-term damage occurring in my body. This life-sucking plague nearly ended my life. That was my wake-up call. My answer to that call was an incessant search for healing. Sixteen years later, Inner Power is the powerful result of that search.

Frustrated by a medical diagnosis that offered no hope, treatment, or symptom reduction, I began searching for any "witch doctor" that could make me whole. That process led me to therapists utilizing massage, Reiki, acupuncture, energy-therapies, cranial-sacral, herbs, etcetera. Despite experiencing temporary relief, there was still no cure. I felt better for a while after the sessions and then regressed. I knew something important was missing, but what could it be?

When all was lost and there was nothing else to do, my real work began. I looked carefully at how I felt after each session, what was done that made me feel the best for the longest time, and what those techniques had in common. I paid close attention to my body responses and began to see a pattern. While the energy was fresh, and for as long as I remained energy-filled and energetically clean, I felt good. I wondered if I learned how to move energy myself if I would find the cure that I was seeking. It was then that my search for healing changed focus from external (getting it done to me) to internal (doing it myself). This initiated trainings in a variety of techniques that I then adapted into the self-applied, power-filling, soul-self connecting techniques that generate energy and self-healing as described in Inner Power.

One by one, techniques were added, subtracted, and combined as I attended trainings and experimented with my daily practices, until I found the blend that consistently yielded healing results. The six powerful techniques described in Inner Power are those that drastically changed my life, energy, and health. As my daily healing practice turned into full recovery from the monster illness that had invaded my body, I recognized that the healing "witch doctor" I had searched for years to find was, and is, me, and that we all have this innate ability to connect with energy and heal. All we have to do to tap into it is to turn our attention inward. As I continued to experience profound healing and renewed energy, I taught these techniques to my clients, paid close attention to their practices and results, and we continued to refine our practices together. By request, this gradually grew into intensive classes and workshops where I am continually blessed to bear witness to the incredible energy building, physical healing, self-actualization, and enlightenment in others.

It brings me great joy to share these powerful techniques for increased energy and self-healing. It presents a way of living that changes lives from merely surviving to thriving. Within the pages of Inner Power, messages of hope and empowerment (as well as testaments to the resiliency and natural ability of the body and soul to become whole) will inspire miraculous healing for those who practice the techniques.

For those who desire to energize and heal, these techniques will take you to a new level of vitality. Regain your life now, embark on an adventure of self-discovery and learn how easy it is to energize and heal yourself. Become aware of the life force that flows through and around you. Let it flow freely through your emotions, mind, body, and soul. Healing will happen.

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