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Llewellyn's New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Interpreter

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A Comprehensive Self-Study Course

For nearly 100 years, astrologers the world over have trusted the A to Z Horoscope Maker and Interpreter as their primary textbook and reference for all facets of astrology. Now this classic guidebook is bigger and better than ever, with over 100 pages of new material and an even easier-to-use design. Today's generation of astrologers can benefit from Llewellyn George's timeless interpretations, along with new material by contemporary . . .

For nearly 100 years, astrologers the world over have trusted the A to Z Horoscope Maker and Interpreter as their primary textbook and reference for all facets of astrology. Now this classic guidebook is bigger and better than ever, with over 100 pages of new material and an even easier-to-use design. Today's generation of astrologers can benefit from Llewellyn George's timeless interpretations, along with new material by contemporary astrologer and author Stephanie Jean Clement.

The expansion contains modern developments in astrology including Chiron and the major asteroids, Transneptunians, Horary and Mundane astrology, mythology of the planets, and health considerations.Also new to this edition is a study guide to help you understand, organize, and remember what you have read, plus a free birth chart offer to get you started.

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"Smartly conceived and a true page-turner, this book is an indispensable classic readers will return to throughout their lifetimes. For astrologers, owning a copy is a must."—New Age Retailer

"In 1910, astrologer Llewellyn George published his masterpiece, A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator, which became a besteller and is given much credit for re-establishing astrology as a valid system. Now astrologer Stephanie . . .

"Smartly conceived and a true page-turner, this book is an indispensable classic readers will return to throughout their lifetimes. For astrologers, owning a copy is a must."—New Age Retailer

"In 1910, astrologer Llewellyn George published his masterpiece, A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator, which became a besteller and is given much credit for re-establishing astrology as a valid system. Now astrologer Stephanie Clement has revised previous revisions to keep A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator up to date and accurate...A to Z is designed to get anyone intereted in astrology up and running when it comes to understanding the natal horoscope. Everything you need to interpret a chart can be found in this book."—Dell Horoscope

"A to Z gives the reader enormous value packed into one book. It can be a study guide for the beginning student, a brushup book for an intermediate student, and a reference book for the advanced student. I recommend it for anyone with a serious interest in astrology."—Maya Del Mar, Maya Del Mar's Daykeeper Journal

ISBN-13: 9780738703220
Imprint: Llewellyn
Pub Date: November 2003
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 480 pages
Size: 7.53 x 9.13 x 1.09 IN
Weight: 2.10 lbs
Case Quantity: 10

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