The evidence for an afterlife is vast, varied, and ancient. Now, meticulously compiled into one place, this evidence can be critically evaluated to resolve the age-old controversy of survival beyond death.
Equipping you with a tool kit drawn from science, philosophy, and legal reasoning, Oxford-educated philosopher Chris Carter facilitates a thorough examination of the evidence and its corresponding counterarguments. Explore . . .
The evidence for an afterlife is vast, varied, and ancient. Now, meticulously compiled into one place, this evidence can be critically evaluated to resolve the age-old controversy of survival beyond death.
Equipping you with a tool kit drawn from science, philosophy, and legal reasoning, Oxford-educated philosopher Chris Carter facilitates a thorough examination of the evidence and its corresponding counterarguments. Explore compelling case studies of near-death experiences, deathbed visions, apparitions, children who remember a previous life, and communications from the deceased. With findings that cannot be explained away by fraud, mistaken eyewitness testimony, incompetence, or extrasensory perception (ESP), this book proves beyond all reasonable doubt that our consciousness endures past bodily death.
"The most factually based and rationally argued treatise I have ever read....Reading this book will be a mind-blowing clarification."
—Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Akashic Field
"This book is as clear a presentation of the evidence supporting the existence of an afterlife as anything in the literature. What makes it different from anything else in the literature is its wider coverage of the various types of evidence, and its robust demolition of the hypotheses used by opponents to debunk the evidence....Added to the pleasure of following Carter's lucid argumentation is the pleasure of seeing it so elegantly presented."
. . .
"This book is as clear a presentation of the evidence supporting the existence of an afterlife as anything in the literature. What makes it different from anything else in the literature is its wider coverage of the various types of evidence, and its robust demolition of the hypotheses used by opponents to debunk the evidence....Added to the pleasure of following Carter's lucid argumentation is the pleasure of seeing it so elegantly presented."
—Stafford Betty, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, California State University, Bakersfield, author ofThe Afterlife Unveiled
"A stunning contribution. Carter aptly addresses the important question of what happens after death."
—Robert Almeder, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Georgia State and author of Death & Personal Survival: The Evidence for Life after Death
"Carter applies the finishing strokes to his earlier arguments for post-mortem survival. He lays out some of the best evidence derived from a variety of sources...while demonstrating unequivocally that non-paranormal explanations fail to cover the facts...This book is essential reading for those on both sides of this controversy, and for anyone seeking a reliable introduction to the subject."
—Michael Prescott, author of The Far Horizon: Perspectives on Life Beyond Death
"Carter has produced the most sober, factually based, and rationally argued treatise I have ever read...To be recommended for everyone who has ever inquired about the real nature of his or her own consciousness. Reading this book will be a mind-blowing clarification."
—Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Akashic Field
"Carter makes the case for the afterlife in a manner that is both original and convincing...He devotes considerable time to presenting alternative scenarios...He finds each of these explanations sorely wanting, leaving after-death survival the most viable explanation."
—Stanley Krippner, PhD, Affiliated Distinguished Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
"Carter offers some of the very best evidence available to us in arriving at such a conviction. It is evidence that both mainstreamscience and orthodox religions have failed to grasp or appreciate. Carter presents it in a logical, cogent, and compelling manner."
—Michael Tymn, author of The Afterlife Revealed
"A comprehensive examination of all the phenomena that would suggest persistence of some characteristics of personhood after the body is gone. Abundant references will engage anyone interested in the research behind the premises. Scholarly, yet engaging and easy to read!"
—Robert Bobrow, MD, author of The Witch in the Waiting Room
"Carter argues that, based on the scientific research on mediumship, after-death communication, near-death experiences, end-of life experiences, terminal lucidity, apparitions, and spontaneous memories of previous lives at an early age, there is overwhelming evidence that there is a continuity of consciousness after the death of our body."
—Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, NDE-researcher, author of Consciousness Beyond Life
"A significant and penetrating contribution to the assessment of the evidence base for survival. It combines rigorous logic with extensive case histories to shift the burden of proof to sceptics, showing how doubt can become unreasonable...On the basis of multiple lines of evidence, Carter makes a compelling and entirely reasonable Case for the Afterlife."
—David Lorimer, author of Survival? Death as a Transition
ISBN-13: | 9780738779560 |
Imprint: | Llewellyn |
Pub Date: | February 2025 |
Product Type: | Trade Paperback |
Page Count: | 272 pages |
Size: | 5.25 x 8.00 x 0.66 IN |
Weight: | 0.65 lbs |
Case Quantity: | 44 |