There are times for righteous anger, but sometimes anger is unfounded or its time has passed. Lingering anger can be banished with this spell, which requires a bowl, a glass of water, and ten matches. Pour half the water into the bowl before you, then hold a match. Get in touch with your anger. Remember what stoked this emotion. When you really feel the anger, strike the match and watch it burn, bright and hot. Drop it into the bowl before it burns your fingers. Repeat this with the other nine matches, calling your anger to the surface and dropping the match. When you’re done, look at the spent matches before you. See how much energy was spent on this anger and what a waste it was. Those matches could have been used for other projects like lighting spell candles or celebratory bonfires. Drink the water in the glass. Imagine that it instills peace and love in all the places where anger once resided. |
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