
An Interview with Ileana Abrev

1. You've written four books about "white spells:" White Spells, White Spells for Love, White Spells for Protection, and now White Spells on the Go. How exactly would you define a white spell?

A white spell is a spell that taps into universal forces using natural energies like crystals or herbs to cause a needed effect but only in a positive way without manipulating karma or the wills of others.

2. Would you say that there is a "black magic" to complement "white magic?"

No, there is not. But you must understand both to know the difference, and it is up to each individual as to how they wish to apply their magic. I apply my magic with love and understanding, and always with positive actions without manipulating another's will. This makes me a white witch, because I practice positive magic.

3. There seems to be something inherently positive in your white spells. Do you think that is part of why they are effective?

Of course they are, and I would not have them any other way. There is no hidden agenda behind them. When you create something positive within your heart it will not turn sour, and that's the way I create my spells. I suppose you can say, "I put my heart and soul into them." I feel and imagine the person in need. I feel the emotions, sadness, and turmoil. This is such a powerful emotion that envelops me in such a spiritual way that I can create a spell for that particular need. I know there could be no failure because my spells come from the heart, and I've always said, "If it was meant to be, it will be."

4. Many spellbooks include lengthy spells and rituals, while White Spells on the Go is designed for our busy lives, with spells you can do in just a few minutes and with common household items. What inspired you to do something so different?

White Spells on the Go not only includes the kind of spells that my family and I have been practicing for years but was something I had been wanting to do for a long time. I thought, "Why not share a world of magical generations that have been passed down to me for people that are in need?" We live in a world of quick fixes, and White Spells on the Go is a quick fix for the needs in our busy life schedules. These quick fixes include things like lighting a green candle for money, carrying a tiger-eye crystal for protection, wearing a blue cotton band around your wrist to keep you calm and collected. These are just a few of the things you can do to cause a needed effect with nothing but simplicity.

5. Say I've never performed a spell before. Would I be able to perform the spells in the book?

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can do the spells in any of the White Spells series; they are easy to do, with tools (ingredients) that are easily found, and that are above all easy to understand. The supermarket or pantry being your first point of call, you basically need nothing else to get started. Just follow the easy instructions and you can do no wrong, and you will enjoy the rewards of simple spell casting.

6. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when performing a spell?

The most important thing when doing a spell is to focus on your intent at all times. As you start to gather the things needed to do the spell, you need to keep your mind centered on the reasons why you are doing the spell in the first place. See your needs in your mind's eye, like a mental movie, and always visualize positively with all of your needs.

7. You are originally from Cuba, and your father was a Santero. How did your upbringing affect your adulthood as a white witch?

It didn't; on the contrary, it has given me a bigger advantage with my magical workings. I am able to use both my upbringing and my experience as a white witch in my spells to cause a bigger and wider range of effects. I still have my faith in witchcraft and respect for the Santeria beliefs of my ancestors, which is a part of who I am and always will be: an Eclectic Ileana!

About Ileana Abrev

Ileana Abrev (Queensland, Australia) has been a practicing witch for more than twenty years. With knowledge passed down to her by her father, an esteemed Santero, Ileana guides her clients on a daily basis to solve problems ...

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