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The Middle Pillar Exercise

It is best to build up the Middle Pillar first. To do this stand up and raise yourself in imagination to your Kether--a brilliant light above your head. Imagine this light descending to Daath, at the nape of your neck, and thence to Tiphareth in your heart where it glows like sunlight and whence it radiates into the other Sephiroth. From Tiphareth the light goes to Yesod in the region of the hips, and thence to Malkuth in which your feet are planted. Having made a clear image of the Middle Pillar, you can then establish the other Sephiroth by vibrating the Deity Names. This can be done as an alternative to the Pentagram Ritual as a preparation for meditation.

1. Imagine yourself standing in the Temple, facing West. The Black Pillar of Severity will be on your right--the White Pillar of Mercy on your left. You will make the Middle Pillar as you stand between them.

2. Imagine now that the Black Pillar is reflected in your right side--the White Pillar in your left.

3. Take a deep breath and raise your consciousness to your Kether above your head and vibrate the Name EHEIEH--which means I am. Imagine the Light flowing down through Daath (at the nape of your neck) to Tiphareth.

4. In the same manner, establish Yesod in the name SHADDAI EL CHAL and Malkuth in the Name ADONAI HAARETZ.

5. Make the Qabalistic Cross to indicate that you have called down the Light of your Kether and balanced it in your aura. Then let your imagination dwell on the aura and see it oval and clear, pulsating with the glow from Tiphareth.

If you are called to see anyone who is ill, who is depressed, or who has a depressing effect on you, you should do this exercise beforehand. In the case of the person who has a depressing effect on you, you may also imagine that your aura is hardened at the edge so that they are unable to penetrate it, and so deplete you of vitality (which is generally what such sensations mean).

In all these practices it is well to remember that 'Strength is in Silence.' If you talk about them, save to your Chief, or if you try to analyse their effects, you will not benefit by them. Try them with simple faith and in silence for a year before rationalising them.

It is better at first to keep your aura to yourself, rather than to try to flow out towards others. Unless you are particularly vital and well-balanced, you will only waste energy. So-called modes of healing and of 'doing good to others' should be eschewed for a time. Such methods have a technique of their own and required trained and balanced minds and bodies to carry them out. Get yourself right first before you attempt to interfere with others in any way but the ordinary ways of kindly decent society.

When you have practised the exercise of the Middle Pillar for some time and can visualise it easily, you can establish the other Sephiroth.

See also:  Middle Pillar
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