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Hypnosis in Ritual

Some rituals utilize hypnosis for particular purposes, including those concerned with the evocation and direction of particular psychic powers—including Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Past Life Reviews, Reading of Akashic Records, Local & Distant Healing, the Evocation (and sometimes Invocation) of gods & spirits, and such special powers as Travel to Spirit Worlds, Fire Walking without injury, Body Piercing that leaves no wounds, and other demonstrations of transcendent skills.

These particular rituals, whether simple or complex, whether involving large groups (including audience involvement) or just two people, all utilize hypnotic techniques directed by a single director or leader and most commonly one subject (the person being hypnotized). Sometimes there is group hypnosis, or serial hypnosis of several people, and sometimes the spontaneous hypnosis of a non-participating witness.

Of course, rarely does anyone apply the word "hypnosis" to these experiences, but analysis of the techniques involved will demonstrate the point.

Hypnosis, in these situations, proceeds along these lines:

  1. The culminating energies from choral and/or audience singing, chanting, and group prayer, often including body movements of clapping, swaying, bowing, dancing, and even marching with focus toward a dedicated platform, altar or other central location.
  2. The actual focus of attention by the Subject or group is ultimately on the Director (who may otherwise be identified as priest, minister, leader, master, or chief).
  3. Further concentration of that focus through the Director’s movements, use of the subject’s name, specific prayers usually in a loud, rhythmic, repetive, sing-song manner.
  4. A constant arousal of expectation both in the group and in subject that something “big” is about to happen through intervention from some higher power channeled through the Director.
  5. And the final culmination when the Director directs all that focused energy to the Subject(s), either by gesture or actual touch.

You can readily see the technique at work by watching the TV evangelists, who used to work in large tents and then in large auditoriums, and who now have huge mega churches with immense auditoriums with special effects lighting and sound controls, colorful symbols, and architectural focus on the dedicated platform.

All that focused energy and the high expectations do often result in Psychic Healing, and sometimes in transformation of the Subject. Sometimes the healing effect is permanent and other times it is temporary—but the important thing is the realization of the technique itself and of the psychic power involved.

A question that might be asked: Is that psychic power manifested from the Director or from the Subject, or is it—as presented—channeled from another source? In any case, the point is that there was an effective demonstration of psychic power translated into a psychic skill.

In similar situations, but more often in secret magical orders or shamanic practices, the same techniques are used to induce the Subject into a deep trance, and then the Director arouses a particular psychic power in the Subject, bring it up from the Subconsciousness to be used under the control of the Director. The Subject may be directed to enter into a telepathic relationship with a similarly entranced subject at a distant location and serve the respective directors as a kind of occult telephone. The Subject may be directed to send his Astral Body to observe a particular event or person, and report back to the Director. Or he may be directed to harm, or heal, a distant person as victim or beneficiary. He may be directed to discover particular information and report it back to the Director. In other words, the Director is employing the Subject as a kind of psychic probe or robot to accomplish particular missions of interest to the Director regardless of the Subject’s interests, ethics, personal morality, or values.

Note: This use of hypnosis mostly leaves control in the hands of the hypnotist, whether a professional, a priest, or group leader. As such, unless otherwise directed, it essentially leaves whatever psychic power was involved, to return to the sub-conscious. Not only is the subject generally unconscious of the experience, but his conscious mind is not expanded through the experience. He was just used, like "slave labor," for the benefit of others, often without knowledge of the intended purpose. 

See also:  Ritual
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