Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

The Power of Astral Plane Therapy

Part One: Astral Plane Therapy

Introduction. Even unstructured OBEs at the higher astral planes have been demonstrated to be inherently therapeutic, while those with specified goals are very effective. A comfortable, reclining position with hands resting to the sides is recommended for Astral Plane Therapy. This procedure requires approximately one hour in a setting free of distractions. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Rhythmic Breathing. With your eyes closed, focus your full attention on your breathing, taking a little longer to exhale. Continue focusing on your breathing until you develop a slow, rhythmic pattern.

Step 2. Body Scan. Mentally scan your body and relax each muscle as you go, beginning at your forehead and progressing downward. Take plenty of time for relaxation to soak deeply into every joint, muscle, fiber, and tendon of your body.

Step 3. Out-of-Body Induction. With your body now fully relaxed, envision yourself so liberated from the pressures of life that you begin to drift gently upward like a colorless mist, away from your physical body, leaving all your cares behind. Take plenty of time for a sense of separation from your physical body to emerge. Once you are outside your body, notice the sense of freedom and wondrous release from your body, which is now at rest below you. At this stage, you may note a focused state of oneness and attunement to the spirit realm.

Step 4. Affirmation and Astral Interaction. As you remain suspended over your body and enveloped in radiant light, affirm: I am now balanced, energized, and at peace with myself and the universe. Mentally invoke the power of the higher astral planes and notice each plane’s colorful concentrations of pure cosmic energy slowly emerging from a distance and surrounding your astral body. Think of each color as representing a particular cosmic resource, such as green for good health, blue for tranquility, and yellow for enlightenment. Mentally engage the astral planes that are relevant to your present needs and sense that planes energy enveloping and energizing your astral body. Allow each colorful concentration to permeate your whole being. Notice the forceful infusion of positive energy. Allow yourself to remain in this quiet, unencumbered state until your entire being is saturated with power.

Step 5. Astral Travel (Optional). At this step, astral travel may occur either spontaneously or voluntarily as you remain enveloped in bright astral energy.

Step 6. Re-engagement and Re-affirmation. Gently re-engage your physical body by first viewing it at rest, then intentionally descending and settling into it. Before opening your eyes, focus again on your breathing, and affirm, I am now fully infused with abundant energy and power.


Part Two: Alternative Astral Plane Couple’s Therapy

Astral Plane Therapy has been particularly effective in couple therapy for resolving conflicts and promoting a more positive relationship. Entering an OBE as a couple in Step 4, travel to a romantic location to explore the relationship issues, and even engage in out-of-body sex.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Even without programmed structure, this OBE experience generates positive feelings of security and self-worth. It can be structured, however, to achieve highly specific therapy and personal enrichment goals, such as overcoming depression, reducing anxiety, and breaking unwanted habits. 


 Part Three: Astral Regression Therapy

Introduction. Astral Regression Therapy is structured specifically to extinguish deep-seated fears, including phobias with a long history as well as those that emerge suddenly and full-blown. Using this procedure, we can re-experience the events and conditions that gave rise to the phobia, but without the distress that originally accompanied the experience. A single session is often sufficient to extinguish even the most deep-seated fear.

The procedure, which is easily self-administered, requires approximately one hour in a quiet setting free of distractions. A comfortable, reclining position with hands resting to the sides is recommended. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Preliminary Considerations. Prior to using the procedure, clearly formulate your therapeutic goals. Specify in as much detail as possible the events and conditions that gave rise to the phobia, and envision them as your regression destination. (If the origin of the fear is unknown, the destination can be specified simply as the phobia's point of origin. Although unknown to conscious awareness, the origins of fears are known to our higher consciousness and can be revealed during the out-of-body state). Formulate a therapeutic plan including:

1) regressing out-of-body to the point of origin of the fear and,
2) extinguishing the fear by re-experiencing, in a secure, empowered state, its point of origin.

Step 2. Out-of-body Induction. To induce the Out-of-Body state, follow Steps 1 through 3 of Astral Plane Therapy as previously presented.

Step 3. Astral Flight. Formulate a clear image of your Out-of-Body destination, and give yourself permission to travel to it. Envision yourself surrounded by radiant, empowering energy, and feel yourself in the therapeutic presence of higher astral guides. Reject all ownership of the fear as you affirm:

"I will be guided and protected by the illimitable power of higher astral planes as I travel to the origin of the fear that has plagued my life. I will face the fear, uproot it, and toss it out of my life." (Notice that personal ownership of fear is rejected through the reference, "the fear" rather than "my fear.")

Center your full attention on your destination until you are consciously aware of being there. If the destination is unknown, rely on your ministering guides or your higher self to guide you to it. A few moments are usually sufficient to reach even the most distant location. Once at your destination, focus your attention on your surroundings.

Stage 4. Destination Activities. At this critical step, implement your previously formulated therapeutic plan. It is important to remain at the destination until the complete plan has been fully implemented. The therapeutic activities are concluded with affirmations such as:

"I am fully empowered and free of fear and its disempowering effects on my life. I now disown the fear that has plagued my life. I will no longer be a victim of it. I am the master of my life and my destiny."

Stage 5. Astral Return. Once you have implemented your destination plan, shift your attention back to your physical body at rest and give yourself permission to return to it. Once, in the presence of your body, allow yourself to slip gently back into it. Once re-engagement is complete, affirm:

"I have achieved my goal of complete liberation from fear. I am confident, secure, and fully empowered."

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: The OBE state allows personal understanding of the origins of particular phobias without the accompaniment of stress that occurs during an in-body memory. The phobia can be “dis-owned” with recognition of its past reality.

See also:  Astral Plane Therapy
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