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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

How to Have an OBE

Part One: Preparation for Successful OBEs

Introduction. In laboratory studies at Athens State University, Dr. Joe H. Slate uncovered the so-called Big Four Prerequisites of successful OBEs: 

  1. A peaceful mental state,
  2. relevant mental imagery,
  3. positive self-affirmations, and
  4. a heightened awareness of the abundant resources of higher astral planes and our capacity to tap into them through the out-of-body experience.

Although many out-of-body travelers report the spontaneous presence of a familiar personal guide who offers constant support for the duration of the out-of-body experience, the most highly effective empowerment procedures emphasize the early invocation of higher plane guidance and protection. This can ensure the ministering presence of specialized astral entities throughout the out-of-body experience. You can invoke these empowering resources prior to induction and intermittently as needed during travel. (See, for example, Step 1, in the Procedural Guidelines for Successful OBEs below.) As companions, they can promote a state of mental, physical, and spiritual balance that maximizes the effectiveness of the experience from the point of induction to a safe return. A constant awareness of the empowering resources of higher planes is, of course, not only relevant to OBEs, it is an integral part of every empowered life.

Candle Meditation. Certain structured preparatory OBEs exercises have been found useful in promoting the out-of-body experience. Meditative procedures using a lighted candle, for instance, can be highly effective in developing the concentration skills required to induce and guide the experience. By focusing your attention on the lighted candle and affirming your empowerment goals, you can generate a mental and physical state that is conducive to out-of-body travel. The candle, which is typically situated at eye-level and at a distance conducive to gazing, is recommended as a practice or preparatory tool rather than an out-of-body induction aid. For safety reasons, the candle should always be extinguished before one enters the out-of-body state.

Moon View. Another excellent preparatory technique is called Moon View. This outside procedure requires comfortably focusing for a few minutes on the moon, preferably the full moon, and then, with eyes closed, imagining oneself literally visiting the moon and exploring its terrain. In our OBEs studies, college students using this procedure in a comfortable reclining position in an outside setting often imagined visiting the unseen side of the moon. When asked to draw a map of the moon's other side following the practice session, they drew maps that were remarkably similar, a finding that suggests they may have actually traveled out-of-body to view the other side of the moon.

In-Body Travel. Yet another effective practice exercise developed in our labs is In-Body Travel. For this procedure, the subject with eyes closed while resting in a comfortable reclining position selects a small body area—a hand, finger, or toe for instance—and centers full attention on that isolated area’s physical sensations. Additional sensations, such as warmth, numbness, tingling, and pressure, are then mentally generated and removed. Next, attention is moved from one body area to another while producing and removing sensations. The procedure is concluded by bringing all physical sensations into a state of complete rest. While designed primarily as a preliminary conditioning exercise, In-Body Travel can be used to induce the out-of-body state by envisioning the astral body rising above the physical body which remains at complete rest and free of all physical sensations.

Creative Motion. For individuals who experience difficulty inducing the out-of-body state, a preparatory exercise called Creative Motion has been unusually effective. This exercise is designed to extinguish any subconscious resistance to the out-of-body experience, including travel to distant destinations. Creative Motion emphasizes the use of mental imagery that includes motion, such as a slowly moving cloud, a sail at sea, or evens a magic carpet. Visualizing one’s thoughts as leaves in a breeze or winged forms taking flight into the distance can be used to clear the mind and generate an attuned state that is conducive to astral travel. Practice exercises such as these are important primarily because they strengthen our mental capacity to reach beyond the confines of the biological body. By using imagery of thought forms engaging a distant destination, we become prepared both mentally and physically to enter the out-of-body state and interact with distant destinations, including higher planes and other dimensions of power.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: These practice exercises are important because they not only prepare us for the out-of-body experience, they in some instances can also be incorporated into comprehensive OBEs induction and management strategies, including the very highly structured, step-by-step procedures. For instance, imagery of motion can include a vehicle transporting the astral body away from the physical body and into the distance. Examples include the astral body being borne upward in an energy sphere or carried away upon a cloud in a breeze.


Part Two: Procedural Guidelines for Successful OBEs

Introduction. The following guidelines identify the conditions generally considered relevant to each major step of the out-of-body experience. They provide a flexible framework within which you can implement more specific procedures to achieve a variety of out-of-body goals.

Step 1: Disengagement
The disengagement of the astral from the biological is typically initiated by first settling back in a comfortable reclining or lying down position with hands resting at the sides and legs uncrossed so as not to cut off circulation. With eyes closed, the mind is then cleared of active thought as the physical body becomes increasingly relaxed. Once the physical body is fully relaxed and the mind is cleared, a positive state of well-being is generated through appropriate imagery and self-empowering affirmations. Examples are:

I am relaxed and at complete peace with myself and the universe. I am enveloped in protective, positive energy. As I prepare to leave my body to experience other realities, I am fully infused with peace and serenity. Throughout this experience, I will be shielded and protected—mentally, physically, and spiritually—by the guiding powers of higher astral planes. My physical body at rest will remain safely enveloped in positive energy as I journey to other realities. I will return safely to my body at any moment by simply deciding to do so. Upon my return, my total being will be refreshed, invigorated, and empowered.

Following these affirmations, imagining consciousness as a glowing energy form rising gently from the body is often introduced, a process aided by images of motion. Floating balloons, or a white sail pushed gently by a breeze, are good images to focus on. Following a few moments in which the mental pictures become progressively clearer, the physical body, safely enfolded in a protective glow, is usually envisioned from overhead until full awareness of being out-of-body occurs. The out-of-body state typically emerges gradually as sensations of weightlessness and floating gently upward. Occasionally, however, the out-of-body state will occur rapidly as a vigorous separation of the astral from the physical body.

Step 2: Destination.
Intent to experience another destination or source of empowerment typically initiates the out-of-body travel. The destination or source can be either designated or open-ended. It can be a tangible site or an intangible dimension. Once a sense of separation from the body is fully established, mental images of the destination can facilitate travel. For distant tangible destinations, images of the location, including aerial images, can facilitate travel. For intangible destinations, such as higher astral planes, images of multi-colored structures or dimension filled with light are often useful. For spontaneous interactions, travel unfolds independent of direct guidance. Many experienced travelers report that once out-of-body, they can effortlessly be wherever they choose to be at the moment.

Step 3: Interaction.
An extensive range of empowering experiences, including observations, interactions, and goal-related activities, can unfold at this stage, either from a distance or upon reaching the destination. This is the empowering peak of most OBEs. At this point, critical insight and highly significant knowledge often emerge. Astral interactions initiated at this stage can be profoundly empowering, and in some instances, life-changing. 

Step 4: Re-engagement.
Although a variety of astral/body re-engagement techniques have been developed, the typical return is usually initiated simply by a deliberate intent to re-engage the physical body. As in astral travel to a distant site, the return destination is envisioned—in this case, the physical body at rest—followed by travel itself. Once in the presence of the physical body, the astral body is mentally guided to gently re-engage with the physical body. Although the return and re-entry is usually gradual, many experienced travelers report the ability to reunite rapidly with the physical body. Following re-engagement with the biological, attention is usually focused on breathing and various other physical sensations. A concluding period of reflection and resolution maximizes the empowering benefits of the experience.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Increased awareness and out-of body interactions result once the astral body separates from the limitations imposed by the physical body. Now it is possible to directly experience non-physical sources of knowledge and power, interact with non-physical being, and even the departed. Once in the OBE state, experience can unfold spontaneously or you can guide the experience towards established goals.

See also:  OBE
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