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Articles by Donald Michael Kraig

by Donald Michael Kraig  /  16,187 views
1) My clients are responsible for their own behavior. 2) I will strive to be encouraging and give hope. 3) I will strive to be balanced, centered and cheerful. I will concentrate on my client as and not on any of my personal problems. 4) I will strive to educate my clients so they do not have to
See also: Psychic Powers
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  20,218 views
Some people have tried to associate the word with ancient Jewish mysticism and Kabalism. Typical examples say that it is derived from ab, ben, and ruach acadasch, words that respectively mean father, son, and Holy Spirit. Another supposed source is that it is a variation of the Hebrew abreq ad
See also: Abracadabra
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  21,570 views
Summary: Although actually more focused on African myth and lore rather than African American contributions to civilization, this deck is a wonderful introduction to both explorations as well as being close enough to the RWS tradition as to be useful as a divination tool for any Tarot reader.
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  12,379 views
The New Age has been defined as the "Name for a movement covering a wide variety of practices that were alternative to traditional Western practices, although many have become normative. Included concepts are holistic thinking, mysticism, environmental issues, non-traditional spiritual systems." If
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  17,618 views
Summary: The famous artwork of comic book luminary Hugo Pratt provides magnificent impressionistic watercolors. As an art deck it is a wonderful collection yielding feelings of travel, adventure, and romance in distant lands a century ago. The Little White Booklet has a wonderful reading method
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  15,048 views
The Gnostic Mass was written by Aleister Crowley while he was in Moscow in the year 1913. He had just been appointed the head of the British section of the O.T.O. He claimed that he was influenced by the Liturgy of St. Basil of the Russian Church. He also claims that it was edited from "Ancient
See also: Gnostic Mass
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  20,131 views
NervouslNuy, you approach. "I’m a fool," you think. You know that psychics and readers are just a bunch of hokum. And yet. . . maybe . . . maybe . . . You’re not crazy, you know that. But there are so many problems in your life right now, and you have a friend who did have good luck after
See also: Psychic Powers
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  43,432 views
Learning to use a pendulum is both surprisingly easy and remarkably effective. However, there are a few steps needed to be successful Obtaining a pendulum: You can purchase a pendulum for a minimum price to one that costs hundreds of dollars or more. Some pendulum weights have a hollow area for you
See also: Pendulum
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  18,982 views
If you were to ask a dozen "experts" to give a definition of hypnosis, they would give you a dozen different answers. No matter what anyone says, there is no such thing as an accepted definition of hypnosis. No one knows exactly what it is. Some people have defined it as "guided meditation," "deep
See also: Psychic Powers
by Donald Michael Kraig  /  20,603 views
Ceremonial Magick is one of the most complicated systems of spiritual attainment in the world. It is a mixture of Jewish, Christian and ancient Egyptian philosophy mixed with ancient Indian and Chaldean ideas spiced with a hint of earlier Paganism. This is mixed with the ceremonial aspects of
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by Anna
Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards! The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...
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