Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Magic

1.  Magic is the art of affecting the manifest through the Unmanifest. The manifest is all that can be seen, touched, perceived, manipulated, imagined, or understood. The Unmanifest is none of these things. It is the place, or rather the non-place, from which everything issues. All that comes into being comes from the Unmanifest. All that passes away goes back to the Unmanifest.
SOURCE:  Truth about Ritual Magic, Donald Tyson
2.  According to the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, magick is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." ... In fact, Crowley... says that "every intentional act is a Magickal Act." If you follow his line of reasoning, there is a great deal of validity in what he says, although it is not what we are seeking at this time. We need to make the definition of magick a bit longer: Magick is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science.
SOURCE:  Modern Magick, by Donald Michael Kraig
3.  The movement of natural (but little understood) energies from the human body and from natural objects to manifest change. Once a world-wide practice, Christianity attempted to stamp it out because magic placed power in the hands of the people. Early Christians linked magic with “Satan,” a false association that continues to this day.
SOURCE:  Dreaming the Divine, Scott Cunningham (Llewellyn Publications)
See also:  magick
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