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Articles by Donald Tyson

by Donald Tyson  /  14,844 views
The basic framework of Western magic is made up of a few surprisingly simple instruments that function on the astral plane (another way of saying in the imagination). Usually they have their material correspondents. As the physical instrument is manipulated in the physical ritual place, the astral
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  24,676 views
The earliest allusions to runes concern divination. The Roman historian Tacitus, writing in 98 A.D., describes how the German priests would cut a bough from a tree and divide it into pieces, then distinguish them by carving into their bark "certain marks." The twigs were cast over a white cloth at
See also: Rune
by Donald Tyson  /  35,826 views
Modern rune rituals are sometimes done entirely with visualization - the runes are made in the astral world and are never actually written down or carved on any material. This technique works fairly well, but it is not in harmony with the ancient practice. In ancient times one of the constants of
See also: Rune
by Donald Tyson  /  13,279 views
The word "cult" used to be synonymous with the word "sect" It meant a religious group. Therefore, Judaism, Christianity or any religion could be considered a cult. But today the word "cult" has taken on a very ominous meaning. Today when the word "cult" is used to describe an organization, be it
See also: Psychic Powers
by Donald Tyson  /  14,152 views
The ultimate goal of ritual magic is fulfillment. As is true with most ultimates, it is seldom, if ever, reached. The degree to which it is approached signifies the success or failure of the practice of magic in the life of an individual. When ritual is sincerely and regularly practiced, in
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  15,071 views
Everyone is searching for the meaning of life. Not so much life in general, but of their own life. They want to know why they exist and what they are supposed to do with existence. They want to feel productive and fulfilled. Most of all, they want to be happy. Living in a modern city is like
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  20,436 views
Where in the world is magic? It is not in science, which denies the reality and value of anything not amenable to the scientific method. It is not in religion. The Church has historically looked upon magic as devilish, and in modern times regards it as a pathetic delusion. It is not in business,
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  42,946 views
Everyone learns best by doing. The ritual described below is representative of the rituals worked in modern magic. It should be used as a general pattern indicating the essential elements and sequence of rituals, and will also, I hope, be of some value in awakening a magical perception of the
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  24,816 views
Those who approach ritual magic for the first time usually harbor wildly unrealistic expectations shaped by their confused and erroneous notions of what magic is and how it works. There is nothing wrong with this??"the practice of magic is a learning process. We learn by doing, and making mistakes.
See also: Magic
by Donald Tyson  /  28,934 views
The runes are a set of symbols that concisely embody the most potent magical system of the ancient world. Because rune magic was rarely described in written records, persecution by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages succeeded in obliterating almost the entire tradition of rune use from the
See also: Rune
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Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards! The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...
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