Posted Under Feng Shui

Using Feng Shui to Enhance Romance

Feng Shui Love

Using the ancient art of Feng Shui is a unique tool to attract love and romance. More and more people are delving into the study and how it can help them create passion in their current relationships or draw their heart's desire. Here are a few tips to use in your bedroom (the romance area of your home) to make sure Cupid finds you!

  1. Decorate Your Room in the Color Pink. Shades of pink helps draw love to you easily and create a romantic mood. Red, used sparingly, can be a sexy, bold color that creates passion or help draw a new lover.
  2. Check the Art in your Bedroom. Replace any photos, sculptures, or art of single people or figures. Replace them with happy couples. This simple change will help draw a wonderful partner!
  3. No TV Please. Keep the TV out of the bedroom. Any electronic equipment should be placed in the office or other area of the home. A TV in the bedroom is not conducive to romance.
  4. Satin Sheets. Think of sensual, soft, bedding when selecting pillows, sheets, and comforters. Any type of bedding that creates a cozy environment is great for the bedroom. So whether you choose, satin, silk, pretty pink, or red hot cotton, think luxury!
  5. The Size of Your Bed Matters! Snoozing on a king-size doesn't encourage romance. There's too much space. Sleeping on a huge mattress won't encourage intimacy. Invest in a full-size or a queen.
  6. Remove Clutter. When you get rid of clutter, you are making room for romance. If you are single, create an empty space in your closet for a future lover's things. If attached, make room in your drawers and closets so there is equal space for both you and your partner's belongings
  7. Bed Placement. Feng Shui experts say having your bed up against a wall, pushes away your chance for love. You should have your bed positioned so there is enough space to walk on either side.
  8. Rose Quartz. Buy chunks of rose quartz and place it in your bedroom. This stone is known to draw love into your life, increase self love, and help heal a broken heart.
  9. Personal Photos. Don't display family and kid photos in the bedroom. This is said to hinder your sex life. Put them in the living or family room where they belong!
  10. Old Flames. You should discard or put away photos and momentous of old flames. Gifts and anything with the ex's energy on it keeps new love at bay.
  11. Exercise Equipment in the Bedroom is a No-No. The bedroom is for loving, not work. A treadmill or workout machine in the bedroom makes your relationship exhausting.
  12. Set the Mood—the Mood in the Bedroom is Important, Too. Light scented candles and drape your lamps in sheer fabrics or lace. Keep lighting soft. Play romantic music. Keep romance novels on your night stand. Place "happy" photos of you and your honey on the dresser. Remove any clutter and keep clothes picked up off the floor. When you create a romantic environment you will draw the same energy to you!

Enhance Your Chance for Romance with Color!
If you're looking for love, start by taking a good look in your closet. Did you know the clothes you wear can attract love to you? Likewise, certain colors in clothing can cause lovers to stay away, too. Your color choices could slash your chance for romance Some colors say "I'm lovable," while others give an impression that you're not even approachable:

  • Pink is all about love, like we mentioned earlier. You'll easily draw "amour" to you. It's so romantic. Pinks in all hues, from rose to fuchsia are "love-friendly." Pink helps you in regard to being open to giving and receiving love.
  • Green is a people-pleasing color. It won't kick your love life up a notch but will help heal a broken heart. If you're depressed, green will make you feel better!
  • Blue is the color of peace and understanding. It has a calming effect. Others will feel at ease and comfortable around you. They are drawn to your gentle nature. Blue helps you relax.
  • Yellow is the color of communication. Wear it when you need extra courage to ask someone out. On a date, it helps conversation flow. You'll know just what to say and how to say it. Ask for favors and talk out problems in a relationship.
  • Purple draws your soul mate! It's a spiritual color and considered lucky. You'll feel optimistic about love and life when wearing it.
  • Red is the color of passion. It's sexy. It creates sensual energy. Red will be sure to get you noticed.
  • Orange is the color of joy and attraction. Wear orange if you're feeling down about a breakup or disappointed in love. It's flirty and fun!
  • Gold will make you sparkle and shine. Wear it to a party and dazzle everyone in the room!
  • Gray shouldn't be worn unless you mingled with other colors. Gray is the color of sickness, especially the lighter shades. It's a depressing color.
  • Black is mysterious, darkly seductive, and smoldering. To some it says, "Stay away. I'm in mourning." To others it says "I'm mysterious and intriguing."
  • Best Colors To Attract Love: Bright pink, royal purple, and softer shades of red
  • Sexy Colors: Fire engine red, midnight black, and shimmery gold
  • Colors Not to Wear: Pea green, taupe, periwinkle, maize, or brown