Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

A Candle Ritual for Full Moon Nights

Blue Candles

The Full Moon has long enchanted the poetic imagination. The powers of nature are at their peak, and the unconscious mind is open to subtle influences at this time. The Moon's roundness also makes it a symbol of abundance and fulfillment. We can align ourselves with this natural magic by observing the Full Moon phase as an occasion to recite ceremonialized affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements designed to bring about changes in our attitudes and to manifest things we want to bring into our lives. Based on the theory that the deep mind takes our "self talk" literally and has the power to change our reality, when we recite affirmations we state our desires as if they have already been fulfilled. (For example, one would say, "I give thanks for my prosperity," rather than "Some day I will be prosperous," or "I enjoy exercise," rather than "I will stop hating exercise.") To experience the Full Moon's energies, you might want to light a candle every evening upon the rising of the moon; you can include the three nights before the Full Moon, the night thereof, and the three nights following, as you say:

Full Moon, Moon of Fulfillment,
Your beauty assures me of the enchantment
At work in the world around me.
You remind me that I have the power
To shape my own reality.

Now, if you wish, you can recite some affirmations that you have composed to fit your own needs. (You can prepare a list of them in advance.) Then conclude by saying:

O Moon of Completion,
So it is and so shall it be.
O Moon of Celebration,
I revel in the joy of being
As I affirm the fulfillment of my desires.

To add some extra power to this rite, you could write your affirmations on a piece of nice stationery, perhaps ten times each, then fold the paper and burn it in a brazier or other fire-proof vessel; this is a way of giving your desires over to the universe.

White or silver candles suggest the lunar powers, though you can use any color that evokes your ideal of high energy or fulfillment. Large, spherical glow candles would be nicely symbolic. For candle scent, anointing oil, or incense, the fragrances that seem to be most popular for Full Moon blends are lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, lemon, rose, and ylang ylang, though any pleasing fragrance will do.

If you keep a home altar, the celebration of the Full Moon gives you a chance to express your creative imagination. You could decorate it with silver streamers, a strand of white globe-shaped Christmas lights (or, as the British call them, "fairy lights"), round mirrors, white flowers or flowers with globular heads, round white stones, sea shells (especially "moon sails" and "eggshell cowries"), silver coins, and objects that represent or symbolize some things that you would like to bring into your life. If your diet permits, you could also set out a small round cake on the night of the Full Moon, as cakes are used to celebrate the completion of goals. (You might also be able to get "moon cakes" from an Asian grocery.)

Excerpted from By Candlelight, by Janina Renee

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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