Posted Under Astrology

The Principles of Evolutionary Astrology

Astrological Symbols

If we are to accurately practice this type of astrology we must first understand its philosophy and belief system. Evolutionary astrology is based upon observation and correlation. It is founded upon natural laws and truths. Natural laws are laws that are self-evident in nature, and are not dependent on a specific belief system in any way. Evolutionary astrology reflects the natural truth that every Soul is on an evolutionary journey, so to speak, to reunite or merge with the Source or the Creator. The very principles of evolutionary astrology teach the essence of natural laws that explain and govern the operation of the totality of the manifested Creation itself. In other words, by the sheer fact that Creation exists in the first place, there must be intrinsic, natural laws that explain and govern the operation of the manifested Creation. These natural laws and truths are in sharp contrast to man-made laws or doctrine. It should be clear, then, that evolutional astrology does not require any specific belief system to validate the truth of the principles and natural laws it teaches, incorporates, and utilizes as we interpret a birth chart. Any individual can validate these natural laws by simply validating his or her own life experience.

What does the zodiac symbolize in the first place? The symbols used in the zodiac represent the totality of human consciousness in its natural form. The naturally existing functions within consciousness are represented by each of the archetypes, or signs, of the zodiac. We will discuss the difference between the archetypes when they are expressed naturally, guided by natural law, and when they are distorted relative to conditioning of man-made laws. The natal birth chart, in all its totality, reflects the Soul's specific psychological make-up and structure of consciousness. The planets correlate to the specific psychological make-up of the Soul. The houses and signs that these planets are in will reflect how the planets are conditioned, and how they are operating within any person's consciousness. Thus, the birth chart will symbolize the person's intrinsic energetic pattern and vibration coming into life. Evolutionary astrology gives us a precise tool to determine the exact degree of any Soul's evolution or awareness because it includes the four stages of human evolution. In addition we have a very thorough understanding of the past behavioral dynamics of the Soul because of the symbolic meaning of Pluto and its correlation to the Soul. Pluto's polarity point, then, gives us an objective, yet detailed, understanding of the person's next evolutionary steps in this life.

The four natural evolutionary conditions, or states, of humankind are: the Dimly Evolved condition, the Consensus condition, the Individual condition, and the Spiritual condition. The dimly evolved sate is comprised of, most commonly, Souls that are just evolving into human consciousness from other life forms (animal and plant life forms). Another reason a Soul may be in this state is relative to his or her own actions in the past leading to de-evolution. Two to three percent of all Souls on the planet are in this condition. The consensus state is when the Soul simply agrees and conforms to dictates of the majority of his or her culture or society. Roughly seventy-five percent of all Souls are in this evolutionary state. The individuated state is when the Soul desires to become a unique individual, independent from the conditioning of the consensus society. Roughly twenty percent of all Souls are in this evolutionary state. The spiritual state is when the Soul desires to know, merge, and serve God. The Soul will naturally align with timeless, natural laws of the Universe. Roughly two-three percent of all Souls are in this evolutionary condition. Other mitigating factors to include when analyzing a birth chart are the person's gender, cultural/religious conditioning, and economic status.

The methods given to us in evolutional astrology are dramatically different and unique from any other astrological practice that is known today. Again, we have scientific tools within our grasp to determine the exact degree of evolution of any individual relative to the four natural evolutionary conditions. We have a detailed understanding of the specific nature of an individual's past behavioral dynamics and orientation to life that have created the current moment and reality for the client (Pluto). We can then accurately determine the person's next evolutionary steps because of our understanding of the current operative dynamics within any individual (Pluto's polarity point). We can now embrace that everybody has unique and specialized lessons in life, and we can objectively guide clients and friends toward these goals.

Excerpted from Evolutionary Astrology, by Deva Green