Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Lucky Deva Abundance Charm for Lammas

Crafty Pentacle

There are two variations of this charm, both using two, 1 — 3-inch glass slides (like those you put under a microscope). The first uses a hinged memory frame to hold the two slides together. The second employs specialty metal craft tape and wire. Either way, you will need:

  • Four glass slides (I say four because the slides can easily break if you apply pressure the wrong way, or if you have made your charm too thick—a simple bounce can shatter the glass. Having extras will lower your frustration level.) You can find a distributor in your area or purchase online. Cost: $3.75 for package of 72 (estimated)
  • Dried herbs of your choosing (make sure your choices are not thick—bits of leaves work well or very thin flower petals).
  • Craft glue (for affixing herbs to paper) If your glass sandwich is tight enough, you may not need the glue.
  • Designer paper or a focus/background design drawn on paper. (Best to choose designer paper that has printing on both sides—or draw on both sides of the paper. I also used rubber stamp art on photo paper with indelible ink for one of my charms.)
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon to attach to bail, or cord or chain if you plan to use your charm as a necklace or hang it over your work desk or your altar.

Variation One Supplies:
Memory Frame made by Ranger, www.rangerink.com. These frames have a convenient soldered bail affixed to the top to easily turn your charm into a necklace. Cost: About $5.00

Variation Two Supplies:
Metal tape (several varieties are available). Any self-adhesive tape that creates a protective accent around the glass slide. The 1/4-inch thick by 9-foot long variety, which is available through Sunday International www.sundayint.com (among other places) is enough to do several charms. Decorative craft wire and beads. Wire is wrapped around slide in a decorative way to include a bail (hanger) at the top. Glass "E" beads to string on the wire. You will need a pair of jewelry pliers for easier wire wrapping. Cost: $3.50 for 9 feet of tape; $3.00 for craft copper wire (or you can visit a hardware store and choose the weight of wire that you will feel comfortable working with).

Instructions: As you are making your charm, you might want to use the affirmation given for Lammas as a mantra. Trace the slide shape onto decorative paper. Cut shape out precisely. If your paper is too large, the frame will not close properly or the tape will look crumpled and bulky on edges. Best to cut a bit short on all sides—just enough to be covered by edge of frame or width of tape. Also, some designer papers may be too thick for this particular project. Note: You can even design your charm using computer art. You can reduce pics, positive words and symbols to fit in your 1 – 3-inch space. Think of your working area as a mini-canvas and concentrate on the overall theme you wish to promote. Sandwich your picture between the two pieces of glass, checking to make sure the image does not extend over the edges. Lift the top glass and add herb bits, glitter, or a flower petal or two. Replace glass. Align edges. Slip into memory frame or secure edges with metallic tape.

For Variation Two, string beads randomly onto wire. Wrap wire in decorative pattern around sandwiched slide. You really only need enough to secure the bail you create at the top to finish, but if you like, you can certainly get wild and crazy with your wire art!

To complete the project, string bail with ribbon or a chain. Note: If you desire to make a mini-collage, Variation Two may work better as Variation One does not leave much leeway on paper thickness. Although Variation Two takes a bit more time due to the tape, the charm may not crack as easily and may be preferable if you are turning your piece into jewelry art.

Bless your Lucky Deva Abundance Charm on Lammas Eve. Use the affirmation, if you like, as part of your blessing ceremony. You can also find blessing ideas and herbal correspondences in my book HedgeWitch!

Cost of this project: $3.50 (estimated) per charm. You may wish to make several as gifts, for resale, or as a group project. Because the glass breaks easily during construction, this project is not recommended for children under thirteen.

Time to complete: To assemble: 10 minutes. To design: Entirely up to you.

From Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac: Samhain 2009 to Mabon 2010. Click here for current-year calendars and almanacs.

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