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Evolutionary Astrology: How Our Nodal Axis Defines the Soul's Path


This article is about the nodal axis from the perspective of evolutionary astrology. A central teaching within Evolutionary Astrology is that the Soul contains within it two antithetical, yet co-equal, desires: one to return to source, and one to separate away. Evolution occurs as the Soul progressively purges and exhausts separating desires from lifetime to lifetime. We all have specific and unique life lessons that are reflected in the natal chart. In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto by house and sign indicates the core evolutionary desires and intentions of the past (where we left off and where we pick up), and Pluto's polarity point reflects the evolutionary intentions for this life. The nodal axis serves to support the evolutionary transition from the past to the future, which is why it such a critical aspect in evolutionary astrology.

Another core point within this is that evolution occurs through the emotional body (the water triad in the Zodiac of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces reflects the totality of the emotional body). The Moon represents the Soul's current egocentric structure and self-image; this is critical to understand because the Soul picks a specific egocentric structure in order to consciously and emotionally integrate the current life lessons (again these lessons are reflected by Pluto's polarity point). The South node of the Moon symbolizes the Soul's prior, or past, egocentric structure and self-image. The Soul used this type of egocentric structure to actualize the evolutionary intentions and desires of the past (symbolized by the natal position of Pluto). The planetary ruler of the South Node correlates with how the South Node was consciously actualized prior to the current life. These points are essential to understand because they represent the underlying emotional security within the Soul. As such, these areas symbolize where resistance to change and repetitive patterns of behavior can manifest (security is linked with what self-consistency based on what has come before: the past). The North Node of the Moon represents the evolving, or forming, egocentric structure and self-image of the Soul. The specific areas, or dynamics, reflected by the North Node by house and sign are those that the Soul will use to consciously and emotionally integrate the current life's lessons. The planetary ruler of the North Node correlates with how the Soul will actualize, or develop, the North Node. The Natal position of the Moon reflects how the transition from the past to the future will be felt and integrated on a daily basis.

The central point is that as the Soul evolves in each lifetime, the transition from the past to the future is consciously and emotionally integrated through the South and North nodes of the Moon. Again, the current life's intentions are actualized through the North Node just as the evolutionary intentions and desires of the past are consciously actualized through the South Node. The dynamic tension between the past and the future is experienced through the natal position of the Moon. The transition, or shift, within the Soul's self-image and emotional security patterns/needs are reflected in the South and North Nodes of the moon. In this context, the Soul's transition from the evolutionary past to the future is symbolized in the nodal axis of the Moon. Again, the nodal axis reflects how this evolution (i.e., the primary intentions for the current life) will take place on an emotional and conscious basis.

As an example, we will examine the nodal axis in the sign position of Capricorn and Cancer, for the purpose of illustrating these core principles. It is important to state here that we must put the natal chart in the correct context of the Soul's evolutionary condition, economic background, and also gender. These mitigating factors will greatly impact how the natal birth chart is expressed/manifested by any individual. In other words, one size does not fit all, and we must be sure to interpret a chart based on the mitigating factors described above in order to correctly determine the unique and specific evolutionary dynamics/intentions for any given Soul.

To illustrate the evolutionary transition reflected in the nodal axis of Cancer and Capricorn we must first describe the core archetypes of Capricorn and Cancer. The Capricorn archetype reflects the nature of our societal conditioning and the structure of consciousness (it reflects the status quo, or mainstream within any society). It correlates to the need to establish a personal voice of authority within society, and the need to emotionally mature via accepting the responsibility in one's own actions is symbolized in the Capricorn archetype. The need to conform to the consensus or status quo within society correlates to this archetype as well. As a result, emotional repression can manifest. Again, the need to establish a personal voice of authority within society based on inherent inner capacities and abilities is a need within the Capricorn archetype. Those with a South Node in Capricorn, in a general sense, have been learning lessons revolving around these core themes (again we must put this in the context of the individual's natal chart).

The Cancer archetype reflects the formation of a personal and distinct self-image. The Cancer archetype reflects the need to develop an internalized state of emotional security; it correlates to the impact of our early childhood environment, and specifically the parent who served as the primary nurturing figure. Our ability or inability to nurture ourselves is reflected in this archetype. The specific dynamics that constitute emotional security are linked this archetype as well. In other words, whatever external sources constitute emotional security for the Soul are represented in this archetype. Again, the core intention within the Cancer archetype is develop an internalized state of emotional security instead of depending on external sources to meet this need. Once this is achieved, the individual can then nurture from within, and help others to learn do to the same. In this way, the individual can progressively become inwardly secure within any external circumstance.

It is important to note the Capricorn/Cancer axis also reflects gender assignment. The key point to remember is that all cultures will have culturally prescribed roles for both men and women. Over time, we must all integrate both the masculine and feminine principle from within in order to express them naturally. In a broad sense, individuals with the nodal axis in Cancer/Capricorn are learning evolutionary lessons revolving around these core themes. The specific placement of the nodal axis (e.g., if the South Node is in Capricorn or Cancer) will naturally indicate if the generalized lessons of these archetypes or those of the evolutionary past or the evolutionary future).

In order to demonstrate how to apply these core principles and correlations to the individual natal chart we will use a case study of an individual who has the nodal axis in Capricorn/Cancer, former president John F. Kennedy.

His natal chart has Pluto in Cancer in the ninth house, conjunct the South Node in the same house and sign. The planetary ruler of South Node is the Moon in Virgo and the eleventh house. Pluto's polarity point is Capricorn in the third house, and the North Node is in the same house and sign. The planetary ruler of the North Node is Saturn in Cancer and the ninth house conjunct Neptune in Leo and the ninth house.

This natal signature reflects core evolutionary lessons/intentions to develop an internalized state of emotional security regarding expressing a personal truth that reflects a natural nature. Pluto conjunct the South Node reflects the evolutionary condition(s) wherein the Soul is either in a state of totally relieving the karmic past, in state of both relieving and fruition simultaneously, or a total state of total fruition. (In the last condition the Soul will have a special gift to give to others). In this case, it can be determined that this individual is in a state of simultaneous reliving and fruition. The core evolutionary intentions to express his personal truth in a self-secure manner is reflected by Pluto in Cancer and the ninth house. This natal Pluto indicates that there is an underlying insecurity regarding his self-image that results in a block from being able to express this natural truth. It also indicates that the family environment has had, and will continue to have, a high degree of influence on the development on his beliefs and how he internalizes what is true and what is what is not true. In other words, the religious/philosophical orientation of the family will influence the individual's ability to align with his own personal truth if it is not accepted by those in is family environment. The South Node conjunct Pluto symbolizes that this core dynamic is a central dynamic that the Soul is reliving and bringing to a state of fruition. His self-image is based upon the security that his family environment brought in his early life in the context of receiving the nurturing he felt he needed (Pluto/South Node in the fourth house). Again, the issue of identifying and aligning what is true for him on a personal level is paramount (Pluto in the ninth house conjunct the South Node). Potentially, this can become a special gift that he has to give to others.

The planetary ruler of the South Node is the Moon in Virgo and the eleventh house. This symbol reflects that Kennedy has a unique form of service that is linked with individuation and liberation process. This symbol also reflects his service to the country regarding the long term version (eleventh house,) of which he spoke often while he was president. One of JFK's most well known quotes is, "Think not of what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." This quote reflects his natural and innate humility, and also his desire to create a society that is based on service to a larger whole. His vision for the country was ahead of its time in many ways, including racial integration and promoting social advancement and equality. The Moon in Virgo and the eleventh house also symbolizes the need to overcome self-doubt in the context of the ideas he has that were considered radical or perhaps too progressive at the time. The potential for experiencing social alienation and also persecution for these ideas in the past and also this life is reflected in this signature (he was assassinated at an early age). He acted as a champion to the underdog and to those who were in lower strata of society.

Pluto's polarity point is in Capricorn in the third house; the North Node is in the same house and sign. The planetary ruler, Saturn, is in Cancer in the ninth conjunct Neptune in Leo and the ninth house. Pluto's polarity point in Capricorn is the third house, as well as the North Node. This reflects evolutionary intentions of JFK expressing his own voice of authority regarding his unique vision of service towards a greater good. He had to emotionally mature in the context of breaking away, or departing, from family tradition when necessary (South Node in Cancer in the ninth house conjunct Pluto and the Moon in Virgo and eleventh house). The evolutionary intentions are to express his authentic voice instead of relying on belief system of the family. If he relied too heavily on the family's belief system, he would have remained in an insecure state (unable to express his own voice). Again, the North Node in Capricorn in the third house reflects the evolutionary intentions to emotionally mature via the expression of his authentic ideas and voice.

The planetary ruler of the North Node is Saturn in Cancer in the ninth house conjunct Neptune in Leo in ninth house. This indicates that JFK took charge of his special destiny via assuming the role of leadership (Saturn in Leo). His presidency served to inspire others to serve the greater good and to take control of our special destiny as a country via the natural principles of giving, sharing, and inclusion. Additionally, he often spoke of creating country in which these natural laws are promoted through the family structure (Saturn in Cancer and the ninth house). Through his role of leadership he was able to emotionally mature via accepting responsibility for his own life direction and path and actualizing it via self-determination. In this way, JFK helped families take control of their reality as well. Saturn in Cancer and the ninth house also reflects a progressive internalization of emotional truth (e.g., internalizing his own personal truth within his emotional body, and finding his own voice of authority by aligning with his personal truth). An automatic emotional maturity will occur through speaking and speaking this emotional truth. This is a core evolutionary intention reflected by the North Node in Capricorn in the third house.

The nodal axis is very important to understand because, as mentioned above, it reflects how the Soul will consciously make the transition from the evolutionary past the future. Again, the evolutionary desires of the past are reflected by Pluto's natal position. The South Node of the Moon represents the Soul's prior egocentric structure, and how the Soul has consciously integrated the lessons and desires of the past. In the same way, the North Node is the Soul's evolving, or forming, egocentric structure. The Soul will use the North Node to consciously integrate the evolutionary lessons of the current life reflected by Pluto's polarity point. Thus, the specific dynamics and areas that the Soul will focus on to make its specific and unique evolutionary transition are symbolized by the nodal axis. The Soul's self-image changes in fundamentally positive ways as this transition is made. This is because repetitive behavior can be transmuted, and new emotional patterns brought into light as a new self-image is born.