Posted Under Feng Shui

4 Ways to Put the Om Back Into Your Home

home interior

Holistic living is becoming more mainstream as nutrition, preventive and alternative medicine, and conscious living are simply a way of life. Holistic implies being whole or taking into account the whole picture—our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. As eastern practices meet western medicine, the "wholistic" pie is starting to take shape with the mind, body, and spirit being equally taken into account.

One healing modality that has been overlooked—and that is literally right under our nose—is our home. Our home is a reflection of ourselves, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And as we make changes to our home, we make changes to our selves and our lives. There is an energetic relationship with the mind, body, and home. It is no wonder that the ancient art of feng shui has been practiced for thousands of years.

Our home is second only to our body as our physical dwelling on Earth. It is so closely related to our mind and body that the two have oftentimes throughout history been used interchangeably in religions, architecture, and in dream analysis.

The energy patterns within our self, from belief systems to preferences to disease, are also present within our home. Have you ever had a great massage or bodywork where you left feeling great? And upon returning home, you fell right back into your old patterns; maybe your shoulders started to slump forward again or your breathing returned to being labored.

If the energy flow in your home is "off," then the energy flow in your body will be as well. Energy flow in your home can be affected by a number of things, including the land on which you live, the floor plan, arrangement of furniture, disrepair, accessories, clutter, and even previous owners.

It's hard to believe that simply by moving a couch, adding a nightstand, clearing out out-of-style clothes, or repositioning your desk chair can change your life. I have seen major shifts take place time and time again with my clients when they make simple changes in their home. And the best thing about it is that you can make these changes today with little, if any, cost. Consider it acupuncture for your home.

Here are a few things to consider in making your home part of your holistic lifestyle.

  1. Furniture blocks: For the best feng shui, you want the energy to "meander" through a space. So imagine yourself as energy (because you are) coming through your space. Do you bump into any furniture? Do you hit corners sticking out? Are there tight places that feel constraining? Too much furniture can be major blocks of energy. And if they're in your house, then those blocks are also in your life.
  2. Emotional Clutter: Clutter is stagnant energy. So if you feel stagnant in any area of your life, then there's probably clutter lurking somewhere in your life that has taken form. If it's your love life that's stagnant, clear out nostalgic items from past relationships. If it's your career that's stagnant, clear out your desk drawers. If it's your body that's cluttered, then clean out your cupboards and fridge. If you're having an identity crisis, then clean out your clothing closet.
  3. Inventory Your Accessories: Like a great outfit, accessories are essential. They can make an outfit; but, if overdone, they can ruin an outfit. So is the case with accessories in your home. Take inventory of the accessories in your home. You should love every one of them. Don't use accessories to distract. I find that people who use too many accessories in an outfit are subconsciously trying to distract the attention away from them personally and to their clothing instead. Don't let your accessories distract you. Love everything in your home.
  4. Clear the Energy: No one likes to sit at a table in the restaurant before it's been cleared by the people who sat there before. And no one certainly wants to live among the energy of the previous owners of their home. You don't want to be subjected to the energy patterns of those before you. If you have never cleared the energy in your home, now is the time! It's quite simple and effective. Sage smudging is the most common method, whereby you light the end of a sage bundle and waft it around your house. Add your intention for you and your space to the mix as well.

As you become more conscious of your diet, exercise, spirituality, and so forth, become conscious of your home as well. As you love your home, you will love yourself.

About Tisha Morris

Tisha Morris (Los Angeles, CA) is a feng shui expert, attorney, book coach, publishing consultant, and self-help author who has been featured on ABC’s Live with Kelly and Ryan, Hay House Radio podcast, Today.com, ...

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