Five Ways to Use Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing

Essential Oils and Orchids

I have been fascinated by essential oils since before the invention of the Internet. To find the essential oils I so desperately desired, I had to scour out-of-the-way, little head shops or the rare health shops in the 80s and 90s. Essential oils have come such a long way since then. There are now home-based essential oil networking markets that lead the way in innovative ways to use essential oils. Purchasing essential oils these days is as simple as ordering them from your home and having them in your possession within a day or two. Everyone now has easy access to the oils, but oftentimes they remain sitting in a cabinet, unopened, for years. I want to remind you of some easy methods to use the oils that can bring so much healing to your life.

I bought a ton of books to teach me how to use my essential oils in those early years. It was frustrating and discouraging to try to find what I needed in those books. I took all of my research and wrote Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing so that I could have a straightforward recipe book that dealt with emotional and spiritual needs, wants, and desires. I believe this book to be simple in its methods, easy to navigate, and can assist people learning to use essential oils in a very uncomplicated manner. Now using all of those essential oils that are so effortless to access is as easy as looking up a recipe.

Using essential oils can be intimidating and overwhelming, but my goal is to teach people how the basic methods of using essential oils is generally accomplished using household ingredients and usually takes only a few minutes (while, the effects, however, can last a lifetime). Just knowing that there is help, and that the answers are within your own power to possess, can be so liberating and effective.

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. There are even essential oils in the tombs in the pyramids of Egypt. In the Bible, essential oils are mentioned over a hundred times. Ancient texts from all over the world include recipes and praises of the effectiveness of essential oils. Currently pharmaceuticals are made in a lab, where scientists copy the chemical compounds in plants. Plants that were used for thousands of years for their potent therapeutic properties to heal every single ailment. Why use a medication that is a copy of the original? Essential oils contain a very condensed amount of those therapeutic properties from the plants. In many physical and emotional imbalances, the essential oils can provide very quick relief.

In rituals and in spiritual and religious ceremonies, people have always relied on essential oils to enhance the spiritual aspect of rites and passages. From ancient shamanismgrounding someone, or lifting their spirit high in the Universe. Empowering yourself with the knowledge of a few recipes can be very gratifying for your soul.

Emotional issues ranging from anger to worry are at the forefront of society today. With all of the stress and anxiety this generation faces, having an essential oil recipe that incorporates therapeutic properties to allay those emotional needs is a tool we must have to survive mentally and with emotional wellbeing. There are so many methods that are complex and time-consuming, but I want to give you a few ways to use your essential oils that are basic and easily accessible.

Method #1: Massage Oil
Using massage oil is an easy way to apply the healing oils to specific parts of the body for certain needs, or to use all over the body for a general feeling of wellbeing. You can either apply the oils yourself, or have a partner or friend apply your oils for you. The main component of a massage oil is a "carrier oil." A carrier oil disperses the active ingredients of the essential oils throughout the blend and also dilutes the powerful effects of essential oils, some of which can literally burn the skin if not diluted. Carrier oils range from very cheap to very expensive. They can have a shelf life of a couple of months to many years. Some carrier oils are good for the skin, some are good for the hair, and most of them are perfect for certain emotional needs. I have preferences for a few carrier oils, but feel free to explore different ones to see which ones work best for you.

My favorite carrier oil is sesame oil. This oil works well with people who are of a "vata" type disposition, or are type A personalities. It's a very grounding oil, and great to use in massage oil recipes. Other oils that make excellent carrier oils are apricot oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, and coconut oil. I have even been known to use olive oil in a pinch. Each oil has its own characteristics, odors, and shelf life.

Using a small bowl and whisk is my favorite way to blend the oils, but you can use a bottle, a jar, or any type of vessel you would like. Using plastic is not recommended as it can leach certain oils. I have a tiny bowl that I make about two tablespoons of massage oil in and leave it within easy access of my fingertips. When I feel the need for an application of my oils, I just dip my fingers into the bowl and apply it to myself.

Vitamin E oil is a cheap oil you can get from any drug or grocery store. I love to use vitamin E oil in most of my essential oil recipes because it is not only good for the skin, but also acts as a preservative so that your blends can last for many months, if stored properly. I usually store my oil blends in a dark closet, kept at room temperature, for up to a year. But, they usually don't last that long, because I use them up so fast. Or friends come by asking for a quick fix for their needs, and I just give them my bottled blends, which I ALWAYS label and date.

To make a massage oil, I take about two tablespoons of carrier oil, and add ten to fifteen drops of various essential oils, and three drops of vitamin E oil. Mix, and apply. I'm always careful to not get the oils into any open wounds, eyes, mucus membranes, or sensitive areas.

Method #2: Diffusers
I have a lot of diffusers, and each one uses different amounts of water and essential oils. It's important to know the recommended usage by the manufacturer of your particular diffuser. I have diffusers that I purchased for $15 from the grocery store, and diffusers that I purchased for $300. You can get diffusers that play Zen music, light up, and are made up of various materials and shapes to go with any room décor. Buying a diffuser is just a personal taste, and I don't recommend any one over another. I use them all.

The essential oils I use in my diffusers are generally the cheaper brands. I like to save my expensive, clinical-grade essential oils for direct skin contact and major illnesses. I find a use for ALL essential oils, no matter the price or brand. Aromas provided by diffusers can invoke feelings of peace, energy, consolation, or calm. Whatever emotions you want to provide or control, there is an oil that will do the trick for you, your office, or your family. Changing the vibe in a tense setting is a skill that is easily within your grasp. Learning which oils to use for each particular emotion or need is easy with my book, Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing. Simply look up your emotional or spiritual need, and there is a list of essential oils that you can use under each need, along with several recipes you can try.

When configuring how much essential oil to use with each diffuser, I always figure about five drops of essential oil to each one cup of water. This has provided me with the basic ratio for each diffuser I own. I find the aromas with this blend of water and oils to be light enough to be pleasing, yet effective enough that someone suffering from grief can find themselves slipping into happier memories. Using a diffuser is one of the easiest and most effective ways to use essential oils for an overall feeling of serenity for everyone in the vicinity of your diffuser.

Method #3: Inhale
Inhaling the aromas of essential oils can be a very fast alternative to making a blend or using a diffuser. There are certain essential oils, like lavender, peppermint, or vetiver, that all work wonders in crossing the blood/brain barrier by simply using our olfactory senses. I like to carry small vials of essential oils in my purse just in case I am in need of a quick pick-me-up or a calm-me-down moment.

There are essential oil inhalers on the market that you can purchase that make inhaling the oils a pleasure. These are generally shaped like a normal nasal inhaler, but you can find fancier ones on the Internet. Inside of the inhaler is a tube of cotton. You can apply the essential oils of your choice to the cotton and seal it up inside of the inhaler. The oils will last a long time if properly sealed.

When you are ready to use your inhaler, simply unscrew the top and insert the tube into your nostril and inhale deeply. The effects will be immediate. You can use almost any essential oil in your nasal inhaler. From allergies to anxiety, there is an essential oil that will meet your need.

If you don't have a nasal inhaler, simply use a handkerchief or the palm of your hand. Drop a drop of oil in and inhale deeply. You would be surprised how quickly an inhale of peppermint can clear your sinuses, or a drop of vetiver can calm you down during an anxiety attack.

Method #4: Lotion
Making lotions with your essential oils is fun, and cheap. Simply buy an unscented, hopefully organic, lotion. Open the bottle and pour in your essential oil or oils. Stir and mix very well. I usually like to pour the lotion into a bowl, add the oils, whisk within an inch of its life, and using a funnel, add back to the bottle.

Finding an essential oil that will work with your daily needs is paramount to the success of this lotion. If you want to use the lotion at bedtime, you might think of adding lavender to your bottle. If you want to apply the lotion after your morning bath and want an energizing blend, then orange essential oil or grapefruit essential oil might be what you need to start your day. You can practice by just mixing a teaspoon of the lotion with a drop of essential oil and applying to your body. When you find the right oil for you, then you can make as much as you want. Be creative here. Make your own scent that people will soon come to recognize as "you!"

Method #5: Laundry
Yes! You can add essential oils to your laundry in the washing machine. I usually add about five drops to each load using some of my cheaper brands of essential oils. As soon as the water starts pouring into the washing machine, I add the oil. The essential oils will be dispersed throughout the water, and tiny particles will cling to all of the clothing.

When washing the sheets, I like to add lavender or clary sage for a calming night. When washing the towels, I like to add sweet orange for that clean invigorating smell. My husband suffers from depression from a terminal illness, so lately I've been adding St. John's wort, melissa, or helichrysum to his laundry to help lift his moods. The sky is the limit when adding oils to your laundry.

Using the various methods for your essential oils is so easy that people who have never really used essential oils can grasp these five methods quickly. Getting started with these five effortless methods will help you to incorporate essential oils into basically every aspect of your life. Using essential oils is easy, but more beneficial than you may be aware. Your oils can increase your love, creativity, inspiration, joy, blessings, prayer, protection, energy, spirituality, and hundreds of other emotional needs. Yet these same oils can reduce anger, negativity, grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, and fear.

There are so many ways to use essential oils that I don't just use them every day… I use them in a multitude of ways every day. I am a caretaker, which is undoubtedly one of the most demanding jobs in the world. But I owe my unfailing patience, endurance, and joy to essential oils and the thousands of benefits that they provide.

About Vannoy Gentles Fite

Vannoy Gentles Fite (Saltillo, TX) is a certified Ayurvedic life coach, a certified herbalist, a certified aromatherapist, and a licensed yoga instructor. She believes wholeheartedly in natural healing methods, yoga, ...

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