Posted Under Angels & Spirit Guides

Healing and Miracles with the Archangels and Saints

Archangel Statue in Sunlight

Powerful blessings are available to everyone with some help from archangels and saints. Growing up in a Roman Catholic household of Italian descent, I developed a deeply personal connection with Divine beings at a young age. Conversing and praying to my guardian angel and specific saints was not just a norm but a personal relationship I cherished.

Divine beings offer us an abundance of assistance. Even after their earthly journey ends, the saints continue to guide us from the Other Side. Their mission is to aid people and manifest miracles as a beacon of hope in times of adversity. There is a saint or archangel for almost every situation. Archangels are spiritual messengers of God, radiating a high vibration. We enable them to fulfill their divine purpose by invoking their energy for specific purposes, providing us with support and hope.

You Have to Ask for Their Help
Archangels and saints are eager to assist, but it's crucial to remember to ask for their help. For me, prayer is simply a conversation with the angel or saint. The first step is to identify which archangel or saint is associated with the type of situation you are facing. By taking this proactive step, we can empower ourselves with their assistance. Use positive affirmations, essential oils, and gemstones to amplify your request for help. It makes the interaction with the saints and archangels more palpable.

Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are always happening somewhere in the world. If you are affected by storms like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, or fires, Archangel Uriel can help. Uriel is the archangel who told Noah the flood was coming. Living in South Florida, where we are prone to hurricanes and, more recently, tornadoes, Archangel Uriel is my go-to archangel for storm protection. Inhale essential oils to amplify prayers and the connection with Uriel. Use amber, cedarwood, frankincense, and orange. Add a few drops to a diffuser and hold good thoughts to keep you safe and blessed.

Archangel Thuriel and Saint Christopher can also be called upon for safety during storms. Archangel Thuriel, the guardian of animals and nature, is an excellent guide to help you integrate the interconnectedness of all life. Saint Christopher was depicted as a giant. His height was beneficial because he helped people by carrying them across the river. He is great to ask for safety while traveling and if flooding is expected in your area. Ask him to take you to safety. Saint Barbara is associated with lightning and fire. Ask her, "Oh! Saint Barbara! Protect me from storms and intense weather conditions. Keep me safe from lightning." Say it in your own words to communicate and invoke the aid of these Divine beings.

Physical Healing, Plagues, and Pandemics
Archangel Raphael is well-known as the archangel to call on when you need guidance on healing yourself and others. Ask Archangel Raphael to orchestrate the healthcare practitioners and the most helpful people to be part of your life during the healing process. Surround yourself with the emerald green ray with an emerald gemstone to support healing on all levels—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Wear any green gemstone bracelet, pendant, or ring to amplify your request for assistance. Using gemstones keeps you mindful and focused on your intention. Repeat an affirmation like, I take time to rest and rejuvenate. I am grateful for my good health.

Plagues and pandemics are specialties of some Divine helpers. Saint Gertrude, the Cat Lady of the Catholic Church, interceded during the bubonic plague by warding off rats. Hold onto some leopardskin jasper to ground your petition to Gertrude, saying, "I am safe from harm on all levels." Saint Rocco is known for healing plague victims by working with them in the hospital. Rocco is associated with dogs because a dog helped him heal himself from the plague he picked up from interactions with the sick. Call on Saint Rocco to protect you from contagious diseases while inhaling essential oils like eucalyptus, ravensara, and tea tree, saying something like, "Oh! Saint Rocco. Protect me from catching infectious diseases."

Padre Pio is the one to call on for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Ask him to support you when you experience health challenges that lead you to believe you are cursed. This Italian Franciscan Capuchin Friar and priest had many experiences of diabolical torture and, because of his experiences, was proficient at expelling demons. Exclaim, "Be gone!" to release curses and evil. Tap into the part of yourself that is a miracle worker and trust your personal power. Repeat this powerful affirmation: "I am a miracle worker. I quickly transform and transmute negative energy."

Family Matters
Do you need help with family matters? If your in-laws or siblings challenge you, ask Saint Elisabeth Ann Seton to help you out with healing issues between you. She is a patron saint of families, in-laws, widows, and widowers. Call on her to help with childbirth and grief due to the loss of family members. Saint Elisabeth Ann Seton was the first native-born America officially made a saint (in 1975). Many miracles are attributed to this saint through petitions and prayers for help. You can also ask Archangel Gabriel to help with the grief associated with family losses.

Saint Anne is the mother of Mother Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She conceived Mother Mary at an old age, and is an excellent saint to ask for help with fertility and producing offspring. Saint Anne supports you when you are ready to start a family and have a child. On a personal note, I grew up with a connection to Saint Anne. My mother's devotion to the faith inspires me to this day. Two of my aunts prayed to Saint Anne, asking her to bring my husband and give me a happy family life. Saint Anne is often depicted as a seated woman with a book upon her lap and the child Mary leaning against her as she taught her. I have had this statue since childhood.

On a side note, while I was working on writing The Essential Guide to Archangels and Saints, I came across my mother's cookie tins filled with holy medals, scapulars, and prayer cards. I thought this find signaled that I was receiving further support from Mom from the Other Side as I wrote the book. (The scapular, derived from the word meaning "shoulder blade," is a garment designed by monks during the Middle Ages. It is considered a protective covering and shows devotion to Our Lady.)

Love and Friendship
Call on Archangels Chamuel and Jophiel to help you with relationships. Both archangels partner with the Angel of Discernment, the Angel of Helpful People, and the Angel of Unconditional Love to support you in all types of relationships. These everyday angels and many others are watching over you and helping you upon request. Everyday angels are always available to guide you to have a much happier, more fulfilling, and more spiritual life.

Archangel Chamuel works towards world peace and guides you to heal past and present relationship issues. Ask Chamuel to help you release resentment, open your heart to unconditional love, and attract the perfect relationships. Call on Archangel Jophiel to be by your side to help you cultivate a regular gratitude practice and observe the beauty and blessings around you. These two archangels team up to guide you through relationship issues requiring compassion and kindness and focus on the heart chakra.

Heart chakra crystals add a sense of comfort and amplify intentions, petitions, and mindfulness. Green and pink stones encourage happiness and harmony between you and your companions. Gems like chrysoprase, green calcite, pink calcite, pink tourmaline, unakite, and ruby in zoisite, to name just a few, are allied to support your journey with relationships. Work with these gems to amplify your request to your Divine helpers regarding friendship and love.

Money and Abundance
Aligning with saints and archangels for everyday situations is a gift and adds a spiritual vibration to the mundane. Engaging in illuminating activities like meditation, contemplation, and reflection allows for enlightenment and blessings. Archangel Barachiel is the archangel with whom you can partner when you want to attract blessings, prosperity, and happiness to your daily experience. This angel encourages fun and laughter, so lighten up your spiritual practice by calling on Barachiel.

Speaking of joyful energy, jolly old Saint Nick, Saint Nicholas of Bari, was a wonderworker and brought many miracles into the lives of those around him. This saint is known as Santa Claus because of his generosity and gift-giving. Connect with some vibrationally matching crystals for Saint Nicholas, like citrine, green aventurine, jade, pyrite, and ruby. These gems bring the vibes of abundance and philanthropy.

Protection and Safety
Archangel Michael is the first angel for defense when I need strong protection. Michael is often portrayed with a sword, shield, and the scales of justice. Archangel Michael aligns with the cobalt or deep blue ray. Use stones like lapis lazuli, sapphire, and sodalite when invoking his aid. Based on my experience over the years, Archangel Michael is a favorite archangel of many people. He is considered the leader of the archangels. Call on Michael for protection and to remove fears and phobias.

Archangel Jehudiel is usually depicted with a crown, a reward for hard work, and a whip, symbolizing responsibility with power. Jehudiel will keep you and your home safe. Call on Jehudiel to remove perceived or imposed blocks in your life. Ask this archangel to protect you so you can do what you are meant to do. Wear or carry charoite when connecting with Jehudiel, as chaos is turned into order and well-being.

With her cloak and special fire, Saint Brigid provides healing and protection. There is a tradition of carrying a Saint Benedict medal to protect from curses and diseases. Saint Benedict and Padre Pio are known to exorcise evil spirits or malevolent wishes. Envision a shield of shimmering white light around you. Allow it to deflect anything not for your highest good while amplifying blessings and well-being with these saints and archangels on your team.

Inhale essential oils to specifically amplify your petitions for protection. Clove oil protects from ill wishes and negative energy from your thought patterns. It helps deflect jealousy from others.

Repeat positive thoughts like these: "I am protected from negative influences. I am mindful of the energetic connections between others and myself. I automatically remove unhealthy cords of attachment that affect me mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Challenging situations are transformed, and the good is revealed. I am always Divinely protected."

Invoke Your Heavenly Helpers
Allow these spiritual beings to help you. Invite them to assist and give the archangels and saints permission to intervene on your behalf. Let them co-orchestrate your life. You can live a charmed life with Heavenly Helpers by your side.

Pray. Pray for yourself. Pray for your loved ones. Pray for those you don't know. Implore. Invoke. Meditate. Contemplate. Have faith. May the saints and angels light your path!

About Margaret Ann Lembo

Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; The Angels & Gemstone Guardians Cards; Color Your Life with Crystals; and seven spoken audio CDs. She is the ...

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