Posted Under Numerology

The Numbers of Numerology

Numerology Calculation

There are eleven numbers in numerology: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. 11 and 22 are called master numbers and rarely get reduced to a single digit. Each number relates to a different aspect of life and can be thought of as a lesson that should be learned in this lifetime.

The numbers can be used positively or negatively, and consequently reveal people's strengths and weaknesses, depending on how they are used.

Each number also has a number of correspondences, such as colors, crystals, and herbs, which can be used to increase the effectiveness of the number's energy.

Number One
Color: Red
Gemstone: Ruby
Herbs: Basil, woodruff
Planet: Sun
This has always been considered a harmonious, prosperous, and lucky number. It is considered the father of all numbers. In the tarot, number one is represented by the Magician, who is ambitious, strong, in control, and has the potential to manifest anything.

Number 1 represents individuality, independence, attainment, and new beginnings. It's associated with ambition, leadership, confidence, courage, assertiveness, action, innovation, creativity, originality, and power. People with a one in their chart like to stand on their own two feet and lead the way forward.

Number Two
Colors: Orange, white
Gemstones: Pearl, moonstone
Herbs: Anise, orris
Planet: Moon
This number is traditionally thought to be related to the intellect and is considered the mother of all numbers. It symbolizes duality, and the two opposites that cannot live without each other, such as night and day, male and female, tall and short, and yin and yang.

Number 2 is associated with cooperation, balance, duality, and harmony. It is related to partnerships, collaboration, adaptability, charm, sensitivity, tactfulness, understanding, and diplomacy. People with a 2 in their chart are often the power behind the throne, as they are supportive, tender-hearted, natural peacemakers who achieve their goals without confrontation.

Number Three
Color: Yellow
Gemstone: Yellow sapphire
Herbs: Fennel, lavender
Planet: Jupiter
This number is traditionally considered holy; it's the number of the father, son, and holy spirit of Christianity as well as the trinity of father, mother, and child. Three symbolizes fertility, abundance, and fruitfulness.

Number 3 represents communication, creativity, and self-expression. It is related to joy, optimism, and social activities. People with a 3 in their chart are easygoing, fun-loving, good-natured, and popular. Because they are artistic and have good imaginations, they often work in creative fields.

Number Four
Color: Green
Gemstones: Turquoise, lapis lazuli
Herbs: Comfrey, mullein
Planet: Uranus
Pythagoras, the father of numerology, regarded this as the foundation of all the other numbers. It's square in shape, which makes it the number of solidity, endurance, willpower, and firmness of purpose.

Number 4 represents stability, practicality, and hard work. It is related to reliability, dependability, discipline, punctuality, attention to detail, focus, and slow but steady progress. People with a 4 in their chart are conventional, cautious, loyal, practical, well-organized, and hard-working.

Number Five
Color: Blue
Gemstone: Blue opal
Herbs: Damiana, dragon's blood
Planet: Mercury
Traditionally, this was considered a magical number, and the five-pointed pentacle has been used as a powerful and protective amulet for thousands of years. Five was also related to justice and faith. The Hierophant is the fifth card in the major arcana of the Tarot.

Number 5 represents change, variety, adaptability, versatility, and freedom. It is related to curiosity, adventure, travel, playfulness, and new experiences. People with a 5 in their charts are spontaneous, flexible, enthusiastic, and need plenty of stimulation, as they get bored easily.

Number Six
Color: Indigo
Gemstone: Sapphire
Herbs: Boneset, catnip
Planet: Venus
Traditionally, this number was considered sacred to Venus. Not surprisingly, the sixth card in the major arcana of the tarot deck is the Lovers. The Bible says that the world was made in six days; as six was also the day humans were created, it was at one time called the number of humanity.

Number 6 represents love, romance, harmony, nurture, and home and family responsibilities. It is related to relationships, compassion, kindness, and creativity. People with a 6 in their chart are affectionate, generous, kind, forgiving, responsible, community-minded, and frequently artistic.

Number Seven
Color: Violet
Gemstones: Amethyst, purple sapphire
Herbs: Mugwort, poppy
Planet: Neptune
The ancient Pythagoreans called this number the vehicle of humanity: there were seven days, planets, metals, and even ages of man. Because of this, the number was considered especially lucky. It was also the number of perfection, as the sum of the holy number three and the four traditional elements adds up to seven. This number was also a symbol of eternal life to ancient Egyptians.

Number 7 represents introspection, spirituality, philosophy, knowledge, and inner wisdom. It is related to intellectual pursuits, understanding, intuition, and spiritual growth. People with a 7 in their chart are analytical, technical, refined, reserved, and patient.

Number Eight
Colors: Brown, green
Gemstone: Quartz
Herbs: Hyssop, lovage
Planet: Saturn
This number was traditionally known as the number of justice. Many tarot decks, including the Marseilles Tarot, have Justice as the eighth card in the major arcana. However, in 1909, Arthur Edward Waite swapped the positions of the eighth and eleventh cards to make Strength the eighth card and Justice the eleventh in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Most modern tarot decks have followed suit.

Number 8 represents material success, abundance, and achievement. It is related to power, achievement, status, and financial and career growth. People with an 8 in their chart are loyal, strong-willed, responsible, hard-working, and goal-oriented.

Number Nine
Color: Rose
Gemstones: Diamond, rose quartz
Herb: Cinnamon, clove
Planet: Mars
Ancient priests used this number to help cure illnesses. It was considered a number of power, wisdom, and protection. As it was the sum of three multiplied by itself, nine was associated with intellectual and spiritual knowledge.

Number 9 is associated with humanitarianism, compassion, completion, and spiritual awareness. It relates to idealism, selflessness, universal love, and giving to others. People with a 9 in their chart are broad-minded, inspirational, philosophical, tolerant, and artistic.

The Master Numbers
Master numbers provide the people who have them with increased capabilities but at a high price, including a degree of nervous tension that is rarely hidden from others.

Number Eleven
Color: Silver
Gemstone: Diamond
Herbs: Chamomile, rosemary
Planet: Sun
This number is linked to intuition, insight, inspiration, dreams, enlightenment, higher consciousness, and spiritual awareness. People with an 11 in their chart usually have a strong intuition, a deep level of understanding, and powerful empathy. People with master numbers in their makeup are usually late bloomers, as it takes them many years to be able to make good use of the added potentials that the master number brings.

Number Twenty-Two
Color: Gold
Gemstone: Coral
Herb: Fly agaric
Planet: Earth
The other master number in numerology, 22 is often known as the Master Builder, as people who have this number in their chart have the potential to turn their dreams into reality. People with a 22 as a major number in their chart possess the ability to achieve on a large scale. They are practical and have the potential to manifest whatever it is they desire. Like the 11, people with a 22 in their chart are usually late bloomers. Number 22 has always been considered an especially important number. There are, for instance, 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22 pathways in the Kabbalah, and 22 major arcana cards in the standard tarot deck.

The numbers are all connected to each other in a variety of ways. Each number is a logical step forward from the previous number. For example, the material desires of 8 are followed by the generosity and selflessness of 9. The self-centeredness and independence of 1 is followed by the cooperation and harmony of 2. The odd numbers relate to the individual, while even numbers deal with practical concerns.

Some numbers work well with each other, as they share similar traits and desires. Numbers 3, 6, and 9, for instance, all have creative potential. The numbers 2, 6, and 9 are all involved in cooperating and helping others. Lastly, 1, 4, and 8 are all willing to work hard and enjoy achieving practical and financial goals.

Excerpted from Llewellyn's Little Book of Numerology.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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