
Erotic Dance: A Spontaneous Act of Magic

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Erotic dancing is a spontaneous act of seduction, as natural as a bird's love call.

Dance is one of the most ancient forms of communication and expression; it is even older than spoken language. Where words sometimes hide deeper truths that only the body can guess at, dance brings humans closer to nature. Dance brings us closer to the animal kingdom, to mammals, to birds, to insects, to fish—all of which dance with the specific goals of mating, signaling danger, locating food, or fighting over territory.

Dance is not only a source of physical pleasure. It also soothes the mind as it openly expresses feelings and ideas. As a matter of fact, people in some cultures dance until they fall into a trance or alter their state of consciousness. Shamans in some tribes, for example, dance around in a trance to heal mental and physical ailments in others.

People of all ages dance in discos, bars, and ballrooms, giving free expression to their will. Dance can include a preset symbolic vocabulary, such as ballet, or it can resort to symbolic gestures, or common signals, as in the case of pantomime, where the body speaks wordlessly. Traditional dance from places like China and Japan utilize the latter technique. Dance can manifest itself differently according to its place of origin. That is why dance often reveals so much about the way people live.

Reaching ecstasy through dance
Now and then, we all unknowingly evoke thousand-year-old rituals. Dance used to be a tribal ritual for ancient man, a spontaneous act of magic. Tribal peoples danced to celebrate weddings, births, deaths, and the harvest. The collective human consciousness eventually reaches ecstasy through dance. The psyche seems to follow the rhythm of the cosmos, where it harmoniously mingles with mysterious and hidden unconscious potential. Through dance, man can also reach out to the sacred—even though dance is so fundamentally erotic. Dance can also have a magical effect, and unlimited sexual power.

The first Neolithic peoples danced in the fields as they sowed or harvested, hoping to promote the fertility of the land by awakening female sexual energy. These tribal rituals also included sexual relations and collective couplings. Dance was a way in which indigenous cultures could honor their gods and ancestors. It also was a way to perform magic rituals. The Bible mentions religious celebrations that included dance, although the Church at times considered dance immoral.

Dancing Your Problems Away
Every human being has the ability to express herself through movement. Dance is the transformation of normal function and common expression into unusual movement with an extraordinary goal. Dance can re-interpret a simple walk within a prescribed format, for example, by going round in circles or stepping to rhythm.

You and your partner can agree when and where to have an erotic dance, and move to your own rhythm. You can turn, bend, stretch, jump, and gyrate your body. You can match various physical actions to different dynamics, creating an endless array of movement. You and your partner should choose whatever dance rite you feel most comfortable with. I recommend you select an Asian-style song and dance for a delicious experience; Eastern music is erotically charged by nature.

Working Dance Magic
The appropriate clothing and suggestive climate can potentially add erotic appeal to your erotic dance experience:

  • To work erotic dance magic try wearing slippers or sandals, veils, silk, or special make up
  • Special erotic lingerie for women, tight fitting whalebone corsets even, will enhance natural curves
  • Specially-designed, fantasy-provoking masks are available for both women and men
  • Play sensuous music, Arabian or Eastern-style
  • Keep the lights low; use red soft candles, if possible
  • Scent the scene with cinnamon, rose, or jasmine incense

All of these elements will add visual attraction, heighten erotic appeal, and improve the dance.

Expressing Yourself Through Words and the Body

  • Tell your partner what you feel as you dance, say that you love him, that he turns you on ...
  • Ask your partner to follow you in your step as you dance and express yourselves.
  • Move your body and touch each other's erogenous zones. Stimulate your partner with caresses.
  • Don't laugh at your partner's moves or words.
  • Let freedom dance through your body and share the music.
  • Reminisce about exciting moments if either of the two of you seem to be losing focus.
  • Be creative in moving your body.
  • If you feel shy or inhibited, close your eyes.
  • Be spontaneous.
  • Associate words to the dance. For instance: dancing makes me feel erotic (or any other way dancing makes you feel). Some suggestions: erotic dance is … love, fire, energy, freedom, flying, intensity, eroticism, magnetic energy. A call of love, sharing, communication, intimacy, game, satisfaction, pleasure, communion....

Kundalini Energy
Wake your kundalini energy and solve your erotic problems through dance. Gently move your hips and waist and focus on the sexual area of your body, the one containing the universal and eternal fire.

Feel the fire rushing up to your head and transcending your body until you feel yourself become united to the core of universal love. This, in turn, will unite you to the whole of the universe. You will feel love and wisdom vibrating with all the strength of divine creation.

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