
Candle Magic


I first discovered candle magic at high school. A friend knew a little bit about the subject, as his mother used candle magic regularly. He suggested I perform a ritual to resolve a problem. I was skeptical, but discovered, much to my surprise, that it worked. My aim in writing Candle Magic for Beginners was to encourage people to experiment with candle magic themselves, to discover how simple, safe and effective it is, and to learn how useful it can be in everyday life.

Strange as it may sound, almost everyone has performed candle magic at some time. When you blow out the candles on your birthday cake and make a wish, you are performing candle magic. Candle magic can be as simple or as involved as you wish. On many occasions I have lit a single candle and made a wish. I have also created more elaborate rituals using several different candles. Much of this is determined by what feels right at the time.

People have always been fascinated with fire, and it still plays a major role in ceremonies of all sorts. There is something comforting, uplifting, and hypnotic about a flickering, dancing flame, which makes it easy to see how candles came to be used for magic.

Magic is the art of achieving a desired result by sending a specific aim out into the universe where it is manifested. Candles that are burned to support this intention become powerful magical tools. As the candle burns, the request is sent out to the universe. In effect, the candle becomes a link between the person making the request and the Universal Mind. The Universal Mind is spiritual in nature. Candles are solid matter, but are transmuted into spirit as they burn.

The Rosicrucians were sometimes known as "fire-philosophers" because they used fire to symbolize transmutation. As the solid candle burns, it is transmuted into light, symbolizing the transformation of something base into something much better, such as enlightenment.

Candle magic makes use of all four elements. An unlit candle symbolizes the element of Earth. When it is placed in contact with Fire, the candle melts, creating liquid (symbolizing Water) and smoke (Air). Because of this, it is possible to perform a ritual with just a single candle, as all four elements are incorporated within it.

Usually, candles are prepared and consecrated before being used for any magical purpose. However, as the blowing out of candles on a birthday cake shows, you can perform simple rituals with any candle.

A single candle can provide emotional healing, for instance. Choose a red candle if you need more energy, confidence, or passion. Orange will help you with vitality and motivation. Yellow encourages open, honest communication. Green relieves stress, resentment, and impatience. Blue provides courage and eliminates nervousness and indecision. Indigo eases family problems, and aids concentration. Violet provides inner peace and nurtures the soul. Pink helps you give and receive love. Silver provides confidence and self-esteem. Gold is useful if you have a fear of success. White can be used at any time, for any problem.

I have a collection of different colored candles. Sometimes I know exactly which color to choose, but at other times let my intuition guide me.

Once you have chosen a candle, light it and place it in the center of a table. Sit down about six feet away from it in a position where you can look directly at the candle flame without raising or lowering your head. Ideally, the flame should be in a direct line with your third eye, in the center of your forehead.

Gaze at the flickering flame and think about your purpose in conducting the ritual. If you are burning a green candle, for instance, you might think about the stress you are experiencing, and how wonderful your life will be once it has gone. Visualize yourself in a number of situations that would have been stressful to you in the past, but see yourself handling them effortlessly.

Look at the flame and imagine the green of the candle expanding until it completely fills the room you are in. Picture yourself completely bathed in the healing green, and imagine it revitalizing every cell of your body. Hold this image for as long as you can. When it starts to fade, say "thank you" out loud. Stretch and take a few deep breaths. Snuff out the candle and carry on with your day. This entire exercise can be accomplished in ten minutes, and you will feel the benefits right away.

This is a simple example of how beneficial candle magic can be. I hope you take the time to explore it in greater depth and discover how useful candle magic can be in everyday life.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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