Posted Under Astrology

Working Your Week: Using Daily Astrological Correspondences


Ever notice how your emotions, feelings, desires, and even goals vary from day to day? Your energy level can be dramatically different on Monday morning at 7 am than on a Friday afternoon. And it's not just because the workweek is over. That may be part of it, but there's much more going on here.

Do you know that the planets in our solar system influence the days of the week? Each day is ruled by a specific planet. Each planet has its own unique vibration and energy. So, here's an idea to help your life run smoothly; plan your weekly schedule around the day that caters to specific tasks. This will help you maximize the potential energy of any given day.

Here's the rundown of the days, their ruling planet and associated sign of the zodiac:

  • Monday is ruled by the moon, which represents home, family, feelings, and emotions. Female energy is strong on Mondays. (Cancer)
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the war-like, high-energy planet. (Aries, Scorpio)
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, which governs communications. (Gemini, Virgo)
  • Thursday is connected to Jupiter, the planet of abundance. (Sagittarius, Pisces)
  • Friday is dictated by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. (Taurus, Libra)
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn, lord of karma, routine, and work. (Capricorn, Aquarius)
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun—so of course so the focus is on you! (Leo)

Monday: You'll concern yourself mainly with "moon" energy and tasks. The moon represents our emotions, home, family, and feelings. That's why you'll feel like you can get a bunch of chores done around the house on a Monday. It may be wash-day or grocery day. It's a good time to get in touch with your feelings, too. (You may have a hangover from the weekend and really be in touch with how you feel!) Consider this a great day for counseling or therapy, and to call your mother. Cook a hearty supper for the family. Go house hunting.

Tuesday: You're apt to have a burst of energy now and more "get up and go." On Monday it's hard to get out of bed, but on Tuesday, which is ruled by energetic Mars, you'll have more drive and ambition. Some people say Tuesday is their best day of the week to get things accomplished. Start a diet program. Exercise. Initiate new projects, but avoid arguments. People are prone criticizing, complaining, and nit-picking on Tuesdays! You're probably more impatient, too. Be careful when driving, and watch your impulsiveness.

Wednesday: This is a great day for all sorts of communications and mental activity because it is ruled by the planet Mercury. Take a trip. Buy a car. Negotiate, write, hold a meeting, give a presentation, or have a heart-to-heart talk with someone you love. Make agreements. You may experience a flurry of phone calls. Answer your e-mails. News you've been waiting for may finally arrive. It's good day for taking a test or attending a conference, too. You will feel much more like talking, so watch your words carefully ... and the phone bill, too!

Thursday: It's a Jupiter (lucky) day. Almost everyone feels good. However, Jupiter is also known for abundance, so you could end up overdoing something, or going overboard. It's a day that could break your diet, and your bankbook, too. You'll throw caution to the wind. For some of you, Thursday is payday! Since Jupiter also relates to money and special blessings, ask for a raise, shop good sales, get a good deal on a new appliance, or go on a job interview. People are more optimistic today, and friendlier.

Friday: Friday is ruled by Venus (a.k.a. love and romance). This is the day that Cupid's arrow strikes. Lots of folks go out on Friday night to socialize, have fun, or meet someone. It's a popular date night. You're more likely to meet someone on a Friday than any other night out. You feel good and look good. Plus everyone's in a good mood. This may have something to do with the fact that Friday is the beginning of the weekend. You will feel like pampering yourself, and probably stay up later than usual because you can sleep in the next day. Friday's a good day to get your hair done, buy some new clothes, and spend time with someone you love.

Saturday: Ruled by Saturn, this is the day you get the work done that you've put off all week. Since Saturn rules discipline and hard work, Saturday is the day you are most likely to do your chores. You will have a regular routine; perhaps you do laundry, run the kids to activities, clean the house, and get things organized. You're apt to have a structured morning planned with free time later in the day on Saturday. The sooner you get your work completed, the more time you have to rest and relax! Remember Saturn always rewards you for your hard work. It's the lord of Karma. Work hard so you can play. R&R is your reward for a job well done!

Sunday: Ruled by the sun, you can focus on yourself and things you would personally like to do. It's the "rule"—you shouldn't work on Sunday, though many of us do. However, this day is set for relaxation and rest. The energy on Sunday is slower and more laid-back. The focus should be on things that make you happy. For some of us that's enjoying a hobby or pastime. For others, it could be spending time at family celebrations. There's a subconscious energy working on Sunday; everyone feels like it is truly their day to do whatever they want. On Sunday, you are most likely to let responsibilities go, rest a little, and do nothing—unless you didn't complete your chores on Saturday and have to repay some karma!