
Rediscovering Paths to Enlightenment

Zen Balance Stones

A near-death experience at age nineteen put me onto my spiritual and healing path. It was after this profound event that I started to see auras around people again, an ability I had possessed as a child.

Through years of metaphysical studies and prolific reading of numerous books in this field, I fine-tuned my abilities to "read" the human aura or energy field. Thus, I became a medical intuitive and energy healer.

Modern medicine has the potential to work miracles in some cases. New medical discoveries are announced to the masses on a regular basis. This is wonderful for all of us in the twenty-first century. However, something can be lacking with mainstream medicine in regards to the aspect of healing. The primary focus is placed on the healing of the body. The mind and the spirit are not always focused upon as part of modern medicine.

It is important to recognize that "to heal" means to heal the mind, the body, and the spirit. This concept is encompassed in Ancient Healing Techniques. Within the pages of this book are methods that I use in my own practice.

It has always been my desire to teach these techniques to others. I began by offering classes on psychic development, energy healing, reincarnation, and medical intuitive training. Finally, I put everything into manuscript form; having it published was a dream come true.

I believe everyone, not just people in the healing fields, can benefit from the information contained inside this book. Basic and advanced soul journey training, and working with healing angels and guides are a few of the subjects covered in detail.

As humans we are multi-dimensional beings. We can operate in both the earthly and the heavenly realms if we choose to do so. We are eternal souls existing within physical bodies. It is through our souls that we can connect to heaven and the angels.

This knowledge became apparent to me during my near death experience when two angelic beings came to me at a crucial point. I was told by one of them that it was not my time and I had to return to Earth. This helped to change my perspective on life. As a result, I became driven to develop all of my psychic and spiritual abilities.

I know that these gifts or abilities are inherent within everyone. Some of these potential gifts include healing attributes, sensing and seeing energies including healing colors, communicating with spirit guides, and soul journeying for healing purposes.

As we become more "awakened" or enlightened we use more of our brain capacity. Dormant areas of the brain that contain certain psychic qualities, such as past life memories, are energized and activated. Thus, more gifts unfold. Ancient Healing Techniques was written with this in mind.

There was also another reason why I wrote it. Through the years I have worked with numerous clients with serious and life-threatening illnesses. Many of them have had different types of cancers ranging from breast cancer to colon cancer.

In some cases, some of these people were able to either heal themselves or slow down the debilitating effects of their particular afflictions. There was one common factor with all of these wonderful souls. Each of them possessed or ultimately developed a strong faith in a Creator and a deep spirituality. Several of them showed incredible gifts, such as seeing and hearing spirit guides and angels. Soul journeys or astral travel was very easy for many of them. Trust me, this had nothing to do with any medication. It was their true abilities coming forth. These enlightened souls have had a lasting effect upon me. It has made me feel honored and privileged to be able to work in my field of metaphysics.

There are several techniques in this book designed to help others astral journey to higher levels commonly called the heavenly fields. It is here that the Universal Library or Akashic Records exist. All knowledge and wisdom is available in this amazing place. I feel that we all should be able to soul journey to these higher destinations as well as the earthly ones.

As a child I was able to soul journey on a regular basis. Back then I did not understand what was happening. It was much later that I found out about "out-of-body experiences," or astral travel.

We should all strive to become more enlightened. This should be the ultimate goal of everyone. As we do, we can help manifest Heaven on Earth.

About Douglas De Long

Douglas De Long (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) is a spiritual/personal counselor, past life therapist, and chakra master. He has studied and developed his own psychic abilities and spiritual growth for over twenty-five ...

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