
Amending Ties from Past Lives

Candle on Dark Background

The goal of every human being alive today, whether they can articulate it or not, is to find a state of unconditional joy within themselves. Although this goal may appear to be illusive, such a state exists within everyone regardless of their physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual condition.

Unfortunately the goal of unconditional joy seems an impossible one to achieve for the vast majority of people alive today. For far too many people, the human condition is one of suffering, pain, confusion, lack of self-control, and spiritual emptiness. Let me assure you from the start that the goal can be achieved! There has always been a way to tap the reservoir of unconditional joy that emerges from the center of each human being. And many people before you have found it.

However, the greatest obstacles to the experience of the Self (and the unconditional joy that emerges from it) are attachments to the world created by karmic baggage—the dense, qualified energy carried in the human field of consciousness carried over from one lifetime to another. You already know this energy; it's the same dense energy that creates pressure and muscle ache when you are stressed and produces anxiety, self doubt, and confusion when it's consciously or unconsciously activated. In fact, karmic baggage in one form or another is the principle source of both human suffering and physical disease.

Overcoming Karmic Baggage
Although karmic baggage and the attachments it creates can cause suffering and physical disease, each one of you has the potential to overcome your karma to experience your birthright of pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy, in spite of anything you've done in the past. Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness has been designed to meet the needs of people seeking to overcome the effects of karmic baggage in order to heal themselves and their relationships. It is the perfect book for both beginners and advanced students. In fact, it will be of value to anyone who is ready to take responsibility for their life and heal their field of consciousness and energy.

I developed and refined the exercises in seminars and individual sessions. These, combined with the research, provide readers with accurate and detailed information about how their energy system works, and how its condition influences their health, intimate relationships and spiritual development. It will explain how karma is created and how it can be identified and released safely in the form of dense polarized energy (the energy that causes contraction and disrupts love and intimacy).

After practicing the exercises presented in Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness, it will become clear that the book is a step-by-step program, designed to bring the reader into a state of radiant good health by strengthening their boundaries, activating the seven traditional chakras, the chakras above and below personal body space, the minor energy centers in hands and feet, enhancing the flow of prana through the meridians, releasing karmic baggage and reintegrating energy bodies (if they've been ejected).

Indeed, once you've begun to overcome the effects of karmic baggage and the attachment it has created, inner resources that have lain dormant will emerge into your conscious awareness. And you will find that sharing them with your partner, family, and friends will become one of your greatest joys. As your life becomes more joyful and you courageously follow your dharma (life path), you will find that the universe supports you in everything that you do. Pleasure, joy, intimacy, and bliss become a way of life for both you and those with whom you share your personal wisdom.

From the excitement generated by my work over the past several years in groups and individuals across North America, Europe, and Africa, it is clear to me that what most metaphysical people desperately want—and need—is a reliable, practical, and easy-to-learn method that can overcome the dense the karmic baggage that causes disease and restricts access to pleasure, love, intimacy, and bliss.

I wrote Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness to meet those needs, and that is why it will appeal to serious students of healing and energy work, discouraged by the lack of information and effective techniques available. It's energy in its myriad of forms that determines a person's physical and emotional health. A person's ability to access that energy determines how much pleasure, love, intimacy and joy s/he will experience. By overcoming karma and bringing your field of energy into the appropriate condition, you can become a vehicle for pleasure, love, intimacy, and joy—and share it with a world that desperately needs it.

About Keith Sherwood

Keith Sherwood is a master of the four classical Yogas and the author of nine books on energy work, healing, and transcendent relationships. The exercises, mudras, and meditations that he has developed are used throughout ...

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