Spend some time in meditation prior to your spellwork, and decide which projects or relationships that you worked on last year must be let go of for your (or another's) greater good. Draw small pictures or symbols of those things you wish to leave behind on paper, or carve them into a small black candle. Tie a black string around your waist, and then tie strings: one end to the symbol you made, and the other end to the string around your waist, which symbolizes the bond and manifests the tie you'll be cutting in this rite. Take a moment to contemplate the energy you expended toward each goal or relationship, as well as what that energy pattern meant-or still means-to you. Acknowledge what it means to you to let that energy pattern go. When you find yourself becoming willing to truly let go, use a whitehandled knife (or other appropriate tool) to cut each thread. Say:
"I let you go in peace and love, and I am grateful for what I learned." Be blessed. |
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