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An Interview with Ellen Dugan

1. Your new book, Seasons of Witchery, addresses the Wheel of the Year with a fresh focus. Why did you feel this needed to be done?

I have always been a creative type of person—gardening, landscape design, interior decorating, and floral design… it’s a sickness. Seriously. Some women go crazy over shoes; for me, it's plants and flowers. Over the years when we would have visitors to our home, people would go insane over our gardens and then the interior seasonal decorations. The decorations in the house were subtle enough that non-magick folks figured the floral designer in me had run amok, but still full of symbolism that witches immediately recognized. I posted some of the pictures of my gardens and of home during the holidays on Facebook, and the fans went wild. I had so many requests for a book on the sabbats that I started thinking. Then I started to plot…

2. The book is divided into eight chapters (one for each sabbat), each of which includes crafts, rituals, recipes, and more. From where do your ideas for celebrating each season come?

From the gardens, and from my own personal experiences as a wife, mother, witch, and high priestess. I have been a practicing witch for almost thirty years now. I have plenty of creative ideas to share for your magickal home, your own enchanting gardens, and of course for your Sabbat celebrations with friends and family.

3. You are known as the Garden Witch. Does Seasons of Witchery include a lot of tips for the garden?

Yes it does. Each chapter has a section called "Ellen’s Garden of Witchery Journal," and in those sections you will find plenty of new, practical gardening information, and magick to keep you busy in the garden. No matter what time of year it is.

4. How is Seasons of Witchery different from other books on the Sabbats?

Well, for starters, it begins at Midsummer. (Hey, you can take the witch out of the garden, but never the garden out of the garden witch!) I wrote the book in real time over the course of an entire year. I wrote about what was growing in my magickal gardens, what lessons I learned at each sabbat, and how my coven celebrated, changed, and grew over the year. It isn't the basic "eggs are for Ostara" shtick. This book is not a textbook. It is a personal, relaxing, and inspiring read. It will make you laugh out loud, and it will motivate you to start thinking outside of the box when it comes to celebrating the wheel of the year.

5. What do you hope readers will take away from your new book?

A fresh perspective on the eight Sabbats. You can pick Seasons of Witchery up at any time of the year and find a spell or recipe, a bit of wisdom, or something new to learn. Nature has plenty to teach us in each of her bewitching seasons, if only we go outside, let it inspire us, and open our hearts to it. Happy reading!

About Ellen Dugan

Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master ...

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