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Techniques for Astral Projection

There are two techniques which are frequently called Astral Projection. The first one is frequently mistaken for Astral Projection but is nothing of the kind. It is actually Mental Projection. In Mental Projection you send your mind and senses away from your body by force of will. You still will retain your consciousness and some sense awareness in your physical body. Another name for this is bi-locationality.

In true Astral Projection the consciousness almost totally leaves the physical and joins the Astral Double. The physical body appears to be sleeping or in a coma…If you would like to try some…methods for projecting your Astral Body and traveling on the Astral Plane, here are some good ones. Remember, however, to always perform the LBRP [Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Other banishing rituals may also be used.]… before doing any projection. This cannot be overemphasized.

Method One:

Start off by placing some markers around your room or home. These markers could include such things as a rose, a bowl of cold water, a shoe, etc. Now lie down on your bed. Next, get up and make a circle, going from one marker to the next and back to your bed. Involve yourself with each of the markers. Smell the rose. Feel the cool wetness of the water. Feel the texture of the rubber of the sole of the shoe. When you return to the bed, lie down in your original position.

The next step is to visualize above you a cloud of purest white. It may remain as a cloud or you can form it into the shape of your own body (idealized if desired). You may notice a connection between your physical body and your double in the form of an umbilical-like cord at your nave, solar plexus, the third eye area, or at the top of your head. People experience this cord in different places.

Now, will the cloud or double to circle around the markers following the same path that you had taken earlier. If you noticed the cord, you can see that it will stretch indefinitely. Have the double or cloud smell the rose, feel that water and feel the shoe, just as you did earlier. Eventually this imaginary tour will change to bi-locationality and finally to Astral Projection. Once you have attained these states, there is no need to limit yourself as to where you can go. Feel free to visit a friend’s home. Remember that you are learning a new skill, so don’t try to go too far until you are very comfortable with the experience.

Even if you are only using imagination, always re-absorb the double or cloud back into your physical body when you have completed your journey. Also, always end with a banishing ritual.

Method Two:

This is similar to method one. Either lie down or sit in a chair. Begin by visualizing a cloud in front of you (or over you if you are lying down). If you wish, you may form it into a double of yourself.

Now, firmly desire to transfer your consciousness to the double. If you feel a sudden change in your body, described by some as a lightening or vibrating feeling, will yourself to open your eyes. Do not try to physically open your eyes by using your muscles. Just will yourself to see. Do not be surprised when you see your physical body in front of you.

Spend no more than three minutes concentrating on trying to cause your consciousness to leave your body and join your Astral self. If it works, fine. If it doesn’t work in about three minutes, that is fine too. Relax, take some deep breaths, and try again tomorrow.

The key to succeeding with this system (and with all of the methods, really) is the urgent desire to leave your physical body. When you succeed, be sure to re-absorb the double into your physical body at the end of the projection. Of course, do banishings before and after.

Method Three:

Lie naked on a bed. Have a friend or relative put a folded heavy bedspread on your feet. Now, have your aide slowly drag the folded spread up your body until it reaches the top of your head. Then the person helping you should quickly lift the spread up and away from you and quietly leave the room.

Now duplicate the process in your mind’s eye. Only instead of a bedspread, feel your Astral body rising up. First your feet rise, then your ankles, calves, knees and so forth to the top of your head. At the point where the bedspread was lifted from your physical body, imagine your consciousness going with the Astral body. When finished, re-absorb the double into your body.

Method Four:

Hear the musical note D natural above middle C in your mind. A little practice with a piano, pitch pipe, or a friend with a musical instrument will make this pitch familiar to you. Now, double the frequency of the pitch in your mind so that you hear a pitch an octave higher than the first note. If you are not a musician, a friend with musical knowledge can help you with this.

Again, hear the tone, only an additional octave higher, then hear it an octave above that. Continue this process until you are far above a piano’s range.

You will notice that you are feeling lighter as the note goes up in pitch. You may sense a vibration in your head. Let the sound rise higher and higher as you feel the sound rise toward the ceiling of your room. When you sense that the sound is as high as it can go, both as a pitch and within the confines of the room, will your eyes to open. Again, don’t be surprised if you see your physical body below. When finished, allow the double to be re-absorbed into the physical body. This method is particularly good for musicians…

Some students have expressed concerns about "being lost in the Astral" and not being able to come back to their physical bodies. If you follow the instructions given…it simply cannot happen. You have a direct link to your body via the cord mentioned earlier. This is true even if you, like some people, are not aware of the existence of the cord. The only time "getting lost" can occur is if you stray too far from your physical body. The relative expression "too far" is not a question of yards or miles. For lack of a better comparison…it refers to hundreds of light years. Simply stay near your body while you are learning and you will have no such problems whatsoever.

In fact, the biggest problem for most people isn’t not getting back, but getting out in the first place and then staying out. You must truly desire to leave your body and approach the entire idea of the Astral by knowing that it is beautiful, stimulating, safe, exciting and fun!

There is one problem, rarely mention due to its lack of seriousness. It can occur to beginners and long-time veterans of Astral Projection and Travel. It is what is known as "Astral Whiplash." Sometimes, when you are out-of-body, something can jar your physical body enough to suddenly draw your Astral body back into your physical self. This can be from a knock on the door, a phone ringing, a car backfiring or a friend nudging you and asking you, "Hey, are you asleep?"

The result of this whiplash back into your physical body is that you may feel groggy, sore all over, tired, and you may get a headache. When you project, astral "substance" (it has gone under many names) comes out of your physical body and unites with your Astral body by way of the aforementioned cord. Coming back too quickly can result in your leaving some of this "substance" still out on the Astral Plane. It is this loss which causes the minor physical problems mentioned above. This is one reason why you should always allow the double to be absorbed by the physical body after you finish your projection…

If you ever have a problem with Astral Whiplash, and you were not really close to your body when the whiplash occurred, there is a simply remedy for any of the symptoms associated with it. Re-project yourself to the same place to which you went when you were interrupted. Then return to your physical body in your normal fashion. You will automatically collect whatever substance was lost. If you do not have a chance to re-project, the feelings resulting from Astral Whiplash will fade in a few hours or after you have a good sleep.

Perhaps the best solution to Astral Whiplash caused by an interruption from an outsider would be prevention. Before attempting any projection, take the phone off the hook and tell anybody else in your home that you are not to be disturbed for the next hour.
See also:  Astral Travel
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