Posted Under Astrology

Blacking Out: Using Eclipses to Predict World Events and Personal Transformation


From ancient astrologers to modern man, eclipses are phenomena that capture the imagination. The mystery they invoke adds to their fascination. As a service to their kings, the oldest astrologers used them extensively to forecast droughts, famines, wars, and other major events; thus, eclipses became known to portend evils. Some called them omens—a decidedly final testimony, because they appear to operate outside the boundaries of our usual free will and control.

But for all the great genius that went into the notes on eclipses handed down by the old mathematicians, there is little agreement among modern astrologers as to how long an eclipse is active. The formula passed along for measuring the life span of an eclipse was muddled or tampered with, leaving us with several different formulas to take into account. Without established basic criteria, assessing the impact of an eclipse is prone to inaccuracies and error.

With an intense astrological interest in eclipses for many years, I have been tracking down and learning the secret workings of an eclipse. I discovered them to be particularly revealing in individual horoscopes, so I applied similar timing measures that were used reliably in specific cases to study the impact of eclipses on world affairs. I began this project in 2000, and focused my research on the last two hundred years of United States history. When 9/11 happened, it conformed to a red-flag date range noted to be highly suspicious for catastrophic events and vicious attacks, based upon the historical study I conducted. In fact, the eclipse signifying that event was the most powerful eclipse of the new millennium, particularly for the US.

Shocked by the significance and magnitude of the event in relation to the formula being tested, I realized how essential it was to continue to study mundane astrology and to begin compiling notes. Combined with collected pieces relating to the impact of eclipses in natal charts that I'd compiled over the years, there was plenty of material to constitute a book about eclipses, as they can be utilized both in terms of forecasting world events and for predicting personal transformations.

How does one measure an eclipse's life span? Does it matter if it's a solar or a lunar eclipse, and what's the difference anyway? How do you determine the power of an eclipse and where does this special power come from? What is the Lord of the eclipse and what can it tell us? What about the zodiac sign of the eclipse? How do you know when an eclipse is activated and when to expect events? All of these questions are addressed in part one of the book.

Part two shares astounding examples of major events and their connection to eclipses in our history, including events of the new millennium, to demonstrate how the past can teach us much about the future. Topics include key figures, assassinations, finances, the stock market, 9/11, wildfires, shark attacks, war, space shuttles, extraterrestrials, and more. I also share some projections, with special attention to the potential events signified by eclipses in 2007, and include an extended outlook to 2020.

Part three is all about you, or how to determine the meaning of an eclipse in an individual's chart. Do you know you can draw definite conclusions of a predictive nature based solely upon eclipses? And, they are often to be anticipated! Even your prenatal eclipse says things about you. An eclipse acts as a guidepost on life's journey—a message from the cosmos. You'll find how to differentiate between solar and lunar eclipses, between North and South Node eclipses of each type; there are even key phrases for each of the four. You'll learn how to prepare for a significant eclipse by looking at house, angular, and planetary indicators. By examining specific trigger dates you can also learn when to expect important developments. There's even a collection of short stories from people who experienced eclipses similar to those you may be having now.

Whether you're interested in an eclipse from a personal or a worldly perspective, tables and charts in part four cover each consecutive eclipse through 2012, with power ratings and dates of stimulation. There are mundane and planetary keys and elemental assignments that pinpoint the significance of any given eclipse. I've included charts for many countries including the US, for several US cities and for NASA and the NYSE. These help locate parts of the world and other entities affected by eclipses. Each entry includes sundry historical information of interest and a listing of coming eclipses of significance.

No matter your particular interest, you are sure to find a treasure or two in Eclipses: Predicting World Events and Personal Transformation.